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Price: $8.00
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Reluctant Press Item #: RP925e -

    Ben couldn't get over the feeling these very odd and strange clothes had on his now hairless body.. The corset held him so tight that he couldn't take big steps and so he started taking these little mincing steps that caused his ass to sway. The dress was driving him nuts as it rubbed against his bare legs with every step and it tickled as it softly brushed the bare sensitive skin. Plus it took most of the morning to get used to having these rather large mounds on his chest. He had to learn...

    Reluctant Press Cover Image
    Price: $8.00
    Availability: In Stock
    Reluctant Press Item #: RP924e -

      Heather Archer, a transsexual nurse at Sudbury General Hospital, had fallen in love with Martin Townsend, a politician who became the Member of Parliament for Sudbury City. Martin's political ambitions were high and he was making his way up the political ladder. He had asked Heather to marry him, which that era was not allowed. Heather confessed to Martin that she was transsexual yet this made no difference to him. He loved her and would forsake his political career for her. Heather saw...

      Reluctant Press Cover Image
      Price: $8.00
      Availability: In Stock
      Reluctant Press Item #: RP923e -

        Looking back, I think of that Saturday as the day I became a fully fledged transvestite. Of course other things took place which changed everything as well and kind of cemented my newfound love for women's clothes, but that Saturday with me and Annalise going out together for the first time as Roberta and Annalise, well, that was the catalyst for what followed.When I finished getting ready, Annalise applied my makeup. She had more time so we drank wine and giggled like two school girls. When...

        Price: $8.00
        Availability: In Stock
        Reluctant Press Item #: RP922e -

          "Well, hello!" said Mr. G. I had made an appointment with him on Thursday of the first week of school. "What can I do for you?""Well, um, some people have been calling me a gay shemale." I said, "and I wonder if that's what I really am?""Hey, I would be aq bit surprised!" he said with a grin. "You've got the looks for a top-notch one, that's for sure!"Thank you," I said. I was wearing a tight peach-colored to with a neckline a tiny bit lower than I really thought ladylike, with a plain tan...

          Price: $8.00
          Availability: In Stock
          Reluctant Press Item #: RP921e -

            When I arrived, Donnecker called me into his office. We had another one, this was an Admiral in command of the Carrier Battle Group surrounding the USS Ronald Reagan. He had been moody the last few days; then at down he had walked out onto the flight deck and took a running leap over the bow.VR made meetings and, unfortunately micromanaging, far too easy. But damn it, military comm channels are the best protected on the planet! Even more secure than the state Department! If he had been gotten...

            Price: $8.00
            Availability: In Stock
            Reluctant Press Item #: RP920e -

              I considered the situation. I was a transsexual. During the times I am talking of, that situation was not like it is today. For a start, I couldn't change my birth certificate from male to female and same sex marriages weren't allowed. I could change my driving licence to my female name which I had already done. I could change my name to a female Christian name as I already had. So everything was stacked against me. Martin knew nothing of my past. I had never considered myself as male, but I...

              919 The Queen of the Valley eBook by Phillipa Peters mags inc, reluctant press, crossdressing stories, transvestite stories, feminine domination stories, sissy stories, Phillipa Peters
              Price: $8.00
              Availability: In Stock
              Reluctant Press Item #: RP919e -

                "How did you learn to talk like that?" I asked her, my throat dry just looking at 'her'. Jane gave the oddest smile as if she could read my mind."Delmonte's," Helen said, seriously. "The modeling academy. It has ads all the time in The Queen. They do voice lessons. A lot of girls like me are in the classes. Girls go for other reasons, too. I'l love to be a model. Madame Delmonte says I could be if I put my mind to it. Oh but the training is so expensive! I've so many things I have to buy!...

                918 BFFs eBook by William Kincaid mags inc, reluctant press, crossdressing stories, transvestite stories, feminine domination stories, sissy stories, William Kincaid
                Price: $8.00
                Availability: In Stock
                Reluctant Press Item #: RP918e -

                  "So how did you pick the name Crystal?" Peter asked on the way to the seafood restaurant. "I didn't pick it, my first boyfriend gave it to me. He worked for years at a drag club and taught me the works, makeup, fashion, taking it like a woman." "So you enjoy that?" "I will tonight." Peter choked up for a second. "So what happened between the two of you?" "We broke up, he wanted me to be his gay boyfriend that did drag on occasion, but I wanted to be his girlfriend. That's situation that is...

                  917 Kellys Family Vacation from Hell eBook by B.C. mags inc, reluctant press, crossdressing stories, transvestite stories, feminine domination stories, sissy stories, Delphinia Longstreet
                  Price: $8.00
                  Availability: In Stock
                  Reluctant Press Item #: RP917e -

                    "I beg your pardon. You don't ever tell me what you are or are not going to do. I thought that we'd gotten that clear over the past couple of months. You will do what I tell you to do and that's all there is to it. What do you plan to do, stay stark naked until we find your suitcase? That could be days or weeks or manbe not at all. You're going to be very hungry by then." Gail said, looking through the suitcase and picking up one item after another. They were all the things that she'd bought...

