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Hair Apparent eBook by January Snowden mags inc, novelettes, crossdressing stories, transgender, transsexual, transvestite stories, female domination, January Snowden
Price: $8.00
Availability: In Stock
Mags Inc Item #: M183e -

    It was going to be me being me. Period. I forced myself to being, not masquerading as a sexyu turn-on beauty, but simply being myself. A beautiful woman who didn't wet her panties at the sight of herself in a mirror. My getting hard-ons making myself feminine and making myself due to that was fetichistic. Women getting damp over their beauty were simply narcissists. A big difference. They didn't stop to escalate their moistness to the point of orgasm because of their attractiveness. A woman...

    A Movie From My Books eBook by Sarah Thorpe mags inc, novelettes, crossdressing stories, transgender, transsexual, transvestite stories, female domination, Sarah Thorpe
    Price: $8.00
    Availability: In Stock
    Mags Inc Item #: M182e -

      I walked out the door and to the limo. The driver opened the door for me and I sat in. The ride was smooth and I soon started thinking about my situation. Here I was in a limo, far from home, transformed into a woman and on my way to a film studio. Suddenly I felt very vulnerable. What was I doing? What if something happened? I was made into a woman with artificial breasts, a gaff that looked just like a female front, a corset so tight around my waist that it hurt. And I knew no way to remove...

      Let the Punishment Fit the Crime eBook by Sarah Thorpe mags inc, Reluctant press, crossdressing stories, transgender stories, transsexual stories, transvestite stories, female domination, Sarah Thorpe
      Price: $8.00
      Availability: In Stock
      Mags Inc Item #: M176e -

        It was ten of them that showed op on Sunday. Vivian met them at the door and took them straight to a huge lounge with several sofas and easy chairs. "Before we sit down," she said. "I suppose you would like to see our new girl, she is just waking up."She took them to a room next door. The room was dark and had a huge window. It overlooked the next room where 'Craig' was about to get out of bed. "If you look at her now you will see that a lot has changed since Friday," Vivian said. "Her skin...

        Tools of Vengeance eBook by Mardee Louise Prynne mags inc, Reluctant press, crossdressing stories, transgender stories, transsexual stories, transvestite stories, female domination, Mardee Louise Prynne
        Price: $8.00
        Availability: In Stock
        Mags Inc Item #: M175e -

          "I've never been in a really super place like this before. Am I doing things right?" Asked the nervous Jude."Of course you are, Judy love. I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable. I smiled because your movements are so naturally graceful, as if you've been living as a girl forever."Judy put her fork down and took her fist ever sip of decent Chardonnay."Maybe I have been, but I was fooling everyone into thinking I'm a boy, everyone including me, although I felt like an awful drip being a...

          Pahrump Bump! eBook by January Snowden mags inc, Reluctant press, crossdressing stories, transgender stories, transsexual stories, transvestite stories, female domination, Mardee Louise Prynne
          Price: $8.00
          Availability: In Stock
          Mags Inc Item #: M174e -

            For a supposed female impersonator show, it was largely a revival of burlesque; something that, by and large, died before he was born and, in his opinion, should have stayed dead. From seeing old performances regurgitated ad nauseum on television, as a child, while his parents liked them, Zach hated "pie-in-the-face" slapstick. Bur he saw the reason why it existed here. It took the edge off the main focus of the show: men dressed as women. Every performer was male. Even the "women" But the...

            Final Justice Book 1 eBook by Sarah Thorpe mags inc, Reluctant press, crossdressing stories, transgender stories, transsexual stories, transvestite stories, female domination, Sarah Thorpe
            Price: $8.00
            Availability: In Stock
            Mags Inc Item #: M169e -

              The rest of the week Kim spent as a woman full time. She cleaned the house, did some shopping and just hung out at the mall. Every day she prepared dinner, something Alice really appreciated. On Friday afternoon Alice said, "Kim, tomorrow you will go through the ultimate test. Some girls from the other branches of the bank have come to town and they want to go out on the town tomorrow. I've volunteered to escort them and you will accompany us. You can dress up in the new red dress. We've...

              Final Justice Book 2 eBook by Sarah Thorpe mags inc, Reluctant press, crossdressing stories, transgender stories, transsexual stories, transvestite stories, female domination, Sarah Thorpe
              Price: $8.00
              Availability: In Stock
              Mags Inc Item #: M170e -

                The girls said goodbye and gave Brian a light kiss on his cheek. It seemed that Eva's kiss lingered a little longer than the other two. Back on the street they stepped into Annie's car to drive back to the hotel to pick up the other two cars. While driving Annie suddenly turned to Kim and asked, "Kim, have you ever thought about cutting off that thing between your legs and become like Eva and me?""Yes the thought has occurred to me several times. I am in great doubt myself, some days I will,...

                655 TRIUMVIRATE eBook by Maureen Glasgow mags inc, reluctant press, transgender, crossdressing, transvestite, feminine, domination, crossdress, story, fiction
                Price: $8.00
                Availability: In Stock
                Reluctant Press Item #: RP655e -

                  "My my!" she said. Had a busy night, huh?" I don't know what came over me, but without any semblance of though, I took the sides of my pants in my hands and curtseyed her! "Yes Miss," I said.I think she was as astonished as I was! "How nice! Billi, you'll have to do that more often! What a charming way for you to show respect! Please do it for me again? A little deeper this time? I've never had a man curtsey to me before!"Totally humiliated at my own stupidity and spinelessness, I curtseyed...

