For his punishment, Arthur faced the wall. His mother had threatened inviting some of her lady friends over for tea. Aunt Martha thought it a splendid idea. Her obscene laugh was loud, like the neighing of a horse.
Facing the wall wasn't so bad. It was what he wore that was so mortifying. A red pleated, red velvet dress with frilly petticoats underneath, his bare legs exposed, feet in frilly red ankle socks and Mary Jane shoes on his feet. Under the bib-like dress he wore a long-sleeve, ruffled blouse and Martha had insisted on a training bra.
Arthur had cried and pleaded to no avail. If he didn't dry it up and face the wall, and face it now!, his Mother would put a full compliment of makeup on him. As it was he wore a blond wig with pink ribbons and ponytails