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Reluctant Press Cover Image
Price: $7.00
Availability: In Stock
Reluctant Press Item #: RP1023e -

    I'm pleased, very pleased that Charlotte is back. Nadine leaves the room and comes back with a brand new black leather jacket we bought over the summer in a sale. It is ruched around the hem and even has small pockets. she helps be put it on, pulling out my hair so it sets over the top of the jacket. I draw the up the zip, slightly.I look very natural, very feminine. The white and black dress with the red flowers peeks from under the jacket, it touches my knee and the black tights show off...

    Reluctant Press Cover Image
    Price: $8.00
    Availability: In Stock
    Reluctant Press Item #: RP1022e -

      I didn't even feel the needle penetrating my skin. Waves of drowsiness washed over me after a minute or so. I felt myself slipping into a semi-conscious state..."I want you to listen very carefully to me now, When you hear Amanda or anyone else refer to you as Terri, it will make you happy. the more you hear people calling you Terri, the more comfortable you will feel with the name. The more you hear people calling you Terri, the more normal it will feel. Greg will begin to feel like a strange...

      Reluctant Press Cover Image
      Price: $8.00
      Availability: In Stock
      Reluctant Press Item #: RP1021e -

        I shivered as I thought about that, being accepted as a woman. It had seemed to come so easily, especially since the constant attention of electrolysis, wax and other depilatory creams by Barb. I still felt I had to wear foundation to cover my face but Barb insisted that I shouldn't, given the short time I was doing the work we did. I hadn't shaved, except for my legs, since that first time of being a 'drag queen'. My legs I did every second day whether they needed it or not.Giselle made me...

        Reluctant Press Cover Image
        Price: $7.00
        Availability: In Stock
        Reluctant Press Item #: RP1020e -

          Females in that era (the last half of the 1800's) all wore corsets to cover, shape, and support their bust and midriff. While Daniel was rushing to get covered by those bloomers, Natalie was selecting a corset for him to wear. The twins easily controlled Daniel by grasping his ears, while they instructed hmi on what moves to make. The order was to slip quickly into the corset, and fasten the front closure clips.Nancy, secured his hands to the metal footboard while Natalie was deftly lacing...

          Reluctant Press Cover Image
          Price: $8.00
          Availability: In Stock
          Reluctant Press Item #: RP1019e -

            What lay on my bed was a long black satin nightgown with matching robe. For a moment I wondered why I would need a matching robe. As if I wouldn't look ridiculous enough in a gown. But the robe would give me at least a more normal appearance. I wasted a long time staring at my new nightwear. If I was to have a decent night's rest, I'd have to change quickly. I turned out that I didn't succeed in either. The satin nightgown played with my feelings more intensely than the panties had done and my...

            Reluctant Press Cover Image
            Price: $8.00
            Availability: In Stock
            Reluctant Press Item #: RP1018e -

              As Casey was cleaning, Rodney was in the AV room putting the finishing touches on his program.He's coming along better than I expected. I really liked how he tied that blue dress shirt into a bow knot under his chest and cuffed the sleeves above the elbows. Even wearing white tennis shorts with his hair tied off in a high pony tail. Giving him that iPod was sheer genius. It's really re-enforcing my main program. I need to go over that new programming now, he thought switching on play."Suzie...

              Reluctant Press Cover Image
              Price: $7.00
              Availability: In Stock
              Reluctant Press Item #: RP1017e -

                I had never worn women's clothes when the sons of Belial attacked me. That came later, almost 5 years later. True, youths sometimes tried to get me to wear them - in hope, I feared, of committing the sin of Sodom with me - but I refused them. They did not press the matter too far, for the two sons of Belial, Juan and Arturo, had made my axe and pitchfork as well known as my girlish pretentions. Not until I was almost 19 years old did I appear in women's clothing as Aldonza. ...

                Reluctant Press Cover Image
                Price: $8.00
                Availability: In Stock
                Reluctant Press Item #: RP1016e -

                  It was Robert. I just stared at him, gobsmacked, at first. Finally I found my voice. "Robert, what are you doing here?" I asked. "Hi. Well, I called in to see Aunty actually, but I have to confess I was also hoping to see you. You look stunning." I put my hands to the front of my skirt. "What, I'm just in my work clothes." I told him. "You could wear a bin liner and you would still look amazing, but, honestly, you look great. I've tried to find you at work before, to thank you for coming with...

