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Products 625-640 of 1106
603 A CAPTIVE WIFE eBook By Bibi Dorb mags, inc, reluctant, press, transgender, crossdressing, transvestite, feminine, domination, crossdress, story, fiction
Price: $6.00
Availability: In Stock
Reluctant Press Item #: RP603e -

    "What can I say? you look very good. And you look very much like my wife."I stammered, "Thank you, I think.""Coffee?""OK.""Have you been doing this for a long time? I mean dressing up like this?""A few years, when I get the chance. Didn't think I would be disturbing anybody in this house since you all seem to be away so much.""We've had some problems. I think though that some of them may go away soon.""Oh.""Yes you see I killed my wife. Or at least I drove her to kill herself."This was not...

    602 HOW GREG BECAME JENNIFER eBook By Philippa Peters mags inc, reluctant press, transgender, crossdressing story, transvestite story, feminine domination, crossdress, story, fiction
    Price: $6.00
    Availability: In Stock
    Reluctant Press Item #: RP602e -

      The incessant banging finally settled down to a steady rhythm. My eyelids felt as if they weighed more than a ton. I forced them open. I didn't have to do more than  glance at the too-bright windows to know that I was on a railway train. The carriage lurched, helping me to sit up. What was I doing on a railway train?Let's see, my mind set to work, as I closed my eyes again to slits. My mouth was dry and horrid. My eyes seemed wrong, too, as if my eyelids wanted to stick together. Gosh,...

      601 THE INCUBUS eBook By Monica James mags, inc, reluctant, press, transgender, crossdressing, transvestite, feminine, domination, crossdress, story, fiction
      Price: $6.00
      Availability: In Stock
      Reluctant Press Item #: RP601e -

        She was back in her room in the quiet house on Elm Street, four years earlier. Samual was on her mind when she was asleep. The phrase 'time warp' whisked the last cobwebs of sleep from her mind. Then she made an effort to find the peace and security of those earlier times. What a strange dream, she whispered and closed her eyes."Margaret," the voice resonated in the shadows. It was Letos.Meg was instantly awake and, as so many years earlier, grasped her sheet to hold against her, But, this...

        600 CATCH OF THE YEAR eBook By Maureen Glasgow mags inc, reluctant press, crossdressing stories, transvestite stories, feminine domination, crossdress story, fiction
        Price: $7.00
        Availability: In Stock
        Reluctant Press Item #: RP600e -

          Elizabeth beamed. "Like I always say, if a woman shows her natural superiority, a male immediately recognizes this and does what he's told. Off you go then, dear. Make yourself useful!' And she patted me on the rear.Somewhat stunned by this new series of events, I followed Myrtle down into the kitchen. She marched into the larder, opened a cupboard door there and pulled out one of the lovely, feminine aprons so beloved of Mummy."Here you are... Sherry is it now" Get this apron around you, then...

          599 WHO AM I? eBook by Blind Ruth mags inc, reluctant press, transgender, crossdressing stories, transvestite stories, feminine domination, sissy stories, sissy maid
          Price: $6.00
          Availability: In Stock
          Reluctant Press Item #: RP599e -

            Artie, from Friday night till it all ends, your spare time will be devoted to being a woman. Heather has arranged for you to stay here; we will make the spare room up for you. However do not think you can take advantage of Heather."Every night when you come home from work, you will change into women's clothes, and all weekend. As much as possible, think woman, be woman. Your hair at present is reasonable but by the time Joe Dobson meets up with you, it will be long and in a female style. Any...

            598 THE PRINCESS Part 2 eBook By Philippa Peters mags, inc, reluctant, press, transgender, crossdressing, transvestite, feminine, domination, crossdress, story, fiction
            Price: $6.00
            Availability: In Stock
            Reluctant Press Item #: RP598e -

              Then he put his arms about me and hugged me to him. "I've missed you," he whispered into my ear and I was shocked by the banality of his remark. He was treating me as if I really was his wife! He was treating me as if I was his woman as he kissed me again, this time more fiercely, hungrily pressing my body, my breasts, into him. The aide silently withdrew and Gendrick's kissing became more intense. I was so terrified. He was treating me as if he had every right o kiss me, another man. His...

              597 MAID FOR LIFE eBook by Norman Way mags, inc, reluctant, press, transgender, crossdressing, transvestite, feminine, domination, crossdress, story, fiction
              Price: $6.00
              Availability: In Stock
              Reluctant Press Item #: RP597e -

                That evening after I showered, I sat down and opened the book she had given me. The title was "A Maid's Guide to Serving Techniques". The book was divided into four sections. The first dealt with the various types of uniforms, how they were worn and cared for. The second section was about a maid's demeanor and proper conduct: the way a maid walks as well as how to execute a proper curtsy, to speak only when spoken to and to answer the maid's bell promptly. The third section was about setting...

                596 THE TRANSGENDER MENACE eBook by Dee Dee Perri mags, inc, reluctant, press, transgender, crossdressing, transvestite, feminine, domination, crossdress, story, fiction
                Price: $6.00
                Availability: In Stock
                Reluctant Press Item #: RP596e -

                  "I'm not doing this just because asked me. I'm doing it for all of us.""Huh?""I can't speak personally for all the girls but..." She began to tear up and then she rushed over and put her arm tightly around me and kissed me on the cheek. "Thank you! Thank you!""For what?" I could hardly breath she was hugging me so tight and I could feel her tears soaking into my much abused suit coat. She said something more but the cloth muffled her voice. "What did you say?""Your invention.""Come again?"She...

