From Alexandria & Katherine as Kit remembers her now dead husband, who had been murdered "on the job".
"Dammit Kit," the small detective sitting oh her desk exclaimed. "You just come right out with it, don't you?"
The sight of this small man dressed in a girl's snug jeans, nylon pantyhose, dark pumps with three inch high heels, a white linen blouse with the shape of a ponytail behind his head, gold hoop earrings, red, red lipstick, mouth busily chewing gum and a wide leather belt around the slim waist. It was no wonder she felt such love for him!
She grinned slyly, "When I want something little man, I don't believe in beating around the bush, and like the song says, little man, "I want you".
He grinned down at her. "Maybe this little man doesn't want to be wanted," he teased as he batted his eyes playfully.