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Her TV - The Transvestite "heroine's" sexuality and/or romantic involvement is exclusively with genetic women (i.e., those born with all female parts). Sometimes there is some surgical enhancement for the main character in these stories, such as breast implants, but ultimately our main character keeps his male parts and at least some of his/her male identity.

New Woman - These stories involve an actual change of sex, either by surgery or by some other method, such as magical transformation or "new science." Sexual involvement may be with either men or women ...Sometimes both!

Adult TV - The crossdresser has some sexual or romantic involvement with a man, without having a sex change operation. We know this can be a difficult issue for some, which is why we created this category.

Young Adult - The story centers around a person under the age of 18. If you've fantasized about being raised as a girl, or being transformed into a little girl, this is the category for you. Stories in this category cannot have explicit sexual content for legal reasons, but they can still be quite exciting.

Spectrum - Two or more short stories from different classifications. "Spectrum" books are ideal for those who like variety and who also prefer the short story format.

Products 2017-2028 of 2222
Reluctant Press Book Cover
Price: $6.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: RP204e -

    Was she going to have sex with him all night? he wondered. Alan knew he wanted to stay with her forever. He decided she could all night and the rest of his life if she wanted to.Alan felt her wrap her arms around him again, taking ownership of him. They moved tegether, more slowly this time. She was breathing close to his cheek and nibblint on his er. Her tongue licked his neck.She whispered. "Don't be afraid Alan. I'm not going to hurt you, only change you."Then she bit. Her sharp fangs...

    Reluctant Press Book Cover
    Price: $6.00
    Availability: In Stock
    Item #: RP203e -

      I could feel it all happening to me. It was a combination of all of their products together. The depilatory cream on my body and face, the shampoo and conditioner on my head, the oils on my body and the drink inside of me. They worked with each other to change me from the inside out.I was still a man, I mean I had working male genitalia. The rest of me was fast becoming feminine. But beyond that these chemicals worked to change my mind too. Not only my thoughts, but on the way my mind worked....

      Reluctant Press Book Cover
      Price: $8.00
      Availability: In Stock
      Item #: RP203 -

        I could feel it all happening to me. It was a combination of all of their products together. The depilatory cream on my body and face, the shampoo and conditioner on my head, the oils on my body and the drink inside of me. They worked with each other to change me from the inside out.I was still a man, I mean I had working male genitalia. The rest of me was fast becoming feminine. But beyond that these chemicals worked to change my mind too. Not only my thoughts, but on the way my mind worked....

        Reluctant Press Book Cover
        Price: $6.00
        Availability: In Stock
        Item #: RP202 -

          The twins placed me on my back.Daisy produced some short lengths of cord and began to tie one of my wrists to the corner of the bed..."You just hush til I finish tyin' ya down an I'll answer all yer questions," Daisy ordered.I lay quietly as she tied my wrists and ankles to the four corners of the bed."OK boys. She's all set."The twins stepped back and Daisy covered me with a soft white quilt."Please! Please tell me what's going on!"Daisy sat on the edge of the bed and began to play with my...

          Reluctant Press Book Cover
          Price: $5.00
          Availability: In Stock
          Item #: RP202e -

            The twins placed me on my back.Daisy produced some short lengths of cord and began to tie one of my wrists to the corner of the bed..."You just hush til I finish tyin' ya down an I'll answer all yer questions," Daisy ordered.I lay quietly as she tied my wrists and ankles to the four corners of the bed."OK boys. She's all set."The twins stepped back and Daisy covered me with a soft white quilt."Please! Please tell me what's going on!"Daisy sat on the edge of the bed and began to play with my...

            Reluctant Press Book Cover
            Price: $6.00
            Availability: In Stock
            Item #: RP201e -

              It just got to me, they opened the front door and just expected me to walk out to the car as if notign was wrong, I ask you. Here I was dressed and made up to look like a woman and they expected me to just act 'normal'? What were they, crazy or what? It was all too much. With each movement the skirt of the dress brushed against the nylons on my legs, the noise as my heels hit the tiles in the hallway, the long hair sweeping across my fare neck and shoulders, the curve of my breasts on my...

              Reluctant Press Book Cover
              Price: $7.00
              Availability: In Stock
              Item #: RP201 -

                It just got to me, they opened the front door and just expected me to walk out to the car as if notign was wrong, I ask you. Here I was dressed and made up to look like a woman and they expected me to just act 'normal'? What were they, crazy or what? It was all too much. With each movement the skirt of the dress brushed against the nylons on my legs, the noise as my heels hit the tiles in the hallway, the long hair sweeping across my fare neck and shoulders, the curve of my breasts on my...

                Reluctant Press Book Cover
                Price: $7.00
                Availability: In Stock
                Item #: RP200 -

                  Jenny's stylist had a cancellation. With that opening Jenny pointed to me asking her how she thought I would look in a spiral perm. Quickly she replied how much fuller and bouncier it would be rather than lying flat as it now did.Jenny reached into her purse for two twenties handing them to the stylist as she pointed to me saying. "My treat!"I started walking for the door uttering, "No thanks, not for me."The stylist locked her arm in mine turning me back toward her chair. She sweetly said...

                  Reluctant Press Book Cover
                  Price: $6.00
                  Availability: In Stock
                  Item #: RP200e -

                    Jenny's stylist had a cancellation. With that opening Jenny pointed to me asking her how she thought I would look in a spiral perm. Quickly she replied how much fuller and bouncier it would be rather than lying flat as it now did.Jenny reached into her purse for two twenties handing them to the stylist as she pointed to me saying. "My treat!"I started walking for the door uttering, "No thanks, not for me."The stylist locked her arm in mine turning me back toward her chair. She sweetly said...

                    Reluctant Press Book Cover
                    Price: $7.00
                    Availability: In Stock
                    Item #: RP199e -

                      As I left the shower Mom told me how much she had missed having a daughter. With her hands on her hips she commented, "You know Evelyn, you'll probably be developing more pronounced hips like mine and a bigger butt. And don't be surprised if your breasts grow like these," indicating her own beauties.I smiled considering this, thinking how beautiful she was and how much she was exaggerating the situation. I'd probably develop some minor female characteristics which would help my disguise but...

                      Reluctant Press Book Cover
                      Price: $9.00
                      Availability: In Stock
                      Item #: RP199 -

                        As I left the shower Mom told me how much she had missed having a daughter. With her hands on her hips she commented, "You know Evelyn, you'll probably be developing more pronounced hips like mine and a bigger butt. And don't be surprised if your breasts grow like these," indicating her own beauties.I smiled considering this, thinking how beautiful she was and how much she was exaggerating the situation. I'd probably develop some minor female characteristics which would help my disguise but...

                        Reluctant Press Book Cover
                        Price: $9.00
                        Availability: In Stock
                        Item #: RP198 -

                          He could not believe what he was seeing reflected back at him. He knew his mouth was hanging open because he could see it in the mirror, but it had rich inviting full red lips attached to it. Slowly his hand sneaked up to touch lightly o his cheek. It was his face all right, even if he couldn't feel it through all that gunk she had covered it in. "Like what you see don't cha!" he heard as Belinda returned. His mouth snapped shut with an audible click as he turned to face her. "I thought you...