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Bea, famous for her stories about hapless males ending up as submissive almost women, wrote for us under several other names including Stella Satin, Tiffany Mellis, and even Maureen Glasgow (for Reluctant Press). You can find her work here.

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Mags Inc Novelette cover
Price: $7.00
Availability: In Stock
Mags Inc Item #: M100e -

    "Yes May. Can I do anything for you?" I said. "I've just been wondering?" she said. "What?" "These girls that beat you up? Both of them called you Nancy. How come? Had you met them before when you were going by that name?" I was speechless for a second, but Elaine stepped in. "No May," she laughed. "It's a figure of speech we Brits use. They didn't say his name,was Nancy. They used a figure of speech. Actually, called him a 'Nancy boy'." "A Nancy boy? Never heard that expression." May said...

    Mags Inc Novelette cover
    Price: $7.00
    Availability: In Stock
    Mags Inc Item #: M64e -

      "You work for me now. There may be visitors come by and I'll want you neatly dressed at all times. Most certainly I don't want to ever see you in these pajamas and that robe you wore earlier on. And? if you have any scruffy outerwear of the same type, I don't want to see that either. Understood?" He licked his lips nervously. "But Ms. Evans? My clothes weren't that good quality even when I bought them new. They're kinda used looking now" "Jack? There's TONS of clothes available to you. Just...

      Mags Inc Novelette cover
      Price: $8.00
      Availability: In Stock
      Mags Inc Item #: M58e -

        As I made my way back to the trolley, she spoke. "What did you think of Josephine?" I turned back and looked at her. "The maid? Can't say I really noticed her." I said. Was I supposed to?" Samantha smiled. Opened her eyes wide. Asked innocently. "You just used the term 'her'. Are you sure?" I couldn't help myself. Gaped at her. "You saying - you saying? She's a GUY!" "Not really. Not anymore. She used to be a male. But was stupid with it. Went out of his way to alienate her wife. After my...

        Mags Inc Novelette cover
        Price: $7.00
        Availability: In Stock
        Mags Inc Item #: M60e -

          Lazily, I wondered, I liked girls, but needed a boy for marrying purposes. Would it be possible to make a boy into something more acceptable to me? Gentler? More feminine? Would it be possible to have him docile and well  behaved, ALL the time, the way that all were before being handled? I thought of how Rayburn had to be milked twice. Certainly didn't want to get into the habit of multiple handlings. When I'd given him the apron, he'd protested - but weakly, as if he...

          Friends in Deed eBook by Bea mags inc, Reluctant press, crossdressing stories, transgender stories, transsexual stories, transvestite stories, female domination, Bea
          Price: $7.00
          Availability: In Stock
          Mags Inc Item #: M130e -

            When she escorted me back into the living room, I felt positively tiny beside her. In her long clinging dress with a slit up the front - and extremely high heels she was well over six feet - a beautiful predator. As if timed, Eric and Bobbie appeared at the same time. I had been woried about what he'd think of my feminine getup, but lost that concern the second I saw him. He was wearing a SKIRT! He was wearing a satin BLOUSE! He was wearing NYLONS and HIGH HEELS! And to top it all off? He was...

            Two Stews eBook by Bea mags inc, Reluctant press, crossdressing stories, transgender stories, transsexual stories, transvestite stories, female domination, Bea
            Price: $7.00
            Availability: In Stock
            Mags Inc Item #: M138e -

              Vera pursed her lips. Stared at me. "David? I know you don't know me but please? Don't countermand my instructions or orders again. Is that clear?" My mouth went suddenly dry. I nodded. "Very good!" She said. "Now. Carmine was telling me that you're very good around the house? Margaret and I decided to buy... A sort of... Introductory? Present for you." At these words, Margaret handed the paper parcel to me. I took it. "But... You didn't have to do that..." I said starting to open it. Oh god!...

              A Pretty Girl is Like a Malady eBook by Tiffany Mellis mags inc, Reluctant press, crossdressing stories, transgender stories, transsexual stories, transvestite stories, female domination, Tiffany Mellis
              Price: $7.00
              Availability: In Stock
              Mags Inc Item #: M161e -

                Because I saw the feminine nightgown she had in her hands, and knew who it was for, unresisting, I lifted my arms and let her slide it down my body. "That is SO pretty on you! Isn't it?" she asked, turning me to see my reflection.\ And I saw a sissified image of what I'd been made into looking back at me. "Yes." "That's a girl. You can sleep with me tonight." I almost protested that I was her uncle, then thought better of it. "I wouldn't have let you if you were a man. But you're not, are you?...

                Hussy in the Hamptons and Something About a Sailor aBook by Bea mags inc, Reluctant press, crossdressing stories, transgender stories, transsexual stories, transvestite stories, female domination, Bea
                Price: $7.00
                Availability: In Stock
                Mags Inc Item #: M159e -

                  In Hussy in the Hamptons Michael gets a job in a big department store and is assigned to work in the cosmetics department. Despite the challenges of being considered gay in such a position, he is spotted by one of the owners of the store, a young a very attractive woman, Cindy. It soon becomes clear that Cindy is going to really like Michael, but only if he becomes more and more feminine. In Something about a Sailor Marne is a young man working at a low level office job when he meets one...

