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Price: $8.00
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Reluctant Press Item #: RP93e -

    I'm not saying that they had to pry me out the door with levers, but there was a large portion of reluctance on my part to leave that relative haven o safety. How could I do such a thing? The shoes felt funny, my legs were cold from being semi exposed to the "raw" air, the skirt and slip were downright distracting and limiting my step size to say nothing of the unaccustomed weight and size of those bumps on my chest. Only the remembrance of the image in the mirror coupled with the "good of the...

    Price: $6.00
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    Reluctant Press Item #: RP92e -

      There was a cool breeze blowing when we came out. It worried the hem of my dress as it played with my slip and skirt. Mom let go of me only when we got to the car. I wanted to run back into the house, but thought better of it since anyone watching would really get suspicious then, and there was no telling what Mom would do to me. Besides, I didn't know if she had put a house key in my purse. I could just imagine myself rifling the purse only to find no key, then being forced to go in the care...

      Price: $8.00
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      Reluctant Press Item #: RP89e -

        "He's not taking any hormones," Sueann protested firmly, interrupting Betty's story. "In fact Jamie doesn't even like to use aspirin."Better thought for a minute and snapped her fingers. "Of course, that's got to be it! He's working at the Franklin Pharmaceutical Company isn't he?""You know he is. What about it?" Sueann asked."What do they make there, in fact, what is their only product" Better countered smugly. "Everyone knows that, they make birth control..." Sueann blanched and ran to the...

        Price: $8.00
        Availability: In Stock
        Reluctant Press Item #: RP87e -

          "You've never worn your sister's nighties?""My sister wore long night gowns, nothing so...""Sexy?""Yes," I blushed.Evita lay the flimsy baby doll on her pillow. "Then you are going to have some fun tonight." She reached for my hand ant pulled me from the bed, spinning me around, unzipping my gown. "Don't tell me you don't want to try it on? Don't tell me you're not a transvestite. You probably masturbate dreaming about frilly things, so why fight it? Why act so embarrassed? You are who you...

          Price: $8.00
          Availability: In Stock
          Reluctant Press Item #: RP86e -

            "Trust me. I've experience in this. Now I'm going to pass about 5% of Juliana's male elan to you. You will feel very little. A few minor changes may take place within a few minutes. Others will take all night. We'll have a session every day at three. Very well, let's get started."She placed a hand on each of our heads. I flinched but really felt nothing. Hank looked puzzled. Madam Kehzia removed her hands."Was that it?" I asked."Uh-huh," she said. "Hank, feel anything?""Sort of a fullness in...

            Price: $7.00
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            Reluctant Press Item #: RP85e -

              From Magic Moments...Peter immediately started to take off his clothes. He was now so under Garet's magical control that the possibility of objecting just did not enter his mind. He was wearing a brief and crop top set of the kind which was ll the rage amongst modern young misses. The material was a very soft cotton, pale pink with white polka dots. The briefs were high waisted paniteis. The crop top was like the top of a vest but only went down to just below his chest, leaving his midriff...

              Price: $8.00
              Availability: In Stock
              Reluctant Press Item #: RP84e -

                "What do you think I should do?" Jason asked."If I were you, I'd go back down to the DMV and have them issue you a new one with your picture on it. Either that or...""Or what?""Start wearing a dress." Mary Sue's giggle brought the predicted dirty look from Jason.

                Price: $6.00
                Availability: In Stock
                Reluctant Press Item #: RP79e -

                  From All Girl Band: The car door opened and the flabbergasted beauty was helped to her high heeled feet. . Barbie remembered now. She would never be anything but what she was. A sexy little rock 'n' roll tramp with a body to die for. Her sister's revenge had been completed the day she awoke from that last injection to find herself trapped in the body of a teenage sex bomb! What's more, while she was unconscious, they had messed with her mind somehow, so that every time she was around a crowd...

                  74 Transitioned into Skirts eBook by Romana mags inc, reluctant press, transgender, crossdressing stories, transvestite stories, feminine domination stories, crossdress, transvestite, Romana
                  Price: $6.00
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                  Availability: In Stock
                  Reluctant Press Item #: RP74e -

                    Peggy just looked at him quizzically. To Larry's amazement, the ring actually slid onto his selected finger. In his mind, he tried to picture the soap opera star, Victoria Majors. He braced himself; the first effect was not slow in coming. His stomach felt like he was in free fall, and every inch of his being ws in motion. He glanced downwards, as his chest shrank in girth and his breasts grew in size. At the same time, his waistline almost seemed to flow downwards into his growing hips... ...

