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Price: $6.00
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Reluctant Press Item #: RP538e -

    Monday of the next week started off similarly as the week before had begun, although I did not have any soreness from the shots to contend with. Nevertheless, there was a sensitivity in my chest under my prosthesis to remind me. It had arisen the week before and was both pleasant and irksome. This time, however, when I left the apartment, I had my purse slung over my shoulder. I did have some pockets in the outfit I wore, but all of my sundries, including my makeup were now deposited in my...

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    Price: $6.00
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    Reluctant Press Item #: RP537e -

      "Oh no! No way! This thing is getting way out of hand." "Why not? What have you got to lose? You don't know anybody here. You'll never see the guy again. You'll never see any of us again. Besides we'll go to a fancy place and you'll get a great meal out of this." "This is too much for me. I don't think I can handle it." "Look Herby is a real shmuck. He's naive and not very discriminating. He probably wants to show off ow well he is doing. If he bugs you too much, tell him you're a guy!" "I...

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      Price: $6.00
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      Reluctant Press Item #: RP536e -

        "Emma, what are those?" Roxanne said, pointing to the breasts."What do you think, silly, my breasts.""Your breasts? How did they come about?""You will have them too, pretty soon I would think. Mother helped the process by giving me female hormones, just after the last time you were here.""What do you mean, I will have them too?""Hasn't your mother explained all about the blocker hormones? Mother explained it all to me. I never liked being a boy anyway. But you didn't like being a girl, did...

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        Price: $8.00
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        Reluctant Press Item #: RP535e -

          Then I got an idea. "Miss Wurr? May I make a suggestion?""I guess I can't stop you - you don't work for me any more?" She said venomously. "Couldn't I have Priscilla's job?" I suggested quietly."Of course not! a male office girl? Don't be stupid!""He could do it!" Priscilla pipped up. "Honest Miss Wurr. I've been showing what has to get done - just in case I was sick or something. And I'd be there if anything came up he couldn't handle."Miss Wurr cocked her head in a birdlike fashion....

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          Price: $6.00
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          Reluctant Press Item #: RP534e -

            The next few days were a blur for Tony. The last thing he remembered about Wednesday morning was the nurse strapping him onto the gurney and telling him to relax. Since two procedures were performed, the surgeon gave him general anesthesia. He vaguely remembered Laura helping him up the steps and onto his bed. Pain and semi-consciousness filled the next two days. Dr. Ausberger prescribed a strong dosage of acetaminophen and codeine that kept Tony asleep most of the time. ...

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            Price: $6.00
            Availability: In Stock
            Reluctant Press Item #: RP532e -

              When Luke stepped away from the table, Charlie could see that Luke was wearing a calf-length black skirt. He had also changed shoes and was now wearing a pair of low-heeled ones instead of the loafers he had been wearing earlier. There was enough light that Charlie could see a soft sheen on Luke's ankles. He was obviously wearing nylons.Seeing Charlie's odd expression, Luke intuited the reason for it, and said, "Well I was making this nice dinner, and I thought would be more appropriate if I...

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              Price: $6.00
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              Reluctant Press Item #: RP531e -

                After her lunch date with Robert, Kelly drove back to her apartment and decided to lie down and take a nap. She was tired but found it hard to drift off to sleep. Her mind was working overtime, running scenarios over in her mind what might happen that evening with Mr. Clark. She finally decided that she wanted Robert to be the first and only man she made love tih. She would respectfully reject Mr. Clark's advances, if any.

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                Price: $6.00
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                Reluctant Press Item #: RP530e -

                  Lying there on the bed, I watched Gracie dial another number. Oh God no, it was Mark's phone number. I heard Gracie tell him that I was ready to be picked up and taken to the clinic. I tried to move. Gracie, who was watching me, sat down on the bed and began stroking my hair. "Don't worry Allison," she told me. "Mark said when all this is over, I could have you forever."Able to move just a little my eyes narrowed just enough to let her know I was pissed. She kept reassuring me I wouldn't feel...

