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Reluctant Press Novelette Cover
Price: $8.00
Availability: In Stock
Reluctant Press Item #: RP1151e -

    ‘‘Aren’t you taking this a little too far?’’ Glen surveyed my new clothes strewn over the bed as I tried on one outfit after another. ‘‘How dare you!’’ I was really angry. ‘‘You’re the one who asked me to do this. What do you know about being a woman?’’ ‘‘What do you know?’’ he shouted back.‘‘ ‘‘Not much, but I’m trying to learn.’’ I said. ‘‘You selected me. All you knew is that I played Rosalind in a play.’’ ‘‘You did that so believably.’’ ‘‘But you don’t know how I got that role,’’ I said....

    Reluctant Press Novelette Cover
    Price: $8.00
    Availability: In Stock
    Reluctant Press Item #: RP1150e -

      “What do you think, my Darling?” she trilled softly. “I... I... you look real, Dana..,” I managed at last. She nodded. “I am real...but add an `I’ to `Dana,’ my Darling Ken!” the girl laughed. “It’s Diana... The Huntress... My Dear man... and you are certainly ALL, man,” she added huskily and lowered her lashes modestly. Words came back to haunt me. `Good hunting‘ the Old Man had said, `Good luck, Boy, you’ll need it!‘ I stared hungrily at this beautiful vision who posed before me. It was...

      Reluctant Press Novelette Cover
      Price: $7.00
      Availability: In Stock
      Reluctant Press Item #: RP1149e -

        “It’s hard, isn’t it?” said a female voice next to me. I opened my eyes to see a woman sitting beside me. “What?” I asked. She smiled at me. “I saw you at the formal apparel show and I have seen you sitting here several times in the past. There is a way I can help you,” I was quite taken aback at this woman. Exactly what was she talking about and what was she after, I wondered to myself. “What do you mean? I don’t even know you,” I said. “I know you don’t. I am Sharon Evers and I have helped...

        Reluctant Press Novelette Cover
        Price: $8.00
        Availability: In Stock
        Reluctant Press Item #: RP1148e -

          Tom stood in front of the mirror, a fan in his hand practicing curtsying and the quiet, female voice he was to use during his four-day sojourn. For reasons he could not explain, he found mimicking a female came quite naturally to him. Prudence stood behind him, directing her pupil in the ways of womanly grace. Tom could hardly believe the transformation that had taken place. He was wearing a pale blue dress which fitted snuggly at his...

          Reluctant Press Novelette Cover
          Price: $8.00
          Availability: In Stock
          Reluctant Press Item #: RP1147e -

            The mists in DeAngelo’s mind slowly sifted away into the stark antiseptic white glare of the world about him, he knew that the drugs were wearing off.... Struggling to rise, he realized his arms and legs were tightly restrained. He was stark naked! He could feel the hard, rubber like surface of a medical examination couch underneath his body, and that he was somehow half seated with the back of the couch raised. His hands were secured by straps at the wrist to some sort of metal rail at each...

            Reluctant Press Novelette Cover
            Price: $7.00
            Availability: In Stock
            Reluctant Press Item #: RP1146e -

              ‘‘I get that, but why did you want to be female?’’ ‘‘There are hundreds of reasons.’’ Dannie smiled. ‘‘I love the feel of their clothes and the jewelry. I love perfumes and makeup, getting my hair and nails done. It’s really addictive and makes me feel so good.’’ ‘‘I still don’t get it.’’ I shook my head. ‘‘Why go to all that trouble?’’ ‘‘I am fascinated by everything about being a woman.’’ He looked at his nails and played with the ring again. ‘‘It’s so much more fun than being a boy.’’ ‘‘It...

              Reluctant Press Novelette Cover
              Price: $8.00
              Availability: In Stock
              Reluctant Press Item #: RP1145e -

                Mr. Lopez was alone when I was ushered into his private office. He faced that view over the coast but my chair had its back to all that. ‘‘I want you and your girlfriend to play, she probably told you that.’’ He lit a cigar. ‘‘Did she tell you the rest?’’ ‘‘Nothing else,’’ I said. ‘‘What else?’’ ‘‘I want you to be identically dressed, like my girls,’’ he said. ‘‘I want you to be the same as her.’’ ‘‘I don’t think I want to do that.’’ ‘‘You want to keep...

                Reluctant Press Novelette Cover
                Price: $8.00
                Availability: In Stock
                Reluctant Press Item #: RP1144e -

                  The burning subsided to a pleasant warmth. Ferguson released his nose and each breath Bartholomew took in made his head fuzzy, his body lighter. “You may release her, gentlemen,” Ferguson advised. The stable hands left. Bartholomew wanted to take some action, wasn’t sure what, but couldn’t. His body was relaxed, tingling and seemed to be almost floating; his head was filled with clouds. His mind was peaceful, placid, like a pleasant dream. He smiled unconsciously. “That’s...

