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Products 353-368 of 1106
876 Plantation Days, Bordello Nights eBook by William Kincaid mags, inc, reluctant, press, william kincaid, transgender, crossdressing, transvestite, feminine, domination, crossdress, story, fiction
Price: $8.00
Availability: In Stock
Reluctant Press Item #: RP876e -

    "You seem like an intelligent young girl, we have regularly listened to your tour and we don't expect you to believe what we are about to tell you, but we assure you, it is the truth, and I can prove it. We need your help.""Ok." Susanna looked guarded, but was still willing to cooperate."I am Colonel Franklin Davis of the Army of the Potomac, and this is my Sergeant-Major, Donovan Buckley."Susanna condescendingly smiled, "You never know what schtick the re-enactors will give." She sniffed for...

    875 Sugar and Spice eBook by Cheryl Lynn mags, inc, reluctant, press, transgender, crossdressing, transvestite, feminine, domination, crossdress, story, fiction
    Price: $8.00
    Availability: In Stock
    Reluctant Press Item #: RP875e -

      Taylor Learns About Tradition, including maid's traditions.Sweet Robin looses his mother only to be taken in by his grandmother - who has less than honorable plans for him/her.In Dance For Me, David gets to put o a ballerina costume, is coerced into dance... and much more.And finally, Prissy Sandy is transformed by Mrs. Abernathy into a proper young lady.

      874 Kirsten & Sarah eBook by Delphinia Longstreet mags, inc, reluctant, delphinia longstreet, press, transgender, crossdressing, transvestite, feminine, domination, crossdress, story, fiction
      Price: $8.00
      Availability: In Stock
      Reluctant Press Item #: RP874e -

        Helplessly, she had allowed Grams to push her down on a hay bale to remove her shoes and replace them with toe boots that forced her to walk on the balls of her feet on steel horse shoes that clicked ominously when she walked. She stood passively as Grams admired her, praising her for being the best pony girl ever! Kirsten was not so sure she liked this distinction, but she went along with it. What else could she do? She was completely dependent on Grams for anything and everything! Even when...

        873 The Game eBook by Nick Lorance mags, inc, reluctant, press, transgender, crossdressing, transvestite, feminine, domination, crossdress, story, fiction
        Price: $8.00
        Availability: In Stock
        Reluctant Press Item #: RP873e -

          Kelly, Mark, and Duane. Just three high school seniors who have been friends since grade school, hanging out together, counting the days until graduation. Today, however, is going to be the beginning of a new reality for them, especially Kelly. On the way home that day, Kelly finds a board game lying in an alley. This is not just any board game, but a special game with the ability to make the players follow its instructions and to alter them to suit the situation. As the game pro- gresses,...

          872 A Maids Story eBook by Blind Ruth mags inc, reluctant press, blind ruth, transgender, crossdressing, transvestite, feminine, domination, crossdress, story, fiction
          Price: $8.00
          Availability: In Stock
          Reluctant Press Item #: RP872e -

            Jim Rankin is a regular guy, not very different from a lot of men you know, maybe even yourself. He loves his wife Irene very much. Everything is normal in Jim's world. That's until Irene decides she'd like to make a few modifications in her husband. Nothing drastic, it's just that he'd look ever so much better with a cute figure, pretty face and nice bosom. Irene's mother agrees and delights in the thought of having her feminized son-in-law as her housemaid. Jim finds himself becoming...

            871 An Unforeseen Journey eBook by Heather Berdrow mags, inc, reluctant, press, heather Berdrow, transgender, crossdressing, transvestite, feminine, domination, crossdress, story, fiction
            Price: $8.00
            Availability: In Stock
            Reluctant Press Item #: RP871e -

              After the ties were released, and the final bandages were removed, I asked a nurse for a mirror. Did I really want to see what I now looked like? Was I going to be some sort of grotesque collection of male and female parts? I swallowed the lump away, and raised the mirror to eye level, and took a long look. Again, I nearly fainted once more. The image I saw could have been a twin of my mother when she was young. The hair, the eyes, lips and cheek bones were now identical to her. It was if they...

              870 Strange Desires Fulfilled eBook by Susan Strange mags, inc, reluctant, press, susan strange, transgender, crossdressing, transvestite, feminine, domination, crossdress, story, fiction
              Price: $8.00
              Availability: In Stock
              Reluctant Press Item #: RP870e -

                The third part of the erotic saga concludes with Norma, formerly Norman, being drawn further and further into his/her mother's web. Margaret is determined to make forbidden love. There is no step she won't take, no manipulation of her child she won't resort to to have her way with her gender-altered offspring. As beautiful as Norma appears to be, Margaret must find a way to convince her to keep her male parts intact for that is part of Margaret's disturbing erotic fantasy. Simultaneously, Mary...

                869 He Became a Sweet Farm Girl Part 4 eBook by B.C. mags, inc, reluctant, press, transgender, crossdressing, transvestite, feminine, domination, crossdress, story, fiction
                Price: $8.00
                Availability: In Stock
                Reluctant Press Item #: RP869e -

                  The incredible story of Sandy and Ben, two boys who have been transformed into Sandy and Beth Ann, continues.As confusing as their unasked for transformation is for the two, the powerful female hormones coursing through their bloodstreams are starting to make them accept, even enjoy, their new pretty faces and voluptuous bodies. It doesn't hurt, either, that every guy in their school is drooling over the two hot new girls in town.Two boys in particular, John and Phil, have taken a shine to...