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                  Price: $6.00
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                  Reluctant Press Item #: RP528e -

                    "Nice to see you again, Mark. Are you ready for your debut?""What do you mean by that?""Why Mark, don't you remember? Last night you really hurt Vera's chances for a career and you volunteered to take her place tonight.""What? I can't go out there in front of the crowd. No one wants to her a a guy sing, especially an untrained bass who doesn't know the words."..."I'm glad you could make it, not that you had any choice. The drugs never fail and the spells have set you up for your debut as my...

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                    Price: $6.00
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                    Reluctant Press Item #: RP527e -

                      When I woke, I found I was wearing one of Trudi's nightgowns. I didn't remember putting it on, but when I had to go to the bathroom, I automatically grabbed the matching robe and slipped my feet into the high heel slippers.In the daylight, the mirrors didn't hold the fear they had when I was trapped by them the previous night. I went to the bathroom, then looked at my reflection in the mirror. There was still some makeup on my face that I hadn't gotten off the night before, so I completed the...

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                      Price: $6.00
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                      Reluctant Press Item #: RP526e -

                        I lay there and waited for her to continue to explain, but she just sat there looking at me; her expression calculating. Eventually she said, "Ms Weaver was due to undergo sex reassignment surgery in theater 1 and yourself a hernia operation in theater 3. It seems that there was some confusion with your notes and as such you were taken to the wrong theater.""No! Surely you don't mean to tell me that I have had a sex change operation?""I'm afraid, Mr. Ryan, that is exactly what has...

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                        Price: $6.00
                        Availability: In Stock
                        Reluctant Press Item #: RP525e -

                          On the way home, Trevor became more aggressive After pulling out of the parking lot, he placed his hand on Denise's knee. She didn't know what to do. She didn't want to offend him and place possible business in jeopardy. She didn't want to encourage him either. She sat quietly and left his hand there. He parked the car in the adjoining lot and opened the doof for her. He insisted on escorting her to the door.As Denise opened the door, TRevor practically forced his way in side. Before she knew...

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                          Price: $6.00
                          Availability: In Stock
                          Reluctant Press Item #: RP524e -

                            At seven in the morning, Ruth lay in bed thinking, "I would imagine Stella has butterflies in her stomach," she thought. She ran her plans over in her mind. The future looked to be on course. Hadn't she forced her views on poor Stella and forced her into female clothes? Ruth shortly would be leaving to go to London on business. For Stella, or David, exams were soon to take place and after that would come his eighteenth birthday. Ella and her husband would be asked if David could join her...

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                            Price: $8.00
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                            Reluctant Press Item #: RP523e -

                              Poor Peter! He really is a nice boy, but too obedient to a fault.I don't know how Judith does it. She seems to spot a minor feminine trait in a young man and, before he knows it, he's a she - at least in dress and behavior. I won't pretend that I like men, I don't. But he's a real sweetie and I feel a little sorry for him, being able to see what's in store, and soon! Judith doesn't mess around, once she sees that there is a weakness there, she goes for the jugular. Nice lady. Great boss, but...

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                              Price: $6.00
                              Availability: In Stock
                              Reluctant Press Item #: RP522e -

                                Gena knew that something was up with Millie. Millie was acting nervous and not in a good way. "How did the date go?" asked Gena. Millie had promised to give her all the fun details. "It went ok. Actually, Rhett is coming here today for coffee with me at the shop. We are going to continue getting to know each other, to see what happens, I guess."Gena smiled. "That's so nice . I'm glad Millie. Do you think that this may be the one who will take you down the aisle?"Millie groaned and...

                                Relucant Press Book Image
                                Price: $6.00
                                Availability: In Stock
                                Reluctant Press Item #: RP521e -

                                  Returning to bed, I felt a very strange and humbling sensation. For some reason, the outfit, the make-up, and the one-sided love making were all making me feel very pliant, almost like I was some sort of obedient, docile lesbian slave, not just the slut she wanted. This strange emotion swept through me, altering my usual, very strong masculine inclinations and I felt oddly very contented, as though the position was part of my inherent, basic personality. It was an almost masochistic rage, a...

                                  Reluctant Press has been in business for over 25 years bringing the best in stories of crossdressing, transsexuals, forced feminization, mystery, intrigue and often the ultimate satisfaction of transgender individuals. From those involved with innocent urges to males trapped by women and men with sinister goals, the novels bring you adventure in the transvestite, crossdressing and transgender world.