                  Reluctant Press Novelette Cover
                  Price: $7.00
                  Availability: In Stock
                  Reluctant Press Item #: RP1143e -

                    Over lunch, Jackie was full of questions about my lactation. Even to the point of insisting that I show off my breasts to the other girls! Seeing Vick’s frown of disapproval over my reluctance to obey her mother, I silently unbuttoned the shirtwaist blouse, hoping that all I would have to display would be the nursing bra. Jackie in her delight, however, quickly removed my bra! “Oh, my, they are big,” Francis exclaimed in stunned awe as Bobby actually ran her hand over my breasts and...

                    Reluctant Press Novelette Cover
                    Price: $8.00
                    Availability: In Stock
                    Reluctant Press Item #: RP1142e -

                      "So would you like an introduction to the drag cleaning company?" Olivia asked after she called an Uber to take her home the next morning. "If I get a job, would I have to be like you?" "If you’re asking if you have to dress up, then the answer is in the name," she replied. "It’s not so bad. The pay’s good, the tips and rewards are better, and you could get to like it." "I’m not sure," I replied hesitantly. "I like the idea of more money obviously, but the rest…" "I may have taken to it...

                      Reluctant Press Cover
                      Price: $8.00
                      Availability: In Stock
                      Reluctant Press Item #: RP1141e -

                        “If we follow our regular procedure for the relocation of witnesses, it would take much longer than that. You see, creating a new personality implies manufacturing a believable personal and family history, a working background, a lot of legal documents; such as, birth certificate, drivers license, passport, social security number, IRS returns and so on. Sometimes it is even necessary to make some physical  changes. “Because of all of this preparation it...

                        Reluctant Press Cover
                        Price: $7.00
                        Availability: In Stock
                        Reluctant Press Item #: RP1140e -

                          As a final touch, Vickie took out a small perfume atomizer and sprayed me lightly. She left for a few minutes and then returned. “My, my, I do think that Obsession is the real you, Sweetie. It’ll drive the men wild...” I really didn’t want to hear that. It was bad enough to be dressed this way but to think that a man might... I dreaded seeing anyone that I knew. I was glad that the drag party would be over tomorrow night. I didn’t intend to ever go...

                          Reluctant Press Cover
                          Price: $8.00
                          Availability: In Stock
                          Reluctant Press Item #: RP1139e -

                            ‘‘When I dress up, it’s like I’m slipping into another character. I act the way I dress,’’ Lilly said. ‘‘I’m sure that when a sailor or a cop puts on the uniform, they slip into the expected mode of behavior. It’s the same with hair, makeup, and heels. Once you’re dressed, the character comes along naturally.’’ ‘‘I can’t believe that it’s so simple.’’ ‘‘You’ll never know unless you try.’’ Lilly smiled mischievously. I’d love to have a sister.’’ ‘‘I don’t know.’’...

                            Reluctant Press Cover
                            Price: $8.00
                            Availability: In Stock
                            Reluctant Press Item #: RP1138e -

                              I put on socks and shoes. Still everything I saw, except for the nails, shaped brows and long lashes, spelled Bob. At least I wanted to see that. Oh, how I wanted to look like Bob again! It felt good, comfortable. So, feeling good, home. As I packed my new lingerie away, I could not help but notice this Bob like character in the mirror, only his head looked like a woman’s and his nails were painted and long. When all was put away, I contemplated that image....

                              Reluctant Press Cover
                              Price: $7.00
                              Availability: In Stock
                              Reluctant Press Item #: RP1137e -

                                From his mental cell, the male Shelly looked out in horror at what had been done to him. The deep programming was affecting him and he could feel himself grow smaller and smaller. Soon he was just a nagging voice in Shelly’s mind. Shelly smiled at herself and couldn’t wait to see her friends waiting in the mall. Looking out the window, she saw Anna and Marie  waiting for her. Reunited with her friends, she was the happiest girl in the world and to have...

                                Reluctant Press Cover
                                Price: $8.00
                                Availability: In Stock
                                Reluctant Press Item #: RP1136e -

                                  ‘‘You let them dress you up for a few years,’’ Gillian remembered. ‘‘You only stopped when Shona moved away.’’ ‘‘Well, I wasn’t going to do it myself,’’ I replied. ‘‘I was thinking about that.’’ Gillian sounded so innocent back then. ‘‘Would you do it again if I asked you? I could get you into a really swish place and you’d be mixing with some of the people you see in the movies and television.’’ ‘‘I’m not sure…’’ ‘‘I think you could try it.’’ She ignored the...

                                  Reluctant Press has been in business for over 25 years bringing the best in stories of crossdressing, transsexuals, forced feminization, mystery, intrigue and often the ultimate satisfaction of transgender individuals. From those involved with innocent urges to males trapped by women and men with sinister goals, the novels bring you adventure in the transvestite, crossdressing and transgender world.