                    916 Charlotte Harshley - a Solutions Ltd. Story eBook by Delphinia Longstreet mags inc, reluctant press, crossdressing stories, transvestite stories, feminine domination stories, sissy stories, Delphinia Longstreet
                    Price: $8.00
                    Availability: In Stock
                    Reluctant Press Item #: RP916e -

                      Ms. Harshley gazed at her newest charges, reveling in the fearful looks they gave one another and to her. She smiled wickedly and took satisfaction in the twins hurriedly down-cast, embarrassed glances to avoid looking directly at her.She gloated mentally, her mind alive with possibilities.How well she remembered the Wood twins. She had been retained by their parents many years before. They had been about three years old, she remembered. No wonder they did not remember her.Still, after being...

                      915 Madame Dominatrix Part 2: Revenge eBook by Blind Ruth mags inc, reluctant press, crossdressing stories, transvestite stories, feminine domination stories, sissy stories, Blind Ruth
                      Price: $8.00
                      Availability: In Stock
                      Reluctant Press Item #: RP915e -

                        Some months later Madam Desiree had Phoebe sitting in her office. "Phoebe, I have contacted a young woman who has expressed an interest in you and, more importantly for you and me, she is willing to pay a price that should satisfy both of us. She will be coming to the Palace to inspect you before any papers are signed which is understandable. I will inform you at the proper time. It may be that you will have to be chained and shackled or such to show that you are indeed still in servitude. As...

                        914 Hovering Between the Sexes eBook by Abby Rhodes mags inc, reluctant press, crossdressing stories, transvestite stories, feminine domination stories, sissy stories, Abbey Rhodes
                        Price: $8.00
                        Availability: In Stock
                        Reluctant Press Item #: RP914e -

                          The dance, as I was saying, started well. We met up, as we usually did on a Friday, at the local TGIF a couple of doors down past the Jive Club to have a few drinks and admire each other... I've described my dress already.Scarlett never does costume by halves so she was wearing a red proper poodle skirt with a poodle on it, a real pointy bra under a tight white cardigan top, a scarf and ankle socks with flat shoes.Briar was a little more ladylike. Her skirt was full, made out of black cotton...

                          913 How Hal Comes to Marry His Sisters Husband eBook by B.C. mags inc, reluctant press, crossdressing stories, transvestite stories, feminine domination stories, sissy stories, B. C.
                          Price: $8.00
                          Availability: In Stock
                          Reluctant Press Item #: RP913e -

                            "Now don't you worry, we're not really turning you into a woman, we are just trying to make it so that you can breastfeed with real breast milk and this way should be faster and safer and certainly a hell of a lot less messy than what you're trying to do now. If you're uncomfortable in the clothes you can change back as soon as we get home.""Oh my, what am I getting myself into now? This isn't going to give me big breasts that I can't hid from view is it? After all, I still have my own life to...

                            912 Madam Dominatrix Part 1 eBook by Blind Ruth mags inc, reluctant press, crossdressing stories, transvestite stories, feminine domination stories, sissy stories, Blind Ruth
                            Price: $8.00
                            Availability: In Stock
                            Reluctant Press Item #: RP912e -

                              After a pleasant exchange of matters of the day, Desiree changed the subject. "What do you think of my maid Phoebe, Amanda?""A lot has changed since that first night I saw you flogging her, Desiree and I must commend you on the manner you used that cane. She has learned to be submissive to our sex. Now just what do you want of me?""I believe it is time that the first steps towards womanhood are taken by Phoebe, don't you think?""Yes of course. I understand why you have invited me here today....

                              911 Almost Incest eBook by Susan Strange mags inc, reluctant press, crossdressing stories, transvestite stories, feminine domination stories, sissy stories, Susan Strange
                              Price: $8.00
                              Availability: In Stock
                              Reluctant Press Item #: RP911e -

                                "You're Bryan!?" exclaimed Vivian. Abigail was upset by those words. "No I'm not! Do I look like a Bryan?"With that Vivian had to agree. She certainly didn't look anywhere near a Bryan. If she was honest she was one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen, but her male member was identical to the outline of Bryan's he had seen through his ballet tights.

                                910 The Case of the Strapless Stripper and other short stories eBook by Dulci Daily mags inc, reluctant press, crossdressing stories, transvestite stories, feminine domination stories, sissy stories, Dulci Daily
                                Price: $8.00
                                Availability: In Stock
                                Reluctant Press Item #: RP910e -

                                  "Well!" Dean said, giving a sharp, nervous sounding laugh. "Um - yeah, I'm pretty girl-crazy too, in my own way!"What's your own way? Bill almost blurted out, but stopped himself. Dean looked embarrassed enough already. He was actually blushing. Not only that, but his nipples were sticking out, plainly visible through his tight T-shirt.Bill stared at Dean's breasts for way too long. Yes Dean had real breasts, chubby little ones a lot like those of some of Bill's nude beauties, and his T-shirt...

                                  Reluctant Press has been in business for over 25 years bringing the best in stories of crossdressing, transsexuals, forced feminization, mystery, intrigue and often the ultimate satisfaction of transgender individuals. From those involved with innocent urges to males trapped by women and men with sinister goals, the novels bring you adventure in the transvestite, crossdressing and transgender world.