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Price: $8.00
Availability: In Stock
Reluctant Press Item #: RP144e -

    From Dolly..."You know you could die from a beating from those boys of his, son't you?" she asked. "Yes Ma'am.""Would you be interested in a different option? One that contains no beatings?""What is it?""My daughter has expressed a wish that you were her slave. For some time now, I have thought it would be a good experience for her to have a slave she could discipline and train. If I pay Frank the eight grand you own him, are you willing to become my daughter's slave for a period of, oh, say,...

    Price: $6.00
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    Reluctant Press Item #: RP143e -

      "Sandy, you must understand that we request all males to participate at these modeling sessions for several important reasons.""Number one. It helps to get the feel of the products you'll be marketing. And of course you realize that we're exclusively involved in feminine products.""Two, Participating intimately in these photography sessions will stimulate your mind and hopefully generate new ideas for improving the presentation of the products. That is once you've gotten over your...

      Price: $8.00
      Availability: In Stock
      Reluctant Press Item #: RP141e -

        From To Save a Son...Yes, my boyish/animalistic drives had been curbed by the drugs fed me, but not exactly in a way that the doctor and the Sisters had expected. Furthermore, since the drugs had seemed to be effecive, they kept me on them. They did quit the tranquilizers, but the withdrawal (like hitting menopause) that I went through as an attempt to stop the hormones led them to keep them going.The devil himself, whom they must have thought had entered their premises that night in the guise...

        Price: $6.00
        Availability: In Stock
        Reluctant Press Item #: RP140e -

          The woman introduced us to Mrs. Smallwood, the owner of the store. "Mrs. Smallwood, these ladies are interested in seeing some of our special garments," she said. Then she left.Mrs. Smallwood looked at each of us. "And which of you is interested in my speciality?"Neither of the others said anything and I guess my deep blush gave me away. "You needn't be embarrassed. You are really quite beautiful, my dear." She walked around me and studied me for several minuets quite closely. "You have a...

          Price: $6.00
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          Availability: In Stock
          Reluctant Press Item #: RP138e -

            Upstairs in his room, Robbie closed the door, then took a stock of his appearance in his closet mirror. He actually did look like a fairly pretty girl instead of a boy now, no matter how he tried to deny it to himself.Without the disguising clothing there wasn't much at all about him that appeared boyish any monger. His shape had passed the androgynous stage and was slowly inching its way towards the voluptuous, with still developing breasts, firmly rounded hips and bottom, and legs he had to...

            Price: $8.00
            Availability: In Stock
            Reluctant Press Item #: RP137e -

              From Rest & Relaxation... "What I am saying is, I am in the husband's role, and you are in the wife's role. Consequently, if you want to stay married to me, then you have got to be the wife that I was, while I take the role of the husband that you were," she replied in an almost arrogantly self satisfied tone. "you will look like a pretty doll when I get home from the office. You'll have my supper on the table. You'll wear what I tell you to wear. And, if I ever catch you wearing pants without...

              Price: $6.00
              Availability: In Stock
              Reluctant Press Item #: RP136e -

                At Angela's count of five, I opened my eyes to look at her with some surprise."Angela, how did you get to be a redhead? How cute! Oh it's a wig. Please, may I try it on?" My reflexes told me this time I didn't have to disbelieve what I was hearing. I'd been fully programmed once again."You may indeed and let me help you. Stay right where you are," and she got up to come over next to me, shaking out her own blonde bob as she pulled the wig from her head. "You're going to love the way you look...

                Price: $7.00
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                Reluctant Press Item #: RP135e -

                  Tony took the papers with his left hand and extended his right to shake Bob's. He kept the nicely manicured fingers in his hand a little longer than necessary and said, "I expect to see you again soon. I understand Denise is going to give a welcoming party for you.""Oh really?" Tony smiled sweetly at him again. "Then I'll see you there."He left the office thinking, "He doesn't look gay to me, but maybe its just a front." Then, another thought came to him. 'And me? Am I gay? After all, I do...

