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Reluctant Press Book Cover
Price: $6.00
Availability: In Stock
Reluctant Press Item #: RP247e -

    When we got back home, there was a message on the answering machine. "Hello Christine," said a masculine voice. "I got your reply to my ad, and you sound very nice. My name is Jerry, by the way. Let's figure out how to get together and meet, I'm really very interested in you. Give me a call when you can. I'll be home all night tonight. My number is..."I insisted that Christine call back right away, after I prepped her with her proper response."Hello, is Jerry there?" she said, in her sweetest...

    Reluctant Press Book Cover
    Price: $6.00
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    Reluctant Press Item #: RP246e -

      "Come dear, take my arm," ordered Tracy. Fortunately, she observed, none of her friends had been outside to see this spectacle. Her pet would have to be carefully trained. Any suspicions that she might have had about the actual case history of this child beside her were rapidly becoming resolved. It really must have been a man once. Adam Smith, incredible. Well that wouldn't stop her in the creation of happiness. Her possessiveness was gratified by the force of "Toko's" grip on her upper arm....

      Reluctant Press Book Cover
      Price: $6.00
      Availability: In Stock
      Reluctant Press Item #: RP245e -

        "I am late. I'm sorry, Alex said eight o'clock. Were you waiting long? I am Xandria.""Yes, I know. No. Not too late. I'm Pixie." She looked down at the shoes this woman had on. My God! She had sold a pair like that to Alex. In a rush, the whole thing became clear to her. "I'll be... go-to-hell. Alex-Xandria - Xandria. You had me going! I thought I had competition." Pixie and Xandria fell into each other's arms, laughing."Turn around. Let me take this all in. You really are something else. You...

        Reluctant Press Book Cover
        Price: $6.00
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        Reluctant Press Item #: RP244e -

          Laying on his bed, Michael tried to make peace with himself. His hand wandered down to the bandages on his thighs. That was where they had inserted the implant of female hormones. He knew that unless the implant was removed, his body would start to change, becoming increasingly more feminine.. Michael thought about removing the bandage and then using tweezers or pliers to pull the implant out. But then there would be no money for his mom's operation."No I must endure this for her sake," the...

          Reluctant Press Book Cover
          Price: $6.00
          Availability: In Stock
          Reluctant Press Item #: RP243e -

            "Are you in love with him?" She softly said as she looked at me holding my chin."NO... How can I, I'm a man, ain't I? I'm not queer, I don't want to be a queer. That's what's making Joe sad right? Men don't love men." I answered witping off the tears. "All I know is I feel good when he's around, I like to do things to make him happy. And I want to take care of him." The tears flowed again. "Oh, I don't know what I am.""Honey, after your story, neither do I. 'Man' may be a big question here,...

            Reluctant Press Book Cover
            Price: $8.00
            Availability: In Stock
            Reluctant Press Item #: RP242e -

              "Lindsay, it's just that I'm having second thoughts about all this. I'm not sure we're doing the right thing," I heard Bobbi say.Captain Frost sounded a little bit angry. "What are you gonna do, back out on me now?" she asked. "Isn't it just a little bit too late for that?""I don't know, Lindsey... I'm just worried that they'll have some kind of bad reaction to the hormones. They're obviously working on them already. I mean, Jesus, have you seen those girls lately?"The Captain chuckled despite...

              Reluctant Press Book Cover
              Price: $6.00
              Availability: In Stock
              Reluctant Press Item #: RP241e -

                Deprived of all but his blouse and brassiere, Brad struggled against the weight of his mother's hands pinning his shoulders to the examining table. He wished desperately to have his gaffe and panty girdle back on. Embarrassing as they were, they were not half so horrid as being naked from the waist down. Vickers strapped his ankles into the stirrups of the examination table. She probed his anus with a finger as he squirmed helplessly. "I have lodged the suppository well into his rectum, Alice....

                Reluctant Press Book Cover
                Price: $6.00
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                Reluctant Press Item #: RP240e -

                  I was suddenly awakened by the sound of my front door being shattered and the sound of troopers' boots in my living room!I sat bolt upright in bed, the covers falling away from my stuffed brassiered chest. The door to the bedroom flew open and four troopers with spotlights stood pointing guns at me!"Stay where you are. You are under arrest!" rasped one of them as they stormed into my bedroom!I sat there in dumb astonishment. How had they found out about me? Right now, Their video recorders...

