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On female hormones as part of his sentence, Tim/Tammy is now growing breasts and getting more feminine every day. She's also learning new lessons in obedience and how to be a good sissy. Indeed there is no escape.
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    Chapter XIV - Learning to Move Like a Female and to Wear Makeup

    So there I was dressed from the skin out in nice woman's clothing, nice lingerie, a nice blouse and a nice pair of women's slacks and wearing high heel pumps. It was time for me to learn to walk and move like a woman and expand my use of makeup from just lipstick to other cosmetics. And Ms. M was going to be my instructress, and it appeared that she was going to take it seriously. I mean really seriously!

    So more hesitating and messing up. As I mentioned earlier, walking like girl in the clothes, men's female lingerie that I wore, felt nice. And there was something about the lipstick at first that felt nice, different from the lipstick that Janice had provided for me to apply. And so at first I was picking on up all Ms. M was teaching me and she was very happy about it all. But after a while I got scared about that whole thing and what was happening to me and started messing up a lot, regardless of now nice everything felt. And that's when Janice and Cookie stepped in. And again it was just so humiliating, but there was little I could do about it. The threat of prison always hung over my head. And the more feminine I had become the more threatening that threat became.