                  Price: $6.00
                  Availability: In Stock
                  Reluctant Press Item #: RP134e -

                    "And you understand, Cody, for the next week, or until your Mother deems it appropriate, you will be a third grade girl here at Jefferson and not a third grade boy. You will act accordingly or remain in dresses unto you do learn to do so." Ms. Callahan began "If you create any problems whatsoever, you will immediately be demoted to kindergarten where you will be expected to act like any other kindergarten girl. You are certainly dressed for the part. And from what I have been led to understand...

                    Price: $6.00
                    Availability: In Stock
                    Reluctant Press Item #: RP133e -

                      Looking at my reflection in the full length mirror, I was astounded to see that I not only was attractive, but I would have liked to date a girl who looked as good as I did them. The only problem was, wearing these things gave me a perpetual hard on, and I hoped it didn't show."Okay, let's go downstairs and see if Eleanor agrees that you are as attractive as I believe you are. I'm almost jealous of your appearance, and when your hair grows out a bit, we'll be able to make you more...

                      Price: $8.00
                      Availability: In Stock
                      Reluctant Press Item #: RP132e -

                        If the shopping experience was an emotional shock to his system, his return home was worse. As he surveyed his room and its feminine contents, the inescapable reality of his new existence hit him full force. Everywhere he gazed he saw feminine finery and lacy frills. It was painfully obvious that his mother and aunt intended him to become a very feminine young lady.

                        Price: $8.00
                        Availability: In Stock
                        Reluctant Press Item #: RP131e -

                          "Well, it was so difficult at first. I was so frightened, so confused at first, so uncertain of my own identity. Once I had acceded to my Father's mandate and had agreed to assume female dress, Nadine was thrust upon me so suddenly and and I was caparisoned so quickly in lady's attire, that I had no time to think about what was happening to me. One moment I was Arthur Wellesley, playboy, in the customary white slacks and blue blazer, and the next, I was before the press in a Dior cocktail...

                          Price: $6.00
                          Availability: In Stock
                          Reluctant Press Item #: RP130e -

                            When Justin came out of the shower, I dressed him, curled his bangs with the iron and applied light make-up. I stared with amazement. I could not believe that this was my little brother! He, no, SHE, was adorable!The yellow outfit contrasted his black hair well while the miniskirt showed off his great nylon encased legs. Together, we walked back to the kitchen. As we came through the doorway, Cindi and Julie gasped with awe. Julie blurted out, "Welcome to the team, Justine." ...

                            Price: $7.00
                            Availability: In Stock
                            Reluctant Press Item #: RP129e -

                              "I'm a sissy," David continued with a pronounced slight lisp that suddenly appeared, instantly making him sound like a PUFF. "Auntie Velour makes me dress as if I were a 14 year old girl who has been cuffed and collared into her household. I have to clean the house and everything." His voice had changed, it had become softer and had risen in tone and he was speaking in a hot, breathless manner. "I like being a maid. I like being pretty. I like being a sissy. I like wearing pretty clothes. I...

                              Price: $8.00
                              Availability: In Stock
                              Reluctant Press Item #: RP128e -

                                Chris looked blankly at her, hesitating as she held out the panties she had put out for him."Put these on, you little sissy, or I'll bloody your damned nose again." She threatened, raising her hand as if to strike him. He immediately opened the robe, took the panties and stepped into them, pulling the silken fabric up over his hips. He was so mortified at the development that he failed to notice how snugly the panties fit his plump bottom. Then, before he could react, Sara had reached around...

                                Price: $6.00
                                Availability: In Stock
                                Reluctant Press Item #: RP124e -

                                  "Girls don't do that here." (said Aunt Jo)"Girls, what do you mean?" (said Bobby)"Well look at yourself. You don't look like a boy do you?""But i am a boy.""Not here you aren't. You don't have any boy clothes for one. For another there's the way you acted last year. I won't have that behaviour in my home and your mother told me that keeping you petticoated changed you. Well, that's fine with me. You are young enough to stay petticoated and undetected until you go home. Now, it can be just our...

                                  Reluctant Press has been in business for over 25 years bringing the best in stories of crossdressing, transsexuals, forced feminization, mystery, intrigue and often the ultimate satisfaction of transgender individuals. From those involved with innocent urges to males trapped by women and men with sinister goals, the novels bring you adventure in the transvestite, crossdressing and transgender world.