                  Mags Inc Novelette Cover
                  Price: $7.00
                  Availability: In Stock
                  Mags Inc Item #: M121e -

                    I started to pant in fear. "Please ladies? Don't make me to this. Please?" Sandra patted my arm comfortingly. "Oh - for goodness sake little sissy Denny. We've no intention of making you change into your pretty new sissy outfit right at this minute - not if you don't want to! That is way beyond our supervisory capacity or authority! We'll just wait until everybody else comes in and we'll take a vote! I'm pretty sure that things will go our way. Then we'll make you! So it's up to you. Why don't...

                    Transformation eBook by Stella Satin mags inc, Reluctant press, crossdressing stories, transgender stories, transsexual stories, transvestite stories, female domination, Stella Satin
                    Price: $7.00
                    Availability: In Stock
                    Mags Inc Item #: M160e -

                      She stretched for something on the dresser table, then was back over on top of me again. She laid some things on the bedcover. Picked something up. "Mm..Mmm..Mm" she crooned - and started applying makeup on my face. "Please Enid? Don't do this. Please?" "Oh for goodness sake!" She muttered impatiently. "You know I like my girl to look pretty. Just wait a minute or two. Would you?" I tried again. "Please don't Enid. I've done everything you wanted." "Of course you have darling. But that's how...

                      Total Degradation & Hard Body eBook by Bea mags inc, Reluctant press, crossdressing stories, transgender stories, transsexual stories, transvestite stories, female domination, Bea
                      Price: $7.00
                      Availability: In Stock
                      Mags Inc Item #: M119e -

                        "I really should spank you, you know. Put you over my knees and take your pants down. Give you some smacks! Think I should?" She was giggling a little. Finally, I found some backbone. "This is ridiculous! I am a tenured professor at an acclaimed college! You are just a girl! I demand respect! You will not be treating me in this manner!" With practically no effort, her arm, around me tightened. I was lifted, and swung around to sit on her lap. "I am going to be kind to you dear, though you...

                        Silky, Smooth and Satiny eBook by Bea mags inc, Reluctant press, crossdressing stories, transgender stories, transsexual stories, transvestite stories, female domination, Bea
                        Price: $7.00
                        Availability: In Stock
                        Mags Inc Item #: M152e -

                          That damned collar around my neck chaffed! Not only that, the woman who was pulling me along now was none too gentle. "What's you're name again?" she asked over her shoulder as she led me along. "Tom," I said. "Don't be so fucking ridiculous! That's a man's name! What's your real name?" "Tom. Honest. You see, I'm just doing this because..." "Blah fucking blah! I'll ask you one more time! If I don't get a sensible answer this time, it'll be the worse for you. Now - what IS it!" "They've been...

                          The Dress & Aunt Morag and Her Daughters, Two Stories eBook by Tiffany Mellis mags inc, Reluctant press, crossdressing stories, transgender stories, transsexual stories, transvestite stories, female domination, Tiffany Mellis
                          Price: $7.00
                          Availability: In Stock
                          Mags Inc Item #: M142e -

                            I couldn't believe the stinging pain of the first slap! Gasped, and tried to stop the whimper that rose in my throat. But it was no good. By the third hit I was crying and by the time I'd had my full spanking, I was weeping uncontrollably. "I'm sorrrrry!" I wailed when she let me up. "No Dennis. Not enough. I've asked you and asked you to try and behave properly. I thought the panties were working, but obviously you need a much stronger reminder. Get your clothes off, please?" Less than five...

                            Slippery When Wet eBook by Stella Satin mags inc, Reluctant press, crossdressing stories, transgender stories, transsexual stories, transvestite stories, female domination, Stella Satin
                            Price: $7.00
                            Availability: In Stock
                            Mags Inc Item #: M133e -

                              Over the next ten days, I became Miss Candace's creature. I minced and primped in the most becoming and ladylike fashion - corseted and dressed in tight skirts, I did everything she asked. Rene looked on proudly. I think she saw Miss Candace as her own protege. I studied diligently on her transcription method and brought my keyboard speed up to ninety five words a minute. I had plenty of time as, once I'd finished clean up after breakfast, I was pretty clear for the day. Miss Candace was...

                              The Humiliation of Vickis Baby eBook by Stella Satin mags inc, Reluctant press, crossdressing stories, transgender stories, transsexual stories, transvestite stories, female domination, Jennifer Reynolds
                              Price: $7.00
                              Availability: In Stock
                              Mags Inc Item #: M140e -

                                Now, like I just said? There are humiliations and humiliations. But she was treating me like a child and a favorite, spoiled child at that. Of course I felt wrong - but it was almost as if I were reverting to childhood. It didn't make much sense to fight, so instead I found myself accepting what she was doing and cuddling into her in a childlike manner. Found my sentences becoming shorter and the words had less syllables as I retreated into her dominance. Cuddled into her in a sleepy way. I...

                                Mummys Little Sissy eBook by Stella Satin mags inc, Reluctant press, crossdressing stories, transgender stories, transsexual stories, transvestite stories, female domination, Stella Satin
                                Price: $7.00
                                Availability: In Stock
                                Mags Inc Item #: M114e -

                                  "Good! So listen up! When I first married your dad, I hadn't a clue about transvestites and I really felt stupid once I discovered that your did was on. After a while, I started doing a lot of research and covered a lot of ground. While I was doing this I discovered that a lot of transvestites are submissive - very submissive. You know what submissive means?" "Do as you are told?" "Very good dear! The only thing is that in this case a transvestite is submissive to women. He not only likes...