                  Reluctant Press Book Cover
                  Price: $6.00
                  Availability: In Stock
                  Reluctant Press Item #: RP239e -

                    Jenny Pollack thanked the desk attendant and headed for the Concord Street exit. The doorman opened the door for her as she approached. She nodded and smiled at him in thanks. Jenny's given name was James. She was sixteen and was a second year contestant in the Gay Massachusetts Junior Miss Pageant.She did not look anything like a James. Her brunette hair feel in soft curls onto her neck. She stood 5'6" tall and weighed 131 pounds. Her bust was thirty five inches, her waist - twenty five, and...

                    Reluctant Press Book Cover
                    Price: $6.00
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                    Reluctant Press Item #: RP237e -

                      "What I'm going to do here, dear girl," she began with a slow smile drawing out the 'girl' and rolling it around her mouth like savoring something incredibly delicious, "is to eradicate any masculinity you have. Totally obliterate it, tear the least trace of it out of you and leave you a hollow shell waiting to be filled, with the ultra feminine, fluttery, giggling sexpot of a bimbo I intend to make of you." She grinned at the thought. "When I am through with you, it won't matter if the Venus...

                      Reluctant Press Book Cover
                      Price: $6.00
                      Availability: In Stock
                      Reluctant Press Item #: RP236e -

                        From Sissy Garden..."I suspected something special was going on at the fountain the other day. When I saw this strange feminine creature enter your living room earlier after that unusual presentation about the Madonna Inn, I began to suspect you might have hired a crossdresser. Now, this is much sweeter, the icing on the cake," said Charlotte reaching out to put a finger on Alvin's powdered nose."I call her Alvina when she's not wearing her wig. The sissy doesn't like it very much but it's all...

                        Reluctant Press Book Cover
                        Price: $6.00
                        Availability: In Stock
                        Reluctant Press Item #: RP235e -

                          The ensuing weeks didn't get much better. My job search was becoming more frantic. I could find nothing in my field, and wasn't sure what other kind of work I might want to try. I got my first Unemployment check, and that was only about two-thirds of my old pay. I was going to be in serious financial trouble soon, I realized, if I didn't find something.And Rich continued his pursuit. He sent me flowers. He left me messages on my machine. He showed up at my doorstep at night, wanting to talk....

                          Reluctant Press Book Cover
                          Price: $6.00
                          Availability: In Stock
                          Reluctant Press Item #: RP234e -

                            Maude checked every inch of his body for unwanted hair, and saw that his breasts had enlarged to an A or AA cup. But she was well prepared for this event, and indicated other boxes to be opened. Therein were all the underclothing a girl would need and covet, knickers, slips, both half and full, camisoles, nylon stockings and pantyhose, garter belts an an assortment of bras in various colors an sizes from A to B cup. In other boxes were shoes of many colors, a few pairs of flats, but the rest...

                            Reluctant Press Book Cover
                            Price: $6.00
                            Availability: In Stock
                            Reluctant Press Item #: RP233e -

                              From Boxed-In...Besides, he was discovering that life as a girl was not nearly as terrible as it had seemed. In fact, he found himself beginning to enjoy being a girl. Things he had noticed before but never stopped to think about were now clearly revealed... boys falling all over themselves... betraying their convictions... looking foolish... all while desperately trying to impress pretty girls. If a girl was smart, she could easily control a boy. All the girl had to do was smile and appear to...

                              Reluctant Press Book Cover
                              Price: $6.00
                              Availability: In Stock
                              Reluctant Press Item #: RP232e -

                                "I was the person who performed the procedure." Answering my unvoiced question. "As far as we can tell, right now, the experiment was successful We are monitoring your vital signs and reading full brain activity. Congratulations. You are the first person to undergo a brain transplant."The doctor looks at me patronizingly but with sympathy like a parent trying to explain how Grandma has gone to the big nursing home in the sky."Please remember, you were dying. We couldn't stabilize you after...

                                Reluctant Press Book Cover
                                Price: $6.00
                                Availability: In Stock
                                Reluctant Press Item #: RP231e -

                                  I was going to put on girl's clothes.I entered the room and slowly closed the door behind me. I let the sense of the feminine presence in the room just overwhelm me. I felt somehow, even though I had never met her, that I was intimately connected to her in some way that I could never hope to explain. I felt as though she somehow knew what I was doing and that she approved of it. I knew that was really a silly feeling, but I had it nonetheless.I walked over to her dresser drawers, I opened them...

                                  Reluctant Press has been in business for over 25 years bringing the best in stories of crossdressing, transsexuals, forced feminization, mystery, intrigue and often the ultimate satisfaction of transgender individuals. From those involved with innocent urges to males trapped by women and men with sinister goals, the novels bring you adventure in the transvestite, crossdressing and transgender world.