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In this sixth chapter in the saga of Willen Smit, many loose ends are tied up. Intergalactic assassin and spy Smit discovers that his son Robert longs to be a girl and, in between assignments to save the Galaxy, he helps him achieve his dream. Along the way, many genders are swapped and many lovers are satisfied. Don't miss the final chapter..

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    Lady Myra Colach, Duchess of Galloway, Minister of Internal Security of the Nebula Kingdom, was furious at me. She flipped through Torsett's databox again on again on her console.

    "You not only arrive her as a woman," she said, her head seeming to bow under the weight of her wig, "but you seduced the commander of one of the most important vessels in our Space Fleet to e derelict in his duty. You have the poor man completely besotted with you!"

    "Your fault," I said as calmly as I could wiggling a little in the ruffled short skirts that were now all the fashion on Nebula Prime. "You must give your commanders more leave or else put some comfort girls on your ships. He propositioned me the moment I set foot on the Pride."