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Relucant Press Book Image
Price: $8.00
Availability: In Stock
Reluctant Press Item #: RP523e -

    Poor Peter! He really is a nice boy, but too obedient to a fault.I don't know how Judith does it. She seems to spot a minor feminine trait in a young man and, before he knows it, he's a she - at least in dress and behavior. I won't pretend that I like men, I don't. But he's a real sweetie and I feel a little sorry for him, being able to see what's in store, and soon! Judith doesn't mess around, once she sees that there is a weakness there, she goes for the jugular. Nice lady. Great boss, but...

    508 Coven eBook by Maureen Glasgow mags inc, reluctant press, transgender, crossdressing stories, transvestite stories, feminine domination stories, crossdress, story, fiction, Maureen Glasgow
    Price: $8.00
    Availability: In Stock
    Reluctant Press Item #: RP508e -

      Waking the next morning wasn't quiet as strange for Daniel. After three days, he was slowly getting used to waking with the feel of large womanly breasts on his chest and the soft cool feeling of nylon around his body. He was still hard-pressed to get used to his much longer tapered finger nails and he stabbed himself in the eye twice when trying to rub sleep from them. It was a warm day and there were no plans to go out, so, in spite of his inner reluctance, he put on a skirt and sleeveless...

      500 Welcomed Humiliation eBook by Maureen Glasgow mags inc, reluctant press, transgender, crossdressing stories, transvestite stories, feminine domination stories, crossdress, story, fiction, Maureen Glasgow
      Price: $8.00
      Availability: In Stock
      Reluctant Press Item #: RP500e -

        Once I served the ladies, I was told to join them. So I sat down on an easy chair. One of the watchers was talking."You see Emily? The group of which we are part is international in scope and is formed of many women."Emily blinked. "I don't get it Why do you need an organization that size?""Our problem has reached almost epidemic status. The feminine gender is, unfortunately, undermined and made a mockery of, by far too many women who have been convinced that ehy should project a 'bimbo'...

        Mags Inc is the last of the publishers dealing with the subjects of crossdressing, forced feminization, transgender and more. We have been in existence for over 25 years and now own many of the older lines once published by the likes of Reluctant Press, Empathy Press and many others. If you like this fiction, this is the place to come.