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Yes, Philip likes to wear female clothing from time to time, but that doesn't mean he really wants to be a girl. The thing is, his mother really wants a daughter.

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    Annette shook her head. "I've seen you looking Philip. Looking at what I am wearing, looking at what Mum's wearing or Georgina. Your little eyes light up at the sight of a pair of heels, Georgina in her leather skirt or Mum in her silky blouse. You're very lucky to have a Mother who understands you and lets you express your feminine side. I don't think I would ever allow my son to do what you were allowed to do when you were younger."

    Through the hiccups I gulped, my mouth felt dry. "But they dressed me." I exclaimed! My mother and your mother dressed me up as a little girl!"

    Annette started to giggle. "Only because you wanted it, Philip! Do you honestly think Georgina would have gone to all the trouble of buying you clothes? Hiding them here? Bringing you around to play with me? Would she have done all that if you were a boy who wanted to be a boy?"