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Reluctant Press Book Cover
Price: $6.00
Availability: In Stock
Reluctant Press Item #: RP214e -

    From Susan's Secret...Michelle spoke first. She held both of my hands and exclaimed, "Oh, Susan, what a dream! This is what I've wanted to be for years. No hiding, no pretending, no double life, just me, Michelle. God, I was so afraid I was going to lose you when you discovered my hidden closet. I have always wished and hoped that you would know me and accept me, but in my wildest dreams I never could hope for this. Susan, I love you. You are the dearest, sweetest friend a girl could ever hope...

    Reluctant Press Book Cover
    Price: $6.00
    Availability: In Stock
    Reluctant Press Item #: RP213e -

      Ms. Tennyson's effect on him was evident when he'd arrived home. Her lips had touched his cheek and he'd felt his excitement building. He was unable to understand what was happening to him. At one moment he was afraid of her. She held his life in her hands, his whole future was being dictated by the power she had over him.But it wasn't only the fear of the confusion her presence aroused within. Christopher was overwhelmed by her personality and beauty, she was much older, despite this she had...

      Reluctant Press Book Cover
      Price: $10.00
      Availability: In Stock
      Reluctant Press Item #: RP212e -

        Christmas Eve, Barry came over to help me decorate my tree, then I went to his house with him to do the same there. Neither one of us were all that festive, but needed to honor the holiday, and show the family that we were recovered enough from our losses to bear the sight of such reminders of a happiness neither one of us felt that year.I had given up my now customary wine coolers in favor of eggnog spiced with a lot more than nutmeg and cinnamon. Then moved on to some wickedly dry martinis...

        Reluctant Press Book Cover
        Price: $6.00
        Availability: In Stock
        Reluctant Press Item #: RP210e -

          The first wispy light of dawn transformed the gray-black shadows in the guest bedroom into a blushing pink landscape. The blond man-woman flung back the quilt groaning as she-he clutched at his-her skull. The dilated pupils focused upon everything and yet saw nothing in the room. A flood gate had been opened!Memories: hundreds followed hundreds more in a frenzied, jumbled outpouring. Not just scenes and faces and words spoken, not just holidays and Christmas mornings remembered, but feelings,...

          Reluctant Press Book Cover
          Price: $6.00
          Availability: In Stock
          Reluctant Press Item #: RP208e -

            "Ah, here at last. come over hear slave. These are the clothes you will wear for today as you perform your duties," ordered Vanessa motioning Ray over to where she was.Ray, mindful of his promise, walked over to her and looked at the clothes on the bed. He shook his head in total disbelief. On the bed was a maid's outfit, complete from head to toe; a pair of black high heels, a black flowered lace bra and panty set and a long black wig.Vanessa just smiled at the toal effect she was having on...

            Reluctant Press Book Cover
            Price: $6.00
            Availability: In Stock
            Reluctant Press Item #: RP207e -

              From Mesmerized..."I promised that I wouldn't make 'im cluck like a chicken! C'mon, don't you wanna see just how far this can go?"Wendy still asked, "What do you mean?""Well we haven't had our desert yet, how about having 'Peri' here serve us... as our hostess?""How's that gonna show that she's... uh, he's... a woman?" Wendy now asked, suddenly unsure of her husband's gender."Well, you two're about the same height and, ummm, dimensions... d'you think Peri could fit into your things?""Gary! You...

              Reluctant Press Book Cover
              Price: $6.00
              Availability: Out of Stock
              Reluctant Press Item #: RP206e -

                "Well of course you realize that if I did leave the firm to become your personal research analyst, I would have to insist on having a private office. I would also have to insist on being able to wear feminine clothing whenever I was at work, if I wanted to. I would also need the part time services of my own executive administrative secretary."I threw all of these suggestions out with a careless attitude as I felt certain that I was just playing a game with him. But I loved the chance to play...

                Reluctant Press Book Cover
                Price: $6.00
                Availability: In Stock
                Reluctant Press Item #: RP205e -

                  Greg awoke in a panic. He couldn't move or see. There was something over his mouth, preventing him from calling out. His wrists were bound and there were straps over his legs, hips, chest and forehead. No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't free himself. He could barely move.His hearing wasn't affected and he could tell that he wasn't alone. His thrashing got their attention."Good morning Nikki. And how are we this morning?"Greg recognized the voice. It was Diane."Now don't panic. We all...

