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Bea, famous for her stories about hapless males ending up as submissive almost women, wrote for us under several other names including Stella Satin, Tiffany Mellis, and even Maureen Glasgow (for Reluctant Press). You can find her work here.

Products 1-16 of 80
Rich Bitch eBook by Tiffany Mellis mags, inc, crossdressing stories, transvestite stories, female domination, stories, Tiffany Mellis
Price: $7.00
Availability: In Stock
Mags Inc Item #: M232e -

    One becomes used to just about anything. Beth was always servile enough to me but would grin just a little sardonically as if she'd send Frances - I mean Frank - off to do various things to show her domination over the guy. And what could I say as they gradually feminized the poor lad? His hair gradually became more girlish, then his nails. Then more makeup - and naturally earrings. I don't know who blushed the most, him or me, when he appeared in his first full maid uniform, apron and...

    Sister Act - The New Girl in the Family eBook by Tiffany Mellis mags inc, crossdressing stories, transvestite stories, female domination stories, sissy maid stories, Tiffany Mellis
    Price: $7.00
    Availability: In Stock
    Mags Inc Item #: M242e -

      I knew immediately that there was no sense in struggling. Knew that she was straonger than me. On top of that, I felt that I would show a disrespect for my new sister-in-law if I objected. Found myself slipping helplessly into her arms. "My turn! My turn!" Carol was saying and, still breathless, I was floated from Sylvia to Carol, very conscious of my woman's shape on the water as I transfered from one set of tanned arms to another, my own soft pale arms looking weak and womanish. My breasts...

      Slow Notion eBook by Tiffany Mellis mags, inc, crossdressing stories, transvestite stories, female domination, stories, Tiffany Mellis
      Price: $7.00
      Availability: In Stock
      Mags Inc Item #: M234e -

        "So? I have a lot of brainwashing to get through to help you accept a lifestyle that I'm sure you're unaccustomed to - but I'm sure that you'll end up loving." "A lifestyle?" I gulped. "Of course! I like my boys to be all soft and sweet. Wearing pretty clothes. be undemanding - do as I want in other words." "I don't know as if I'd like that - not very much," I said, adding the last bit hastily. She had picked me up and was carrying me into her bedroom, talking as she went. "Of course you...

        Utter Debasement eBook by Tiffany Mellis mags inc, novelettes, crossdressing stories, transgender, transsexual, transvestite stories, female domination, Tiffany Mellis
        Price: $7.00
        Availability: In Stock
        Mags Inc Item #: M193e -

          My heart lurched within me as I saw what she had draped over the back of a chair. Through time, I'd learned that what she dressed me in when she wanted me 'femme' was an indication of what was in store for me. Whites, pinks, neutral colors? She just wanted to punish me. The undies draped over the chair were midnight blue.. I was in some trouble, but they were not black, thank God.

          Reluctant Sissy & Compulsion eBook by Stella Satin mags inc, Reluctant press, crossdressing stories, transgender stories, transsexual stories, transvestite stories, female domination, Stella Satin
          Price: $7.00
          Availability: In Stock
          Mags Inc Item #: M126e -

            I realized she knew far more about my dealings than anyone and anyway? I didn't mind boasting a little about the scams I'd pulled and what I'd done with the money. Didn't tell her how much, naturally. I finished up by telling her what I'd heard on the radio. How I was stuck until the banks opened on Monday. She nodded. "Makes sense now. but there's an easy way to get to your bank without them catching you." "Wow! You sure are smart Emily!" I fawned. "What do you have in mind?" "It's going to...

            Authority Figure eBook by Stella Satin mags inc, novelettes, crossdressing stories, transgender, transsexual, transvestite stories, female domination, Stella Satin
            Price: $7.00
            Availability: In Stock
            Mags Inc Item #: M210e -

              She thought for a moment. "I'm very complimented by this. At the same time? I'm not very sure if you understand what I want of you. Today would be a drop in the bucket. I'd expect..." "Please darling?" I interrupted. "I said it before and I meant it. I love you and want to make you happy!" (The fact that she was fondling me through the sheer materials of the nightdress and peignoir had absolutely nothing to do with what I'd just said - well maybe a little.) "Okay!" she said. On your own head...

              Triangle eBook by Stella Satin mags, inc, crossdressing stories, transvestite stories, female domination, stories, Stella Satin
              Price: $7.00
              Availability: In Stock
              Mags Inc Item #: M223e -

                Shades of my Mother catching me! The door to Debbie's room opens and Janice is ushered in by Mrs. Williams - to find me sitting on the edge of Debbie's bed, my face respondent in full makeup, debbie standing over me, a lipstick tube in her hand. "Oh hi Jan!" Debbie smiled a greeting at Janice. "I got so engrossed in doing this that I forgot you were coming over. Hod on a minute. I just want to finish putting Philip's lipstick on!" Then she gives me a playful cuff on the back of the head....

                Token Male eBook by Stella Satin mags, inc, crossdressing stories, transvestite stories, female domination, stories, Stella Satin
                Price: $7.00
                Availability: In Stock
                Mags Inc Item #: M235e -

                  She gave me an appraising glance. "You're becoming very pretty dear. Now hurry to the door - and don't forget. I want you to be an especially good girl tonight! Let my guests see that you're nice and domesticated! Just like all husbands should be!" She eyed me a little. "Though I'm getting less and less sure of the 'husband' part of it. Off with you now!" The references to my gender were becoming more and more numerous, and more and more feminine-related, I thought, hurrying to answer the...

