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Her TV - The Transvestite "heroine's" sexuality and/or romantic involvement is exclusively with genetic women (i.e., those born with all female parts). Sometimes there is some surgical enhancement for the main character in these stories, such as breast implants, but ultimately our main character keeps his male parts and at least some of his/her male identity.

New Woman - These stories involve an actual change of sex, either by surgery or by some other method, such as magical transformation or "new science." Sexual involvement may be with either men or women ...Sometimes both!

Adult TV - The crossdresser has some sexual or romantic involvement with a man, without having a sex change operation. We know this can be a difficult issue for some, which is why we created this category.

Young Adult - The story centers around a person under the age of 18. If you've fantasized about being raised as a girl, or being transformed into a little girl, this is the category for you. Stories in this category cannot have explicit sexual content for legal reasons, but they can still be quite exciting.

Spectrum - Two or more short stories from different classifications. "Spectrum" books are ideal for those who like variety and who also prefer the short story format.

Products 2041-2052 of 2222
Reluctant Press Book Cover
Price: $8.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: RP192e -

    Nineteen year old Theodore Lewis pushes his way out of the Student Clinic and into the cold February morning. He hadn't been this close to crying since his Dad's death nearly four years ago. The doctor had acted as if suddenly having breasts erupt on your chest was absolutely nothing - no big deal. Try to be a normal nineteen year old living in the confines of a Freshman dormitory with tits that seemed to grow larger and larger every day! What would happen to him when he could no longer hide...

    Reluctant Press Book Cover
    Price: $6.00
    Availability: In Stock
    Item #: RP191e -

      "There's your answer, you damn bitch," he shouted. "I may be called Renee, and I may be wearing heels and a corset, but I'm not damned sissy. Yes, girls turn me on. You turn me on, Monica, and so does Madame. I may have to do my time in dresses and tresses, but I like girls." Monica stepped back, holding her hands to her mouth. Edmonds stepped through the door."Is our Miss Renee being difficult Monique?" he asked loftily. "Madame has authorized restraint should he prove difficult.""Yes...

      Reluctant Press Book Cover
      Price: $8.00
      Availability: In Stock
      Item #: RP191 -

        "There's your answer, you damn bitch," he shouted. "I may be called Renee, and I may be wearing heels and a corset, but I'm not damned sissy. Yes, girls turn me on. You turn me on, Monica, and so does Madame. I may have to do my time in dresses and tresses, but I like girls." Monica stepped back, holding her hands to her mouth. Edmonds stepped through the door."Is our Miss Renee being difficult Monique?" he asked loftily. "Madame has authorized restraint should he prove difficult.""Yes...

        Reluctant Press Book Cover
        Price: $8.00
        Availability: In Stock
        Item #: RP190 -

          I will never forget the first time that I wore ladies' clothing. I had sobbed my broken heart out. One hour, I felt that life had been so terribly unfair to me that I could never hope to recover from the blows that had been dealt me.The next hour, I was feeling, for the first time, the wonderful sensations afforded by the silk and satin of lingerie. I could hardly believe how wonderful it felt, once I actually started to put in on.Alice stayed with me, encouraging me, and helping me to get...

          Reluctant Press Book Cover
          Price: $8.00
          Availability: In Stock
          Item #: RP190e -

            I will never forget the first time that I wore ladies' clothing. I had sobbed my broken heart out. One hour, I felt that life had been so terribly unfair to me that I could never hope to recover from the blows that had been dealt me.The next hour, I was feeling, for the first time, the wonderful sensations afforded by the silk and satin of lingerie. I could hardly believe how wonderful it felt, once I actually started to put in on.Alice stayed with me, encouraging me, and helping me to get...

            Reluctant Press Book Cover
            Price: $6.00
            Availability: In Stock
            Item #: RP189e -

              "Well, Xian, what is it? I asked in a feminine concerned voice. "Is there something wrong?"He gave me a ghost of a smile and moved out of the way of the mirror. What I saw in the mirror stunned me, even though I had been looking at the rest of the package, nothing prepared me for what I saw. It was a perfectly formed womanhood, virginal, to be exact. Xian had been a genius! I had seen my sister's womanhood before and mine looked just as perfect as hers had. I felt week on my feet and knelt...

              Reluctant Press Book Cover
              Price: $8.00
              Availability: In Stock
              Item #: RP189 -

                "Well, Xian, what is it? I asked in a feminine concerned voice. "Is there something wrong?"He gave me a ghost of a smile and moved out of the way of the mirror. What I saw in the mirror stunned me, even though I had been looking at the rest of the package, nothing prepared me for what I saw. It was a perfectly formed womanhood, virginal, to be exact. Xian had been a genius! I had seen my sister's womanhood before and mine looked just as perfect as hers had. I felt week on my feet and knelt...

                Reluctant Press Book Cover
                Price: $9.00
                Availability: In Stock
                Item #: RP188 -

                  Finally I stepped out from the bath and felt the huge towel engulf my relaxed state. I hardly noticed that all my body had remained in the tub. As I wiped myself it slowly dawned on me. My mouth opened wide as I looked in the full length mirror first seeing my smooth calves before opening the towel and going into complete shock.I was totally hairless. My entire body. That's what all the heat had been about. That cream had burned off every last hair on my body. Raising my arms, I stared at my...

                  Reluctant Press Book Cover
                  Price: $7.00
                  Availability: In Stock
                  Item #: RP188e -

                    Finally I stepped out from the bath and felt the huge towel engulf my relaxed state. I hardly noticed that all my body had remained in the tub. As I wiped myself it slowly dawned on me. My mouth opened wide as I looked in the full length mirror first seeing my smooth calves before opening the towel and going into complete shock.I was totally hairless. My entire body. That's what all the heat had been about. That cream had burned off every last hair on my body. Raising my arms, I stared at my...

                    Reluctant Press Book Cover
                    Price: $6.00
                    Availability: In Stock
                    Item #: RP187e -

                      "Okay," (Michael) began, feeling trapped between a rock and a hard place, "lets say I go along with this pathetic little plot of yours, just for the sake of argument. What exactly are you expecting me to do?""I have no expectations as far as you're concerned, Michael. None whatsoever. You have two choices: either accept my offer to become my girlfriend and female roommate, or reject my offer and suffer the obvious consequences.""But I'm your husband," I protested. "How could I possibly be your...

                      Reluctant Press Book Cover
                      Price: $8.00
                      Availability: In Stock
                      Item #: RP187 -

                        "Okay," (Michael) began, feeling trapped between a rock and a hard place, "lets say I go along with this pathetic little plot of yours, just for the sake of argument. What exactly are you expecting me to do?""I have no expectations as far as you're concerned, Michael. None whatsoever. You have two choices: either accept my offer to become my girlfriend and female roommate, or reject my offer and suffer the obvious consequences.""But I'm your husband," I protested. "How could I possibly be your...

                        Reluctant Press Book Cover
                        Price: $10.00
                        Availability: In Stock
                        Item #: RP186 -

                          "That boy didn't recognize you, did he?" his aunt questioned once she had helped him to a chair."No I don't think so, anyway," he finally allowed his revulsion to show and looked more than a little Ill. "The Fixer likes little girls.""Everyone likes pretty little girls." Margaret grinned in relief. "and you you pulled off the deception perfectly dear.""No," Jimmy shook his head in denial. "Not that I wasn't your perfect little lady, but the guy likes little girls.""Oh" Margaret's eyes narrowed...