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Ms. Morgenstern, another new writer for us that we are very excited about introducing, brings us her first offering about a man with an unusual name. JR as he is known, comes back to his former employer, TechEx, after serving in the Marines. Only this time, he becomes quite involved with the owner’s family and their kinky secrets (including his work partner’s “double life”). Join in for plenty of sexy fun.

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    "Oh yes, the best us yet to come!" She turned to her maid who was standing quietly, facing into a nearby corner, her hand clasped behind her back with her nose pressed deep into the same corner. "Doucette? Come here. please."

    Turning, the maid came to stand in front of her curtsying politely.

    Ma'am?" she quavered.

    "Yes stand up straight now. Don't try to hide."

    "Oui Madame," she replied, her voice full of shame. 

    OK, Joshua, take a close look at Doucette."

    I did so not knowing what I was supposed to see.

    " What do you see?" she asked.

    "Why, I see your maid, dressed appropriately for the occasion and she;s quite pretty."

    "Really? That's all you see?" she prodded.

    "What else is there... oh my God! Davy! Is that you in there?" I gasped.

    Doucette curtsied politely. "Oui M'sieur."

    Louise laughed." Yes Joshua, only when she's my maid, she's Doucette."