                  595 THE PRINCESS eBook by Philippa Peters mags, inc, reluctant, press, transgender, crossdressing, transvestite, feminine, domination, crossdress, story, fiction
                  Price: $6.00
                  Availability: In Stock
                  Reluctant Press Item #: RP595e -

                    Gendrick stopped and turned me partly to face the cheering crowds. "Let's give them one more moment to savor," he said, putting his free hand about my waist and pulling me to him. He kissed my shocked lips and so I was caught with my mouth partly open. I went rigid as he kissed and kissed me and I could hear a huge roar of people shouting and laughing, laughing at me, I was sure. I don't know why I had closed my eyes but I had and when he let me go, I reeled, shivering with shame and fright....

                    594.PHOTOGRAPHERS DELIGHT eBook by E. B. Stevenson mags, inc, reluctant, press, transgender, crossdressing, transvestite, feminine, domination, crossdress, story, fiction
                    Price: $6.00
                    Availability: In Stock
                    Reluctant Press Item #: RP594e -

                      "Do you hope to marry a man someday?" I asked her. "I've dreamed of finding a husband since I first put on an article of feminine clothing. Even while I was growing p, I had dreamed of being a beautiful, blushing bride. Now that I'm living my dream of being a woman, I feel that I am one step closer to that dream coming true," she replied. "I've dreamed of marrying a beautiful woman since I was a young boy. However, I was never able to meet her back in Missouri. Even though I considered it at...

                      593 N.Y.P.D. TRANNY eBook by  Jennifer Lauren mags, inc, reluctant, press, transgender, crossdressing, transvestite, feminine, domination, crossdress, story, fiction
                      Price: $6.00
                      Availability: In Stock
                      Reluctant Press Item #: RP593e -

                        "I'm reporting for duty, sir. Captain Lewis said that..." "I don't know what Captain Lewis told you, but we have a full roster here at the 41st." Captain Sharp told her. "I don't understand." Shauna said, incredulously. The captain took a drag on his cigarette and eyed Shauna closely. "What were you expecting to do here, Miss Elliot?" he asked. "I don't know. I was hoping to get posted to Robbery or Narcotics..." Captain Sharp chuckled amusingly. "As I said, Miss Elliott, I have no positions...

                        592 TV COMPETITION eBook by  Monica James mags, inc, reluctant, press, transgender, crossdressing, transvestite, feminine, domination, crossdress, story, fiction
                        Price: $6.00
                        Availability: In Stock
                        Reluctant Press Item #: RP592e -

                          A delightful and erotic journey back to the New Orleans we remember from growing up, complete with jazz and shemales of all kinds. Our heroine is an up and coming jazz artist who appears as the Dis-n-Dat Kid, but the lovely transvestites of Buck 'n' Al's bring her brand new adventures and romance of a different kind. Adventure and sexy encounters abound!

                          591 PRISONER OF WOMEN eBook by Norman Way mags, inc, reluctant, press, transgender, crossdressing, transvestite, feminine, domination, crossdress, story, fiction
                          Price: $6.00
                          Availability: In Stock
                          Reluctant Press Item #: RP591e -

                            "Now listen good, neither of us was ever well treated by men. We grabbed you as insurance that our loan application would get a favorable review. We didn't know you'd be leaving the bank. Fortunately for us, whether or not the loan goes through, your lottery winnings will provide for us very nicely indeed! You will be our silent partner so to speak, with the emphasis on the word 'silent'. You will also be working for us, though not in the capacity you have been used to in responsibility or...

                            Relucant Press Book Image
                            Price: $6.00
                            Availability: In Stock
                            Reluctant Press Item #: RP581e -

                              My guy took my hands and pulled me tight to him. Donna was away in the ladies and all I felt was panic. The guy was really strong and he directed m in a spin as I had directed Joanie and I felt myself going with it. Then he twirled me back and I was dancing with a man, taking the girl's part. I blushed and blushed and could only look down, at my dainty girlish shoes, stockinged feet and the tight vinyl on my legs. Worse, of course, were the two mounds on my chest, sticking out in front of me...

                              584 THE QUEEN OF ROCK & ROLL, Part 2 eBook by  Philippa Peters mags, inc, reluctant, press, transgender, crossdressing, transvestite, feminine, domination, crossdress, story, fiction
                              Price: $6.00
                              Availability: In Stock
                              Reluctant Press Item #: RP584e -

                                On a rare day off, Joanie and I spent a dreamy day shopping for new clothes, new jewelry and fresh makeup. She taught me a lot about shading my eyes for different effects glamorous or demure, depending on how, I, Christine, wanted to appear. It was a new idea that I took to hungrily. To think that I could manipulate other people with my femininity was a thrilling idea and, with Joanie's encouragement, I was shameless for a little while. Once I went out without a bra, encouraged my Joanie, but...

                                589 QUEEN OF ROCK & ROLL, PART 3 eBook by  Philippa Peters mags, inc, reluctant, press, transgender, crossdressing, transvestite, feminine, domination, crossdress, story, fiction
                                Price: $6.00
                                Availability: In Stock
                                Reluctant Press Item #: RP589e -

                                  He thought I was being coy. I sat sort of far away on the edge of the bed but he reached over, took my arm and pulled me in beside him with frightening ease. He pulled me down and I put my hands up defensively on his chest as his hairy leg touched mine. He kissed me hard and enthusiastically and I can't say that I really felt anything at all except that his muscled chest was very hard. His hands went about my waist and then touched the bare tops of my thighs and I squirmed at that. "This is...

                                  Reluctant Press has been in business for over 25 years bringing the best in stories of crossdressing, transsexuals, forced feminization, mystery, intrigue and often the ultimate satisfaction of transgender individuals. From those involved with innocent urges to males trapped by women and men with sinister goals, the novels bring you adventure in the transvestite, crossdressing and transgender world.