“Everyone knows about the Gender Plague,” began
Brendann. “It began on April 14, 2046. A group of
male scientists at the CAM-DEM corporation were
working on a genetic-engineered pseudo-virus that
would rid women of the physical deterioration experienced
in life after menopause. The changes became
attached to a strain of cold virus by accident and
spread throughout the world, ridding women of the
problems as designed. But it also feminized all but a
very small percentage of the male population within
thirty months.”
“How awful,” commented Ken sadly.
“The world has been a better place since,” argued
Brendann. “Society as it existed collapsed. We have
one country, one egalitarian, human-oriented
“It just can’t be,” complained Ken as he looked at
Brendann with an examining eye. “All your body contours
are female. Why is it so flat between your legs?”
“My genitalia is the same as yours, just more compacted
into the contours of my body. After the Gender
Plague, all feminized men were impotent. They
had to create a second virus to compensate for all the
feminized features. It was called the Counter Plague.”
“Next I suppose you’re going to tell me that you are
married and completely heterosexual,” scowled Ken.