                  621 CYNTHIAS HUMILIATIONS eBook by Maureen Glasgow mags inc, reluctant press, transgender, crossdressing, transvestite, feminine, domination, crossdress, story, fiction
                  Price: $8.00
                  Availability: In Stock
                  Reluctant Press Item #: RP621e -

                    "So Mom? What did you teach Tiffany today?" Syn asked.I think that Mummy was a surprised as I was by Syn's openly calling me by my feminine name but we both ignored it. I sneaked a look at Syn and I could tell that she had been checking to see your reaction and was glad we'd shown none."Not a whole lot," Mummy said. "How to walk properly. Sit, talk, that kind of thing.""I noticed the change in her voice. Much nicer and softer," Syn said. "But I can't really say that I saw her walking. Didn't...

                    610 AUNT FANNYS GIRLS eBook by Maureen Glasgow mags inc, reluctant press, transgender, crossdressing, transvestite, feminine, domination, crossdress, story, fiction
                    Price: $8.00
                    Availability: In Stock
                    Reluctant Press Item #: RP610e -

                      "Yes. It is terrible when people misunderstand us, isn't it?" She smiled soothingly. "Luckily for me, I'm the psychologist in our family and can wee where Hill maked her mistake. All time ans she though you wanted to be a girl!""Thank you Jrus. Jansen! Thank you! It's so nice and comforting to..." I started."When it's SO obvious that you're a male submissive. I can see where Jill made her mistake. But that's all you really want, isn't it?""Huh? You lost me I'm afraid ma'am," I said."Silly us!...

                      600 CATCH OF THE YEAR eBook By Maureen Glasgow mags inc, reluctant press, crossdressing stories, transvestite stories, feminine domination, crossdress story, fiction
                      Price: $7.00
                      Availability: In Stock
                      Reluctant Press Item #: RP600e -

                        Elizabeth beamed. "Like I always say, if a woman shows her natural superiority, a male immediately recognizes this and does what he's told. Off you go then, dear. Make yourself useful!' And she patted me on the rear.Somewhat stunned by this new series of events, I followed Myrtle down into the kitchen. She marched into the larder, opened a cupboard door there and pulled out one of the lovely, feminine aprons so beloved of Mummy."Here you are... Sherry is it now" Get this apron around you, then...

                        588 DOLLY eBook by Maureen Glasgow mags, inc, reluctant, press, transgender, crossdressing, transvestite, feminine, domination, crossdress, story, fiction
                        Price: $7.00
                        Availability: In Stock
                        Reluctant Press Item #: RP588e -

                          "...Here, isn't this lovely?" She was holding up a blouse, still on its hanger, for my inspection. A tremor of fright ran through me, because I knew what she was about to do. The b.ouse was pristine white with a 'V' neck and small pearl buttons down the front. It had rectangular lace inserts down the front on either side and long, sort of blousing chiffon sleeves, with heavy white silk cuffs. "That's lovely!"n I said with a dry mouth and I forced myself to feel the chiffon sleeves between my...

                          Relucant Press Book Image
                          Price: $7.00
                          Availability: In Stock
                          Reluctant Press Item #: RP576e -

                            568 COMPLETE TRANSITION eBook by Maureen Glasgow mags inc, reluctant press, transgender, crossdressing, transvestite, feminine, domination, crossdress, story, fiction
                            Price: $8.00
                            Availability: In Stock
                            Reluctant Press Item #: RP568e -

                              When a businessman casts his eyes upon his secretary, her slender body and beautiful face enchants him. Little does he know that she has her eyes on him, too, but for completely different reasons. A shopping trip to buy a gown for his wife turns into an adventure he could scarcely imagine.

                              Relucant Press Book Image
                              Price: $8.00
                              Availability: In Stock
                              Reluctant Press Item #: RP554e -

                                How far would you go to attract the attention of a woman you had a crush on? Paul would do anything to make Eve like him anything. What he doesn't realize is that Eve has, shall we say, unusual interests which include turning shy Paul into her girlfriend. Soon, without even realizing it, Paul is being turned into Pauline, teaching him all the skills a woman really needs to know, including how to be the perfect partner in bed.

                                Relucant Press Book Image
                                Price: $8.00
                                Availability: In Stock
                                Reluctant Press Item #: RP535e -

                                  Then I got an idea. "Miss Wurr? May I make a suggestion?""I guess I can't stop you - you don't work for me any more?" She said venomously. "Couldn't I have Priscilla's job?" I suggested quietly."Of course not! a male office girl? Don't be stupid!""He could do it!" Priscilla pipped up. "Honest Miss Wurr. I've been showing what has to get done - just in case I was sick or something. And I'd be there if anything came up he couldn't handle."Miss Wurr cocked her head in a birdlike fashion....

                                  Mags Inc is the last of the publishers dealing with the subjects of crossdressing, forced feminization, transgender and more. We have been in existence for over 25 years and now own many of the older lines once published by the likes of Reluctant Press, Empathy Press and many others. If you like this fiction, this is the place to come.