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Price: $8.00
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Reluctant Press Item #: RP1103e -

    I could hear people chatting, but I could not move. I saw and felt everything. I was in a trance, laying in a hospital bed connected to all kinds of machines. I could hear the nurse to the right of me talking about hanging hear about this procedure. She explained to the other nurses that when they were done, all I will have is a small little stub, the size of my thumb. The nurses were giggling... They were all so excited to do this procedure on me. "What the heck is...

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    Price: $8.00
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    Reluctant Press Item #: RP1102e -

      "I always try my best to make friends and obey the rules just like the other girls Ms. Jacqueline. I don't know what more I can do." "I think we can improve you in several areas, Shawn. "First of all I think that even though you are male." she continued. 'At least in some respects.' she mused with a smile, "You need to gradually move towards a more feminine appearance at school. We can start you out with slacks and a boyish blouse. As your classmates grow to accept...

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      Price: $7.00
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      Reluctant Press Item #: RP1101e -

        "You have nice breasts." Logan forgot himself for a moment as the memory of touching them returned strongly.  "I hated it when they were starting to grow. the sensations weren't nice but when they grew too big to hide, they felt different. I made friends with them." "That's a strange thing to say." "I liked the way they made me feel and I got more confident by the day. I got used to pretty lingerie and the way it looked on my body." Murdock smiled at the memory. "My first...

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        Price: $8.00
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        Reluctant Press Item #: RP1100e -

          As soon as Raimi left the dressing room, Tracy gave me a severe look and put her finger on my chest. "You need to start showing us more respect. How dare you question my orders to take off your clothes?" said Tracy. "From now on, you will address me as Ms. Tracy. Do you understand?" she said, looking me straight in the eyes. "And furthermore, you will address any women that you encounter properly as Ms. whatever-their-first-name is. That means you will address your former girlfriend as Ms....

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          Price: $8.00
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          Reluctant Press Item #: RP1099e -

            "What can I get for you Miss?" It is a good question and one I literally cannot answer as I have no voice and have not thought about it at all. "Would you like a drink?" the barman asks again - putting the same question in a different manner. I blush and fiddle with the straps of my handbag nervously. There is a thin man with a rugged complexion standing at the bar by a stool. His wearing a nice suit; a trilby hat and a buff colored Mac are laying of the adjacent stool with a newspaper on...

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            Price: $7.00
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            Reluctant Press Item #: RP1098e -

              "It seems you are in a very tight spot, Allen," she began. "You denied any involvement with the counterfeit ring though you bear a striking resemblance to the one described as a 'person of interest' that they are still looking for. If the police and FBI had sufficient evidence again you there is no doubt that you would have been arrested before this. "You have law enforcement watching you closely and now there has been on attempt on your life. Sooner or later, one of these two is bound to...

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              Price: $8.00
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              Reluctant Press Item #: RP1097e -

                "There were a couple of ladies in there (the Ladies Room) and when I thought that they were going to expose me, they told me that they thought I was beautiful and that we made a cute couple. I told them we were just friends and they said... Oh, never mind." "Wait a minute, babe, you can't stop there. What did they tell you?" Cal asked. Margie squired in her seat and after a sip of her drink, she said, "They said I shouldn't let that big hunk get away." She bushed and...

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                Price: $8.00
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                Reluctant Press Item #: RP1096e -

                  With this order, Hazel found himself stumbling after her on the high heels into the lounge where he began the first phase of training as a maid while Mrs. Knox began with the fundamentals of posture and breathing before teaching Hazle how to walk, turn, and sit in a lady like fashion. Once Hazel had the basic idea of these, she dropped a book on the floor and asked him to pick it up. When he bent over from the waste to do so she suddenly stepped behind him, flipped up his dainty short skirts,...

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                  Price: $7.00
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                  Reluctant Press Item #: RP1095e -

                    The six stories are: "A Cougar No More", "Two Gowns in Vegas", "Her Sweetest Valentine", "Callie's Wedding", "Renewal Time", and "The Wedding of Walt and Krista".