                  Home is Where the Hearth Is eBook by Bea mags inc, Reluctant press, crossdressing stories, transgender stories, transsexual stories, transvestite stories, female domination, Bea
                  Price: $7.00
                  Availability: In Stock
                  Mags Inc Item #: M105e -

                    "Exactly! And to be quite honest, I think that if you could remain subservient to her, she might like the idea enough to have you stay on." "I see what you are saying," I said, "but I don't want to sound suspicious, but why are you being so nice to me?" She shook her head vigorously. "You've got it all wrong. Susie's not only my employer, she the best friend I ever had. She's got the makings of being a very successful writer, but in my opinion has terrible hangups as far as you're concerned....

                    Conditions of Employment eBook by Bea mags inc, Reluctant press, crossdressing stories, transgender stories, transsexual stories, transvestite stories, female domination, Bea
                    Price: $7.00
                    Availability: In Stock
                    Mags Inc Item #: M172e -

                      She put a finger under my chin and lifted my face up until she was looking straight into my eyes. "Charles? You and I are going into my closet. We are going to find clothes that may be of use to you. I expect no more nonsense. As a matter of fact? I want to see you in a skirt and blouse tomorrow morning - and a fresh apron of course - at breakfast. Do you understand me? If you have a problem with that request, I suggest you tell me about it, right now. Do you have a problem?" "I don't have to...

                      Office Girls eBook by Bea mags inc, Reluctant press, crossdressing stories, transgender stories, transsexual stories, transvestite stories, female domination, Bea
                      Price: $7.00
                      Availability: In Stock
                      Mags Inc Item #: M173e -

                        "I think Andrew's a lovely name, don't you Dorothy?" Mary said - and I started to cringe, having a premonition of what was coming. Wanted to shut her up, but held as I was in a vice like grip by her side, I could only pray I was wrong. Mummy looked puzzled. "Of course I like it Mary - I picked it after all. What on earth are you talking about?" "Edith told me that some of the ladies at his office are calling him Andrea. I told her that they shouldn't. Andrea's a girls name - and he's a boy!"...

                        Blitzkrieg eBook by Bea mags inc, novelettes, crossdressing stories, transgender, transsexual, transvestite stories, female domination, Bea
                        Price: $7.00
                        Availability: In Stock
                        Mags Inc Item #: M185e -

                          She was speaking. "Now Billy? You have really lovely hands. Nice and plump and soft, but you're not showing them off to best advantage. Girls the same age as you are already way ahead of you in nail care. Now that you're knitting - and especially one I teach you to sew, you'll be dealing with much nicer and finer fabrics - I mean you wouldn't want to be snagging your nails on your nylons would you?"Sewing? Nylons? What was she talking about? But I couldn't think. Was completely lost, bedazzled...

                          Cruising and Poor Michael - Two Stories eBook by Stella Satin mags inc, Reluctant press, crossdressing stories, transgender stories, transsexual stories, transvestite stories, female domination, Stella Satin
                          Price: $7.00
                          Availability: In Stock
                          Mags Inc Item #: M151e -

                            "Yes Gene," he said softly. "But I was wondering...?" "Yes Dorothy?" she cooed. "Well first? I'd kinda like to get changed back. Second? I'l rather you called me David, please?" His voice was weak and rather petulant she thought. "No Dorothy, I will not call you David. Until tomorrow night is over, I want you to think and act like Dorothy. It would be stupid for me to allow your male persona time to take over again, don't you think? Into what, may I ask?" "My real clothes!" But there was no...

                            Sissys First Dress eBook by Stella Satin mags inc, Reluctant press, crossdressing stories, transgender stories, transsexual stories, transvestite stories, female domination, Stella Satin
                            Price: $7.00
                            Availability: In Stock
                            Mags Inc Item #: M171e -

                              Bill, on the other hand, was totally confused. Had absolutely no way of understanding what had transpired. Yes, in many ways, the last few hours had fallen well within his all-time fantasies - yet something was agley. His backside still stung and he was constantly reminded of what he was wearing under his shirt and pants. Little tightnesses here, the soft frisson of shirt against satin there, the tug of the panty legs on his upper thigh, the tightness of the camisole across his back - and what...

                              Repeat Performance eBook by Tiffany Mellis mags inc, novelettes, crossdressing stories, transgender, transsexual, transvestite stories, female domination, Tiffany Mellis
                              Price: $8.00
                              Availability: In Stock
                              Mags Inc Item #: M181e -

                                I drifted into effeminacy as effortlessly as a feather floating downstream on a river. What else could I do? I suppose that, maybe, I had had latent tendencies in that direction but in the weeks that followed, as I became used to sharing a bedroom with a girl - and yes, I did end up sharing the bed with her - she certainly didn't see me as any danger to her, and I guess I started seeing myself as Cindy and Susan saw me - a sissy.And tell me. What do you do when the girl you love brings home...

                                Taken Over eBook by Stella Satin mags inc, novelettes, crossdressing stories, transgender, transsexual, transvestite stories, female domination, Stella Satin
                                Price: $7.00
                                Availability: In Stock
                                Mags Inc Item #: M187e -

                                  Alice grinned at me as I arrived back at our station. "Morning Danae. You look very flustered. What's been going on in there?" I couldn't hold it to myself. "She's asked me to her house this evening!" I whispered excitedly. "Ooooh! I'm so jealous!" she giggled. "What are you going to wear?" "She said to make it casual - but... but... she wants me to wear my new shoes!" She thought for a second. "I've got a skirt I could lend you that would be perfect with them! Want to borrow it?" "I can't...