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This is a story spanning years. It starts with two neighbor boys who both like to dress in girl's clothes, much to their mother's delight. As they grow up, they fall in love, and even get married. The story then moves on to include other transgendered women as well as a mystery.

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    It soon became clear that Kevin liked his girl time better than his boy time. As a boy he was very much neglected by the rest of his family, his three older brothers got all the attention. He never received any gifts designed for a boy, all his boy things were things he inherited from his brothers. He even had to wear the clothes they had grown out of.

    Dressing as a girl never occurred outside the close family. His brothers liked to have a sister around and they treated Kate as if she was a real girl. Every Christmas since he was three years old Kevin was dressed as Kate and acted accordingly. He even had a room where he could live out his girlish fantasies.