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Steve Banning and his triplet brothers, Eric, Errol and Barry, run a photography studio in Los Angeles. Eric becomes involved with a younger genetic female, while Barry is happily married to his childhood sweetheart. Will sparks fly when Steve and Errol become romantically involved with two transsexual co-workers? Buy the book and find out!

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    "Do you hope to marry a man someday?" I asked her.

    "I've dreamed of finding a husband since I first put on an article of feminine clothing. Even while I was growing p, I had dreamed of being a beautiful, blushing bride. Now that I'm living my dream of being a woman, I feel that I am one step closer to that dream coming true," she replied.

    "I've dreamed of marrying a beautiful woman since I was a young boy. However, I was never able to meet her back in Missouri. Even though I considered it at one time or another, I wasn't as open to dating, let alone marrying a transsexual until I started working with you and Gina. I also considered adopting a kid or two, but didn't have the time or took time to go through the process. This is an entirely new experience with me, Stacie. You've made this fist experience a memorable one."

    "So far, you've been the perfect gentleman, Steve. You've mad my first date as a woman a pleasant experience."

    I then swept her off her feet, and carried her all the way to the car. "Would you like to go to your place or mine for a nightcap?" I asked her...