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A bad boy has learned his lesson; but he is trapped. First, with training, he dressed and acted like a girl. Now, thanks to surgery, he looks like a girl although nothing was 'cut off'. He can no longer pass as a guy. And it has all become so pleasant and such a turn-on that he is trapped and will be living as a girl for a long, long time.
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    And I asked myself if this exposure to my mom could get any more humiliating and I was hoping it would not, but I sort of knew it would.

    Of course Cookie suggested the speciality store and explained the store specialized in dressing boys up as girls and was the source of my cover-ups and my padding and that the women there were very accepting in helping boys find their girl selves, and seemed to enjoy doing so. Mom for some inexplicable reason to me couldn't wait to see the place and we were off. There was nothing I could think of within the realm of possibilities ant could have prevented that shopping trip, I could have feigned some sort of illness but a trip to the hospital or an emergency center would have been even worse than the planned shopping trip.