                  Reluctant Press Cover Image
                  Price: $8.00
                  Availability: In Stock
                  Reluctant Press Item #: RP1015e -

                    Breanne went off, with a more pronounced sway in her walk now she was attending the Del Monte Charm School with Ellen. At times, I was sure neither of our new 'girl reporters', ever thought about what they were - so much were they into being 'girl reporters'. They always had to have their makeup perfect, smiling prettily to everyone they met. They were confident, from the first, in their femininity, so unlike me. Men were their willing sources on all kinds of stories. I wondered what would...

                    Reluctant Press Cover Image
                    Price: $7.00
                    Availability: In Stock
                    Reluctant Press Item #: RP1014e -

                      "...Do you know why those guys who beat you up are so afraid?""I was the one who was afraid. Do you think other people see me as a threat? That maybe, I'm going to expose them for some totally awful sin or whatever? Tough thought but I've never had sex, guy or gal, so am really not qualified. What are you getting at?"Dale relaxed and sipped from his wine glass. "There is a sort of club, very informal. They are known on campus as the 'Quiet Legion'. You see them often without actually...

                      Reluctant Press Cover Image
                      Price: $8.00
                      Availability: In Stock
                      Reluctant Press Item #: RP1013e -

                        For once I was at a loss for words. I stared at Lesley dumbly. Had I really just heard what she had asked me to do? I had to rewind her words in my head, replay her words to make sure I had heard correctly."I will keep you employment with us open and find you an alternative position, off cleaning and off storeroom. But there is something I want you to do for me. I have a nephew whose best friend has won four tickets to an exclusive party night at a top night club. His friend is taking his...

                        Reluctant Press Cover Image
                        Price: $8.00
                        Availability: In Stock
                        Reluctant Press Item #: RP1012e -

                          "I want to ask you to the Homecoming dance," she (Sandra) said to me, "but not the school one. It's a different special one. Have you heard of the Turnabout Homecoming held every year at the Excelsior Motor Lodge?""I haven't' heard of it," I replied. "What do you mean by special or different?""Well, all the guys go dressed as girls, and the girls go dressed as guys. I would wear a tux and you would wear a dress. Like one of those we saw at the mall a couple of months ago."She was grinning and...

                          Reluctant Press Cover Image
                          Price: $7.00
                          Availability: In Stock
                          Reluctant Press Item #: RP1011e -

                            As the only other transgendered woman in the group, Cindy remembered her own reaction, a stunned "Oh my God" when she saw her female self for the first time, wearing a long green dress, black stockings, and black patent leather pumps. She hesitated in her response, trying to say the exact right thing. "You will always remember this moment, girl, cherish it. Ladies, let us give the young lady some time and space to revel in her feelings. Girl, join us when you are ready to take on the world as...

                            Reluctant Press Cover Image
                            Price: $8.00
                            Availability: In Stock
                            Reluctant Press Item #: RP1010e -

                              Jack's pictures did not excite Marianne - indeed Jack had expressed strong suspicion that Marianne, known to him only as Martin, was a queer because of Martin's obvious lack of interests in them - but something else was exciting Marianne greatly, right now. Her secret excitement was more intense than it had ever been before, except perhaps when she was climaxing with an imaginary boy. Her dearest dream, nurtured in solitude since 1951 when she was only 11 years old, was about to come true. Now...

                              Reluctant Press Cover Image
                              Price: $8.00
                              Availability: In Stock
                              Reluctant Press Item #: RP1009e -

                                Our classifieds were changing. 'Mrs. Roberts, the widow of Dr. Roberts', whom Bonnie said she'd visited as a kid, 'wishes to announce the forthcoming marriage of her son, Kenneth and Sharon Tolman, of Upland Raybold. A bridal shower for Kenneth will be held at Sylvester's on 4 December with the nuptials on 11 December, Judge Emily Cortwright presiding. Open reception at Sylvester's. All classmates of the happy couple invited.Bonnie studied that for a while before saying, "That's Kendran! She's...

                                Reluctant Press Cover Image
                                Price: $7.00
                                Availability: In Stock
                                Reluctant Press Item #: RP1008e -

                                  Joe had no uncertainly about what he would wear for the date. He would dress as he always did at work, in a sport shirt (probably a plaid one) and Khakis or something, for he didn't like jeans. A lot of guys in IT central wore T-shirts to work, but not Joe. Even under a sport shirt, you could tell that he had "bitch tits". The way the shirt bulged in front, he almost looked like he was wearing a bra, although of course he wasn't. In a T-shit, he would look like a girl, not wearing a bra - and...

                                  Reluctant Press has been in business for over 25 years bringing the best in stories of crossdressing, transsexuals, forced feminization, mystery, intrigue and often the ultimate satisfaction of transgender individuals. From those involved with innocent urges to males trapped by women and men with sinister goals, the novels bring you adventure in the transvestite, crossdressing and transgender world.