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Price: $8.00
Availability: In Stock
Reluctant Press Item #: RP731e -

    "I don't do this will all my fashion models," said Andrea as I went over to see her in the morning. Jennifer said she could cope and I shouldn't worry. I ever got the loan of her car for my trip downtown."I realize that," I told her with some agitation. Occasionally, her phone lit up with calls but I guess the answering machine got them."Did you bathe and depilate the way that I told you to?" Andrea asked belligerently.I gulped and nodded. There wasn't a hair left on my body any more."You know...

    Relucant Press Book Image
    Price: $8.00
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    Reluctant Press Item #: RP730e -

      In The Notes, Ruth Campbell sets out to find all about the wonderful world of male lesbians from two; Daphne and Kitty going through various adventures with them.In Aunt Mildred and Her Naughty Niece, set in the 1930's, we relate the adventures of Adelaide a pretty young male lesbian and a house overflowing with men dressed in women's clothes.In These Sisters Were Incestuous we find Ruby Jackson bringing up her son as her daughter. Jordan wishes he could have a sister and of course Ruby finds...

      Relucant Press Book Image
      Price: $8.00
      Availability: In Stock
      Reluctant Press Item #: RP729e -

        "I haven't told you everything about me," she began. "I was born into a gypsy family. They knew from an early age that I possessed special talents. My mother was a beautiful woman and very mysterious. When I reached the right age, she showed me many fascinating things. One of them was the ability to look into the core of someone's being. As they say, the eyes are the windows to the soul. That's more than just a saying. It's a truth. That was perhaps the most valuable gift I got from my mother....

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        Price: $8.00
        Availability: In Stock
        Reluctant Press Item #: RP728e -

          "I'm not going out of the house!" I said in a panic. Even to my ears, it sounded like a little girl protesting to her mommy."Of course you are, Christine," said Andrea. "I have reservations at Carmelo's. I have to be there to do a little business." She looked at Jennifer giving me a very sympathetic look. "Sorry Jenny, but I couldn't get out of more instructive to the girl than just sitting around here and watching Tootsie or Some Like It Hot. So let's get moving, mother and daughter, and let...

          Relucant Press Book Image
          Price: $8.00
          Availability: In Stock
          Reluctant Press Item #: RP727e -

            Alex entered the mouse hole, expecting to find a dingy and dirty passage. However he was pleasantly surprised to find it instead led to a small but neat apartment.  There was a tiny bed and chest of drawers against one wall and a clothes tree with a single blue dress hanging from it, with a pretty blouse, a starched white crinoline, and a pretty apron. Alex puzzled over what to do. "I can't quite continue on naked," he considered. "And I'm getting quite cold. On the other hand, I...

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            Price: $8.00
            Availability: In Stock
            Reluctant Press Item #: RP726e -

              Two short stories: In The Rack, Jean is assaulted and tied up by an unknown assailant. Dick takes the opportunity to ogle her helpless form instead of releasing her from her bondage. When she is freed, Jean vows to get even with both her attacker and Dick. Through guile and persuasion, she turns Dick into Dolly and recruits "her" to help her find the person who humiliated her. They form an unusual partnership and find an even more unusual love. In Lovely Leading Lady, when Jack loses his job,...

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              Price: $8.00
              Availability: In Stock
              Reluctant Press Item #: RP725e -

                "Snap out of it girlie," Clara laughed. Norma giggled at the look of astonishment and disbelief etched on Harry's face. It was obvious that he was almost in a state of catatonic shock at how closely he resembled the two maids, particularly Norma. He had been staring at his reflected image for almost a minute. "What have you done?" he mumbled in a daze. He fought to tear his eyes away from the devastating visual evidence of how much he had been transformed in such a short time. There was...

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                Price: $8.00
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                Reluctant Press Item #: RP724e -

                  "Ok James, now listen carefully. I know you may not like this but sometimes we have to do certain things to benefit everyone, just like everyone has to pitch in on a farm.  The girl who was going to be the flower girl in the wedding party was injured in gym class and won't be able to be here. You will be taking her place. Please get undressed so we can see you the dress fits you." I was very surprised at this but stripped down to my underpants. Nora opened the box and took out a garment...