                  868 A Plague of Men eBook by Philippa Peters mags, inc, reluctant, press, philippa peters, transgender, crossdressing, transvestite, feminine, domination, crossdress, story, fiction
                  Price: $8.00
                  Availability: In Stock
                  Reluctant Press Item #: RP868e -

                    My lips began to tremble. Rob's tongue slipped into my mouth. I found I was holding him tightly, his chest bouncing on my bra, arousing such strange feelings that I fought against. All the time, his hands caressed my shoulders and slowly slipped down the thin straps that kept my nightie and bra in place. He stroked me, my lower body held down by his weight as his mouth had its fill of me. I shook beneath him as I responded with pleasure at his kiss, wanting him so much. He made me feel so...

                    867 More Strange Desires eBook by Susan Strange mags, inc, reluctant, press, susan strange, transgender, crossdressing, transvestite, feminine, domination, crossdress, story, fiction
                    Price: $8.00
                    Availability: In Stock
                    Reluctant Press Item #: RP867e -

                      Norman and Jonathan are slowly being turned into Norma and Johanna. The perverse women around them are transforming them into the objects of their extreme desires, as they have done to many other young men in the past. With the powerful hormones they are being given and the emotional manipulation they are being subjected to by their minders, the two youths only dimly realise that with each passing day, they are becoming pretty she-males. It's only natural that these two confused souls would...

                      866 He Became a Sweet Farm Girl Part 3 eBook by B.C. mags, inc, reluctant, press, b c, bc, transgender, crossdressing, transvestite, feminine, domination, crossdress, story, fiction
                      Price: $8.00
                      Availability: In Stock
                      Reluctant Press Item #: RP866e -

                        Some time has passed and Sandy and Ben (now Beth Ann) have settled into their roles as new girls. It'�s still weird to have perky breasts, cute figures and beautiful faces. There is an upside to knowing that you have to power to make boys do just about anything you want. Sandy struggles with feeling gay for being attracted to Danny but the girly hormones coursing through her veins are making her view her buddy in a new light. Sandy can�t resist her new emotions any longer and gives Danny some...

                        865 Another Fine Witch eBook by Philippa Peters mags, inc, reluctant, press, pilippa peters, transgender, crossdressing, transvestite, feminine, domination, crossdress, story, fiction
                        Price: $8.00
                        Availability: In Stock
                        Reluctant Press Item #: RP865e -

                          Since there were no real women on board the ship, we cabbies would be deluged with men who wanted to dance with us in the place of women. They would call us by girlish names, making them up, if we didn't do that for ourselves. Gennee called me Arrathee all through the makeup session she inflicted on me. A guard stood ready to beat on me in the walkway, as she painted my trembling face, making my eyes as vivid as hers, my cheeks as red as hers, and my face as pale and glowingly soft and womanly...

                          864 Strange Desires by eBook Susan Strange mags, inc, reluctant, press, transgender, crossdressing, transvestite, feminine, domination, crossdress, story, fiction
                          Price: $8.00
                          Availability: In Stock
                          Reluctant Press Item #: RP864e -

                            If you think your mother was difficult to deal with, just be grateful you didn't have Norman's mother. An emotionally-scarred Egyptologist, Margaret was determined that her son would not turn into his father. She would do whatever it took to prevent that, even if it involved putting her son in dresses. As the first step on the road to Norman's feminization, she begins taking him to parties hosted by Lady Bloomington, a woman who likes to help young boys become beautiful women. Surrounded by...

                            863 He Became a Sweet Farm Girl Part 2 eBook by B.C. mags, inc, reluctant, press, transgender, crossdressing, transvestite, feminine, domination, crossdress, story, fiction
                            Price: $8.00
                            Availability: In Stock
                            Reluctant Press Item #: RP863e -

                              Sandy finds himself turning into the hottest girl in town, while confused and trying to deal with the physical and emotional changes he is going through. Ben and his brother take their sexy transformed cousin to a dance where all the local boys vie for his/her attention. Ben feels jealous over being snubbed by Sandy for the other boys, He decides to get even by inviting Dan, Sandy's best friend from her former life in the city, to visit without telling Sandy about it or informing Dan about the...

                              862 Penelope Bright eBook by Delphinia Longstreet mags, inc, reluctant, press, delphinia longstreet, transgender, crossdressing, transvestite, feminine, domination, crossdress, story, fiction
                              Price: $8.00
                              Availability: In Stock
                              Reluctant Press Item #: RP862e -

                                ...And then I awoke!But not in the same bed as I had been in!this one was in a definitely medical recovery unit and I figured they had brought me here while I was asleep and I felt a sort of gratitude that they hadn't awakened me.I was alone and I had an overpowering urge to pee, so I tried to sit up, only to find that I was strapped firmly in place! "Hey!" I yelped. "I gotta pee!""Oh dear then are we awake?" a soft melodious voice answered me.Yeah we are awake," I snapped peevishly, "but I...

                                861 Parachute Silk Dress eBook by Monica James mags, inc, reluctant, press, monica james, transgender, crossdressing, transvestite, feminine, domination, crossdress, story, fiction
                                Price: $8.00
                                Availability: In Stock
                                Reluctant Press Item #: RP861e -

                                  B-17 Flying Fortress gunner Edgar Logan bails out and is captured by German S.S. but escapes and hides in a cave. He is taken in by a French family, the Foulards. The Germans know the family have one daughter. The daughter has been missing since she ran off to work the streets. Edgar takes the missing girl's place but has to learn to look and act like a young girl. Ed discovers the latent crossdresser inside himself as he learns to live as a young woman. And he is not the only one to enjoy his...

                                  Reluctant Press has been in business for over 25 years bringing the best in stories of crossdressing, transsexuals, forced feminization, mystery, intrigue and often the ultimate satisfaction of transgender individuals. From those involved with innocent urges to males trapped by women and men with sinister goals, the novels bring you adventure in the transvestite, crossdressing and transgender world.