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Reluctant Press Adult TV eBook stories are where the crossdresser has a relationship with a man. The transition of the protagonist may be self motivated or forced onto her.

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Reluctant Press Book Cover
Price: $6.00
Availability: In Stock
Reluctant Press Item #: RP337e -

    It's funny about my relationship with Mike at that time. I mean he was clearly fascinated by me as Denise. Yet he also was dating "real" girls. And in fact, our "dates" remained very innocent, chaste affairs. He and I were both treading very lightly at this point, and I think both of us were scared to death at the implications of our continuing relationship. As time passed, Mike gradually came to feel comfortable doing things like holding my hand in public. This, he explained to me, was so we...

    Reluctant Press Book Cover
    Price: $6.00
    Availability: In Stock
    Reluctant Press Item #: RP330e -

      He didn't try to feel me up, though. Somewhat disappointed, I walked back to my place on the couch and sat down. Again, I remembered to smooth my skirt out under me as I sat. I tried to give him a discreet glance up my skirt. I really wanted him to make a pass at me."So how long have you been dressing up in girl's clothes, Debi?""Oh my. Well, ever since I can remember. Since I was three years old, I've liked how dresses looked on little girls."I always envied my sister for being a girl, and...

      Reluctant Press Book Cover
      Price: $6.00
      Availability: In Stock
      Reluctant Press Item #: RP314e -

        Tony immediately became aware of the soft material molding itself sensuously over his hairless skin and marveled as his skin tone changed to a darker, more even coloring. He hated to admit it, but he was enjoying the sensation of the nylon on his legs.Eventually, he had worked the panyhose all the way up, molding his legs in sheer nylon and positioning the panty part comfortably over his backside. As he slipped his panties back on ofter the top, he became aware of a response in his groin.As he...

        Reluctant Press Book Cover
        Price: $6.00
        Availability: In Stock
        Reluctant Press Item #: RP312e -

          ... (their) vision statement was as follows.To establish women as the only individuals allowed to hold public office, for a period of one hundred years, to offset in the inequities of male domination established during the previous years of our republic.To make it unlawful for any male to own property, for the same hundred year period.To establish women as the only judges and lawyers for the same hundred year period.To establish that any and all males become the property of their mothers,...

          Reluctant Press Book Cover
          Price: $6.00
          Availability: In Stock
          Reluctant Press Item #: RP301e -

            The Halloween party was held at an ornate suburban mansion, and was professionally decorated and catered. Jack was scared to death when he first entered, but soon relaxed, and had a surprisingly good time. The very progressive crowd of hairdressers and fashion types thought nothing of a guy in drag. There was none of the teasing or ridiculing he had expected. In fact, after a while, Jack begain to feel a sense of pride, as he was repeatedly complemented and praised. He was just too stunning....

            Reluctant Press Book Cover
            Price: $6.00
            Availability: In Stock
            Reluctant Press Item #: RP297e -

              "Look, you have to do things. It's what we're paid for. It's easy really, you'll find they treat you like you look. They want other things too, not just sex. They want you to be their girl, like you enter into a conspiracy with the client to play the part they want you to play. Some will just want to see you here. Others will take you out, some girls have even been taken on holiday.""I could never..." Shirley felt shocked at the enormity of what he was expected to do. "You can't say never,"...

              Reluctant Press Book Cover
              Price: $6.00
              Availability: In Stock
              Reluctant Press Item #: RP290e -

                I found that right after the meal, I became the center of attraction for many of the males in the crowd. Every second, one or another of them would try to engage me in a conversation with them, alone.I finally knew what it might have felt like for those pretty, southern ladies in the movies, who were singled out by the men in a room, each for her attentions.The guys sure made me feel very, very pretty, and very, very much wanted, as a girl. When the music started, like most of the ladies in...

                Reluctant Press Book Cover
                Price: $6.00
                Availability: In Stock
                Reluctant Press Item #: RP278e -

                  He sat down next to Dave, and they traded tokes until the joint was gone. Ed took the butt into the washroom and flushed it down the tailet, and when he came out, he found Dave waiting in the middle of the room."Let's dance," he said, and held out his arms for Ed.By now between the effects of the wine and the pot, Ed was feeling pretty good. Furthermore, he had discovered that he sort of enjoyed being led in a slow dance, something he had learned while dancing with Peggy Vaughn. He stepped...