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                  Price: $8.00
                  Availability: In Stock
                  Reluctant Press Item #: RP723e -

                    "Where did you get these (pictures)?" she asked shaken."When one has money, my dear, one can buy about anything and everything," he responded " I was contacted by a photographer who had a very powerful telephoto lens. I was able to negotiate a reasonable price for all the pictures and their negatives."Some color had flown back into Kathleen's cheeks. "Just how much is it going to cost me to keep them out of public view?" she asked.Bill smiled on a way that made her skin begin to crawl. "I've...

                    Relucant Press Book Image
                    Price: $8.00
                    Availability: In Stock
                    Reluctant Press Item #: RP722e -

                      That opposites attract cannot be doubted with four people thrown together in the complex social network of the New Orleans French Quarter. One is a woman who wants to be a man, one is a man who wants to be a woman. Now stir in a plan to fleece the rich by selling them counterfeit heirloom gems, set the whole pansexual mix in the seamy underworld of New Orleans and what do you have? A story filled with twists, turns and eroticism as hot as the climate in the Big Easy. ...

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                      Price: $8.00
                      Availability: In Stock
                      Reluctant Press Item #: RP719e -

                        Over the next few weeks, when I would be alone, I cleaned her apartment while wearing one of her skirts, knee-highs and heels. I tried on different skirts, looking to see if one made a difference over the other. While pencil skirts provided a better view of the floor, they were restrictive. They forced me to do everything while keeping my legs together. Skirts that flared out from the waist down were easier to work in but they obstructed the view of the floor immediately beneath me. That...

                        Relucant Press Book Image
                        Price: $8.00
                        Availability: In Stock
                        Reluctant Press Item #: RP718e -

                          It was like a dream or a nightmare: My hand went to my throat. My voice was that of a flute, each note high but charmingly musical. The heat from the fire now rode across naked flesh for in an instant I was nude. Flesh attached to my chest wobbled as I reacted by covering my crotch. I mewed like a kitten as my fingers found and searched a slit between my legs that bloomed with rich fluids that wet silky soft jet-black pubic hair.

                          Relucant Press Book Image
                          Price: $8.00
                          Availability: In Stock
                          Reluctant Press Item #: RP721e -

                            It was like a horror film. I found myself walking on the University campus, well after midnight. The heavy mist ate the light from the lamps above the sidewalk. Roberta Donner was pale, which was unusual for her. She remembered what it been like before, after she had been un-made. Men had treated her like a slut, they surely had. And now, she was to be a full fledged succubus... and pregnant!

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                            Price: $8.00
                            Availability: In Stock
                            Reluctant Press Item #: RP716e -

                              ...I scrambled out of bed and pulled off my tunic. Even in the dim light of the lantern I could see I had curves where I never had curves before. My hips and amazingly flat stomach were very feminine but very alien to me. I yanked the bandages wound around my torso and threw them to the floor. My once hirsute body was now virtually hairless, but that wasn't what grabbed my attention.I had breasts!"Oh my god! It can't be!"

                              Relucant Press Book Image
                              Price: $8.00
                              Availability: In Stock
                              Reluctant Press Item #: RP715e -

                                "All right, now I believe you have one semester remaining in your junior year. This will give us plenty of time to get you trained and transform you for your new identity. I want you to let your hair grow. Three months from your last day of school, let your nails grow. Continue your exercise routine. You are thinner than when I met you and while the stress of the situation may have caused that, I don't want you to put on any weight. I want you to study the books that I have brought to you and...

                                Relucant Press Book Image
                                Price: $8.00
                                Availability: In Stock
                                Reluctant Press Item #: RP714e -

                                  Kate watched with pride as Chris' lips slowly but surely became fuller and fuller; they looked almost puffed up. The vitamins (hormones) he'd been taking for months now began to change his mind and his body. He was generally calmer now than before, although he was a little more emotional at times. On occasion, he experienced unexplained mood swings. Now after five full months of hormones, he was beginning to feel an itchy feeling in his slightly puffy and swollen breasts. He'd noticed over the...

                                  Reluctant Press has been in business for over 25 years bringing the best in stories of crossdressing, transsexuals, forced feminization, mystery, intrigue and often the ultimate satisfaction of transgender individuals. From those involved with innocent urges to males trapped by women and men with sinister goals, the novels bring you adventure in the transvestite, crossdressing and transgender world.