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Her TV - The Transvestite "heroine's" sexuality and/or romantic involvement is exclusively with genetic women (i.e., those born with all female parts). Sometimes there is some surgical enhancement for the main character in these stories, such as breast implants, but ultimately our main character keeps his male parts and at least some of his/her male identity.

New Woman - These stories involve an actual change of sex, either by surgery or by some other method, such as magical transformation or "new science." Sexual involvement may be with either men or women ...Sometimes both!

Adult TV - The crossdresser has some sexual or romantic involvement with a man, without having a sex change operation. We know this can be a difficult issue for some, which is why we created this category.

Young Adult - The story centers around a person under the age of 18. If you've fantasized about being raised as a girl, or being transformed into a little girl, this is the category for you. Stories in this category cannot have explicit sexual content for legal reasons, but they can still be quite exciting.

Spectrum - Two or more short stories from different classifications. "Spectrum" books are ideal for those who like variety and who also prefer the short story format.

Products 2065-2076 of 2222
Reluctant Press Book Cover
Price: $6.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: RP179e -

    As the young man wades deeper into the corporate "ocean" the sand continues to erode beneath his feet. He sees himself as adaptable, flexible and professional so each step is rationalized even as it becomes more treacherous.After weeks of office work, he is finally sent to Reno to investigate the disappearance of a casino owner. thrilled to be on assignment, he plunges into the role, only to underestimate the strength of the current. Around him swim the criminals - possible bank robbers,...

    Reluctant Press Book Cover
    Price: $8.00
    Availability: In Stock
    Item #: RP178e -

      "Wh... why do you keep calling me Miss and wha...what... mean... surgery?" I managed to force my reluctant tongue to stutter. "I... I d... didn't ag... agree to... a... any sur... gery.""Oh but of course you did Miss Evans! Don't you remember all those papers you signed last night? Let me see if I can refresh your memory, but first I need to give you this little injection. Now, you just lie still and enjoy. This morphine will stop any pain and provide a very strong feeling of euphoria. No!...

      Reluctant Press Book Cover
      Price: $10.00
      Availability: In Stock
      Item #: RP178 -

        "Wh... why do you keep calling me Miss and wha...what... mean... surgery?" I managed to force my reluctant tongue to stutter. "I... I d... didn't ag... agree to... a... any sur... gery.""Oh but of course you did Miss Evans! Don't you remember all those papers you signed last night? Let me see if I can refresh your memory, but first I need to give you this little injection. Now, you just lie still and enjoy. This morphine will stop any pain and provide a very strong feeling of euphoria. No!...

        Reluctant Press Book Cover
        Price: $10.00
        Availability: In Stock
        Item #: RP177 -

          Marching Jessie back into the bathroom I made him sit on the toilet seat while I combed his long we tresses and wrapped them in pink curlers. the hot plastic touched his scalp. He bleated like a little lamb. Rows formed.When I was finished Jessie stood and cringed as he peeked in the mirror. "I look like a geek!"True, he did look deathly frail."Then don' look. I'm not done yet. Come on. time to get you dressed."Jessie drew his towel tighter as I opened the boxes on the bed. Brushing aside...

          Reluctant Press Book Cover
          Price: $8.00
          Availability: In Stock
          Item #: RP177e -

            Marching Jessie back into the bathroom I made him sit on the toilet seat while I combed his long we tresses and wrapped them in pink curlers. the hot plastic touched his scalp. He bleated like a little lamb. Rows formed.When I was finished Jessie stood and cringed as he peeked in the mirror. "I look like a geek!"True, he did look deathly frail."Then don' look. I'm not done yet. Come on. time to get you dressed."Jessie drew his towel tighter as I opened the boxes on the bed. Brushing aside...

            Reluctant Press Book Cover
            Price: $6.00
            Availability: In Stock
            Item #: RP176e -

              Within a few minutes, I found myself slipping reasonably well into Marilyn's blue dress, being fitted with the blonde wig and finally forcing myself inside a pair of open-toed pumps which were at least three sizes too small for me."There now, that's step number one," pronounced Marilyn as she brushed away at the wig, finally observing that she had the curls arranged as she wanted them. "Already I see the real Denise emerging honey. Now I want you to sit down over there while we do a little...

              Reluctant Press Book Cover
              Price: $8.00
              Availability: In Stock
              Item #: RP176 -

                Within a few minutes, I found myself slipping reasonably well into Marilyn's blue dress, being fitted with the blonde wig and finally forcing myself inside a pair of open-toed pumps which were at least three sizes too small for me."There now, that's step number one," pronounced Marilyn as she brushed away at the wig, finally observing that she had the curls arranged as she wanted them. "Already I see the real Denise emerging honey. Now I want you to sit down over there while we do a little...

                Reluctant Press Book Cover
                Price: $9.00
                Availability: In Stock
                Item #: RP175 -

                  I found that these shoes were becoming a small obsession with me. Since I had first put them on and worn them the comfort and ease of moving, and the, well, I guess it was primarily the comfort after all. I had no shoes that were that comfortable. I wore slacks, a sports shirt and another pair of thin nylon socks that day. Need I say that the socks were "in preparation" should the chace arise? And here the chance was more or less pushed on me.Again, as the sound of her engine died away in the...

                  Reluctant Press Book Cover
                  Price: $7.00
                  Availability: In Stock
                  Item #: RP175e -

                    I found that these shoes were becoming a small obsession with me. Since I had first put them on and worn them the comfort and ease of moving, and the, well, I guess it was primarily the comfort after all. I had no shoes that were that comfortable. I wore slacks, a sports shirt and another pair of thin nylon socks that day. Need I say that the socks were "in preparation" should the chace arise? And here the chance was more or less pushed on me.Again, as the sound of her engine died away in the...

                    Reluctant Press Book Cover
                    Price: $8.00
                    Availability: In Stock
                    Item #: RP174e -

                      "Sam, you can't really expect me to wear this to the dance?" I looked at her with indignation, sitting on the bed in only my girdle and bra. "Why not, it's Mom's dress and it's hardly ever been worn. And it's perfect for a square dance. Since I'll taking the man's part that leaves you with the ladies' and this is surely the easiest way to inform everybody that you're the lady. Remember the other men must recognize you as the lady if you expect them to swing you around and treat you like one."...

                      Reluctant Press Book Cover
                      Price: $10.00
                      Availability: In Stock
                      Item #: RP174 -

                        "Sam, you can't really expect me to wear this to the dance?" I looked at her with indignation, sitting on the bed in only my girdle and bra. "Why not, it's Mom's dress and it's hardly ever been worn. And it's perfect for a square dance. Since I'll taking the man's part that leaves you with the ladies' and this is surely the easiest way to inform everybody that you're the lady. Remember the other men must recognize you as the lady if you expect them to swing you around and treat you like one."...

                        Reluctant Press Book Cover
                        Price: $10.00
                        Availability: In Stock
                        Item #: RP173 -

                          My last day or so of work was taken up with turning over my projects to others and sort of doing a one last cleaning of my desk. I was planning on not seeing it for a long time. My office was then straightened up and at the end of the day I left for one hellaciously long weekend, so to say.Everyone knew I was going on extended leave, or a sabbatical but no one knew why I was doing it or how I had wrangled it.I, of course, was not about to tell them, and so, the rumor mill had it that I was...