                  Reluctant Press Book Cover
                  Price: $6.00
                  Availability: In Stock
                  Reluctant Press Item #: RP277e -

                    'Well ummm, I don't mean to pry or anything, but... I don't understand something. I mean, are you gay? Nothing wrong with that, if you are. I was just trying to figure it out how you were living with a girl, if you like being a girl yourself."I felt myself blushing intensely, so I kept my back to Mike. "It's not as straightforward as all that I guess. I'm not gay, really. I've never had sex with a guy or anything, only with girls. Well actually, only with Jeannie."But you were dancing with...

                    Reluctant Press Book Cover
                    Price: $6.00
                    Availability: In Stock
                    Reluctant Press Item #: RP275e -

                      From Sutton's Family Treasures... Steve and I were hitting it off perfectly from the start. I got to see him during his lunches at prearranged locations for a bite to eat and a little petting. I felt really lucky to have him in my life and much more of a woman for being seen with him so often.I spent my days looking to improve my wardrobe and buying the occasional items for him too. He didn't seem to mind my buying clothes for him as every time he came over he brought me flowers or candy or...

                      Reluctant Press Book Cover
                      Price: $6.00
                      Availability: In Stock
                      Reluctant Press Item #: RP272e -

                        "Trisha dear, you knew this would happen. We told you that you were now a girl and that your body would develop accordingly. Don't tell me you didn't believe me, dear.""Oh mother, I hoped. I hoped that you were all just punishing me. That someday if I was good you would fix it so I could be a man again.. Now I have breasts, and you really did castrate me, and you all hate me. Oh I wish I were dead."Kathleen was touched by her child's pain but felt it was time to be firm. She pulled Trisha up...

                        Reluctant Press Book Cover
                        Price: $6.00
                        Availability: In Stock
                        Reluctant Press Item #: RP256e -

                          "Good morning Susan," a bright feminine voice said."Who..." Susan started to ask but stopped in shock at the sound of his voice. It was not his. The voice he heard was high and softly feminine. It was even higher that the woman's who had just greeted him."That's right, your voice is different. You will get used to it. I know it must be disconcerting for you.""Who are you?" Susan ventured, taken aback at the highly pitched sounds issuing from is throat."I'm Virginia, and I will be one of your...

                          Reluctant Press Book Cover
                          Price: $6.00
                          Availability: In Stock
                          Reluctant Press Item #: RP251e -

                            Lying on the bed, in a state of shock, Howard offered no resistance as Lisa untied his ankles from the bed posts and retied them tightly together.Judy got a perfume atomizer and liberally coated Howard with scent. Then she pulled him half off the bed, set his feet on the floor and raised him to his feet.The dizziness had disappeared, but now Howard was in helpless bondage. Hands tethered to his waist, and ankles bound together, he teetered unsteadily on his heels."Well sweetie," said Judy....

                            Reluctant Press Book Cover
                            Price: $6.00
                            Availability: In Stock
                            Reluctant Press Item #: RP235e -

                              The ensuing weeks didn't get much better. My job search was becoming more frantic. I could find nothing in my field, and wasn't sure what other kind of work I might want to try. I got my first Unemployment check, and that was only about two-thirds of my old pay. I was going to be in serious financial trouble soon, I realized, if I didn't find something.And Rich continued his pursuit. He sent me flowers. He left me messages on my machine. He showed up at my doorstep at night, wanting to talk....

                              Reluctant Press Book Cover
                              Price: $6.00
                              Availability: In Stock
                              Reluctant Press Item #: RP234e -

                                Maude checked every inch of his body for unwanted hair, and saw that his breasts had enlarged to an A or AA cup. But she was well prepared for this event, and indicated other boxes to be opened. Therein were all the underclothing a girl would need and covet, knickers, slips, both half and full, camisoles, nylon stockings and pantyhose, garter belts an an assortment of bras in various colors an sizes from A to B cup. In other boxes were shoes of many colors, a few pairs of flats, but the rest...

                                Reluctant Press Book Cover
                                Price: $6.00
                                Availability: In Stock
                                Reluctant Press Item #: RP231e -

                                  I was going to put on girl's clothes.I entered the room and slowly closed the door behind me. I let the sense of the feminine presence in the room just overwhelm me. I felt somehow, even though I had never met her, that I was intimately connected to her in some way that I could never hope to explain. I felt as though she somehow knew what I was doing and that she approved of it. I knew that was really a silly feeling, but I had it nonetheless.I walked over to her dresser drawers, I opened them...