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                    Price: $8.00
                    Availability: In Stock
                    Reluctant Press Item #: RP1094e -

                      It started the next morning. Courtney knew she had to do something radical to make Jaycee adapt. She had to get him into character as his female self and stay there. She thought about all the implications as he came out of the shower room, toweling  his hair. I'm going to pierce your ears," she told him  "Sit here," "Isn't that taking it too far?" Jaycee complained. "Not every girl has pierced ears." "I agree not every girl has pierced ears," Courtney repeated. "But my daughter has...

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                      Price: $8.00
                      Availability: In Stock
                      Reluctant Press Item #: RP1093e -

                        "If you're so worried about us girls getting the tips, maybe you should join us." Candy said one evening as I collected my meager tip jar. "How would I do that?" I asked. "Honey, all you need is a dress and some heels, wiggle and flirt with the guys and you're home and dry.' "Do I look like a girl?" I snapped back. "Heck no; but with the right clothes and makeup maybe you could." "If they were blind and the room was dark." Harry shouted from behind the bar. "He'd have...

                        Reluctant Press Cover Image
                        Price: $7.00
                        Availability: In Stock
                        Reluctant Press Item #: RP1092e -

                          "That was exciting," Mrs. Screen said as they waited at a bus stop to take them home. "Did you enjoy it?" Jack shrugged; no one seemed to take the fact that he was going to transformed from a boy to a girl seriously! They all seemed to ignore that fact that he was the wrong gender and should not be wearing a dress! What was wrong with them all? Surely, they must all realize how humiliating it was for him? Jack just wanted to curl up in a ball and roll under a bush. He had had enough, he really...

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                          Price: $8.00
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                          Reluctant Press Item #: RP1091e -

                            "What is it that you need me to help you with?" Becky asked as Gordon hauled a huge rucksack into her room. "Your mom's away for the weekend right?" Gordon asked nervously. "I'm all alone until tomorrow evening." Becky replied. "What's in the bag?" "I'll show you in a few minutes. First you have to swear never to tell anyone." "Okay, I swear."Becky reached for the bag but Gordon put his hand up to stop her. "You know I love makeup," Gordon said slowly. "I think I want to do more...

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                            Price: $8.00
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                            Reluctant Press Item #: RP1090e -

                              Maria was once again waiting for her. She put her arms around Beth and just heald her tight. She didn't really need to ask how her date was tonight because it wasn't all that long ago when she too was sent on a date with Paul Smith. She knew all to well why Karen Lane liked to have her girls go on a date with him. Once you'd been on a date with Paul and lost whatever self-respect you had left.... you would be easy to manipulate for fear of her sending you out with him again. She had a shiver...

                              Reluctant Press Cover Image
                              Price: $7.00
                              Availability: In Stock
                              Reluctant Press Item #: RP1089e -

                                Suddenly I wasn't alone. Rick Column slipped his arm round me and pulled me into him as if to kiss me on the lips. I pulled my head back and managed to get a hand in front of my face. "Not now Rick," I said, smelling the alcohol on his breath. "Oh, come on sweetheart." he held me close. "Let's do it one time again here." "What about your husband?" I remembered what Jasmine had told me about him. "Won't he be missing you?" "He's not here." Rick held me tightly, pulling the hem of my...

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                                Price: $8.00
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                                Availability: In Stock
                                Reluctant Press Item #: RP1088e -

                                  Once inside he locked the door and took her cell phone from her. "I understand that you have a Mom and two sister back hime? Now we wouldn't want anything to happen to them now, would we? So you be a good girl and they will be just fine." he warned then, and poured each of them a drink of the whiskey he'd brought with them. He handed her the glass and told her to drink. She was too afraid not to do as he wished and began to sip the drink. She felt the burn as it went down her throat. Then he...

                                  Reluctant Press has been in business for over 25 years bringing the best in stories of crossdressing, transsexuals, forced feminization, mystery, intrigue and often the ultimate satisfaction of transgender individuals. From those involved with innocent urges to males trapped by women and men with sinister goals, the novels bring you adventure in the transvestite, crossdressing and transgender world.