                    73 Silk and Satin Sissy eBook by Shelley Isis mags inc, reluctant press, transgender, crossdressing stories, transvestite stories, feminine domination stories, crossdress, transvestite, Shelly Isis
                    Price: $8.00
                    Availability: In Stock
                    Reluctant Press Item #: RP73e -

                      That next week, the mansion fluttered with excitement awaiting the return of Alicia.Shelley, only briefly, tried to argue that he wanted to wear something more masculine for her return, but Mrs. VanBeau convinced him that she wanted to fool Alicia with Shelley's transformation to see if he would be recognized. Early that evening, the cab pulled into the circular drive and Shelley, dressed again in his pink satin uniform and made up like a porcelain doll, stood by the doorway to greet his...

                      72 New Kid in Town eBook by Joanna Mathe mags inc, reluctant press, transgender, crossdressing stories, transvestite stories, feminine domination stories, crossdress, transvestite, Joanna Mathe
                      Price: $8.00
                      Availability: In Stock
                      Reluctant Press Item #: RP72e -

                        "But I can't go to school dressed like a girl!"The girls broke into loud laughter causing me to look down towards the floor in knowing realization of the truth as Angela and Tina held a pink dress for me to step into."Oh please, don't do this to me." I continued to protest while I submissively slipped my arms throuth the holes for the dress' little rose, puff sleeves trimmed with a dainty white lace ruffle. As they buttoned up the back I could see to my shame that the pink, nylon, dress had a...

                        68 Shamed into Skirts eBook by Liz Jamesguard mags inc, reluctant press, transgender, crossdressing stories, transvestite stories, feminine domination stories, crossdress, transvestite, Liz Jamesguard
                        Price: $8.00
                        Availability: In Stock
                        Reluctant Press Item #: RP68e -

                          "Bartholomew Curtis Wingate," the judge intoned from the bench. "You have been found of manslaughter by a jury of your peers." The Prosecutor had reduced his charge. He didn't want Bartholomew Wingate to hang; he wanted him alive and humiliated. "Have you anything to say for yourself?""You and all your cronies will regret this," Bartholomew stated sternly. "You don't know who you are dealing with.""And you obviously are not aware of whom you are dealing with, young man." the judge returned....

                          Reluctant Press Book Cover
                          Price: $7.00
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                          Availability: In Stock
                          Reluctant Press Item #: RP65e -

                            Donna was touched by how willing Greg was to help her and she was especially pleased to see what a profound effect her transformation had on Greg. He was back on track again, she could feel it. Her magical sex change had definitely been a good idea. Embarrassing, but a good idea.But she couldn't count any chickens before they were hatched. Donna felt she couldn't feel completely safe about Greg until the woman Donna was standing in for came along. Donna suddenly felt a twinge of jealousy...

                            Reluctant Press Book Cover
                            Price: $6.00
                            Availability: In Stock
                            Reluctant Press Item #: RP63e -

                              "My job is very tough, Donald, and if I don't get some type of relief from the tensions and responsibilities I'm going to go mad or worse yet, have a breakdown. This way I'm always going to know that my home is a clean safe harbor Not only that but at home I'll be loved, no that's not right, I'll be adored and I'll be pampered. Aren't I right Donald?"Finally I was going to be given a chance to speak."Please, Pamela, I don't want to be maid. I'll clean the house and cook and wash and do...

                              Reluctant Press Book Cover
                              Price: $7.00
                              Availability: In Stock
                              Reluctant Press Item #: RP62e -

                                "So let's get started. My name's Betty. What's yours?""Er... Ah...""Erah. Strange name. Is it Chinese?""My name's Ben.""Erah Ben. Hmm. May have to find a better one, Eh?""Who are you?""I'm your trainer, honey.""Trainer?""Uh-huh. I'm to teach you how to act, dress and all that sort of stuff.""Like a woman?""Are you a man?""Not any more.""Right! And you accepted this training, this new position in society?""Yes but I didn't know what it was.""You didn't know and you still accepted?""Yes.""Then I...

                                Reluctant Press Book Cover
                                Price: $6.00
                                Availability: In Stock
                                Reluctant Press Item #: RP60e -

                                  My move from the city was to begin a new life. I had always wanted to be a sexy lady, and had decided that Long Island was as good a place as any to begin my rebirth. Becoming a lady, however, was not as easy as I had imagined.Three months of experimentation and practice produced very few results, if any at all.If Lolita had the desire, she could become a valuable source of knowledge. I had no idea, however, what would motivate her to be my friend. And if I told her of my intentions, how would...

                                  Reluctant Press has been in business for over 25 years bringing the best in stories of crossdressing, transsexuals, forced feminization, mystery, intrigue and often the ultimate satisfaction of transgender individuals. From those involved with innocent urges to males trapped by women and men with sinister goals, the novels bring you adventure in the transvestite, crossdressing and transgender world.