                  Reluctant Press Book Cover
                  Price: $6.00
                  Availability: In Stock
                  Reluctant Press Item #: RP204e -

                    Was she going to have sex with him all night? he wondered. Alan knew he wanted to stay with her forever. He decided she could all night and the rest of his life if she wanted to.Alan felt her wrap her arms around him again, taking ownership of him. They moved tegether, more slowly this time. She was breathing close to his cheek and nibblint on his er. Her tongue licked his neck.She whispered. "Don't be afraid Alan. I'm not going to hurt you, only change you."Then she bit. Her sharp fangs...

                    Reluctant Press Book Cover
                    Price: $6.00
                    Availability: In Stock
                    Reluctant Press Item #: RP203e -

                      I could feel it all happening to me. It was a combination of all of their products together. The depilatory cream on my body and face, the shampoo and conditioner on my head, the oils on my body and the drink inside of me. They worked with each other to change me from the inside out.I was still a man, I mean I had working male genitalia. The rest of me was fast becoming feminine. But beyond that these chemicals worked to change my mind too. Not only my thoughts, but on the way my mind worked....

                      Reluctant Press Book Cover
                      Price: $5.00
                      Availability: In Stock
                      Reluctant Press Item #: RP202e -

                        The twins placed me on my back.Daisy produced some short lengths of cord and began to tie one of my wrists to the corner of the bed..."You just hush til I finish tyin' ya down an I'll answer all yer questions," Daisy ordered.I lay quietly as she tied my wrists and ankles to the four corners of the bed."OK boys. She's all set."The twins stepped back and Daisy covered me with a soft white quilt."Please! Please tell me what's going on!"Daisy sat on the edge of the bed and began to play with my...

                        Reluctant Press Book Cover
                        Price: $6.00
                        Availability: In Stock
                        Reluctant Press Item #: RP201e -

                          It just got to me, they opened the front door and just expected me to walk out to the car as if notign was wrong, I ask you. Here I was dressed and made up to look like a woman and they expected me to just act 'normal'? What were they, crazy or what? It was all too much. With each movement the skirt of the dress brushed against the nylons on my legs, the noise as my heels hit the tiles in the hallway, the long hair sweeping across my fare neck and shoulders, the curve of my breasts on my...

                          Reluctant Press Book Cover
                          Price: $6.00
                          Availability: In Stock
                          Reluctant Press Item #: RP200e -

                            Jenny's stylist had a cancellation. With that opening Jenny pointed to me asking her how she thought I would look in a spiral perm. Quickly she replied how much fuller and bouncier it would be rather than lying flat as it now did.Jenny reached into her purse for two twenties handing them to the stylist as she pointed to me saying. "My treat!"I started walking for the door uttering, "No thanks, not for me."The stylist locked her arm in mine turning me back toward her chair. She sweetly said...

                            Reluctant Press Book Cover
                            Price: $7.00
                            Availability: In Stock
                            Reluctant Press Item #: RP199e -

                              As I left the shower Mom told me how much she had missed having a daughter. With her hands on her hips she commented, "You know Evelyn, you'll probably be developing more pronounced hips like mine and a bigger butt. And don't be surprised if your breasts grow like these," indicating her own beauties.I smiled considering this, thinking how beautiful she was and how much she was exaggerating the situation. I'd probably develop some minor female characteristics which would help my disguise but...

                              Reluctant Press Book Cover
                              Price: $7.00
                              Availability: In Stock
                              Reluctant Press Item #: RP198e -

                                He could not believe what he was seeing reflected back at him. He knew his mouth was hanging open because he could see it in the mirror, but it had rich inviting full red lips attached to it. Slowly his hand sneaked up to touch lightly o his cheek. It was his face all right, even if he couldn't feel it through all that gunk she had covered it in. "Like what you see don't cha!" he heard as Belinda returned. His mouth snapped shut with an audible click as he turned to face her. "I thought you...

                                Reluctant Press Book Cover
                                Price: $6.00
                                Availability: In Stock
                                Reluctant Press Item #: RP197e -

                                  When I came to, I was lying in a bed wearing only my panties. I could see my clothes on the chair by the wall, but when I tried to move, my head started spinning like crazy again, so I remained absolutely still waiting for it to subside. I tried remembering what happened but had only vague recollections of the party and Marilyn and Frankie. I remembered Frankie's breasts crushing into me and I couldn't remember where Shirley was. What had happened to her? My anxiety was building, making it so...

                                  Reluctant Press has been in business for over 25 years bringing the best in stories of crossdressing, transsexuals, forced feminization, mystery, intrigue and often the ultimate satisfaction of transgender individuals. From those involved with innocent urges to males trapped by women and men with sinister goals, the novels bring you adventure in the transvestite, crossdressing and transgender world.