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More changes and experiences for April as she ventures into the world of lesbian bondage, in this the final chapter of the story of April.

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    Later, after Beth had parked, walking down the sidewalk, April was uneasy as she heeled on a leash and let Beth guide her into a hole in the wall bar. The sign over the door was a sitting black cart, it was grinning. April followed Elizabeth in and stood, at heel position, while the older woman paid the cover. The woman at the door was dressed in tight black leather, vest and pants, and it appeared nothing else. She had short gray hair that betrayed her age and contrasted with her dark red lipstick. Her vest was filled to overfilling by her ample bosom.

    "Hi Beth. New kitten?"

    "Yes Dan, this is April. She's on voice restraint tonight. It's her first time on leash and I thought that this would be a good place to break her in."

    Dan reached out and caressed April's breast, "You're a pretty one. If Beth isn't firm enough with you, come see me. You're just the kind of sweet young thing I love to teach."