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Terry was a boring and arrogant Neanderthal, always trying to be in charge of everything and everybody. Nicole, his young and vivacious wife found she could not take it anymore. A friend's husband competes as a woman in beauty contests which gives her an idea!

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    "Sit, dear, sit.I have some good news for you."

    Nicole enthusiastically listened to the doctor.

    "As I mentioned to you on the phone before, the type of behaviour modification you are looking for takes time and patience. You absolutely cannot rush things or expect overnight miracles, but after today's session, I think your husband is going to be a lot easier than I had previously thought."

    "Really," said Nicole with a great deal of anticipation, "explain."

    "All I did today was gently probe and survey your husband's subconsciousness. I discovered deep seated anxieties and inadequacies that he is constantly trying to control and bury. He uses his aggressive dominant personality like a suit of armor, desperately attempting to protect his vulnerabilities."

    "I think you are right, Aja. He's very insecure about his height," said Nicole.

    "It is precisely these types of insecurities, Nicole, that can be used to our advantage. Once I pierce his armor, all the feelings of inadequacy, vulnerability, and dependence that he keeps locked away, should pour forth and manifest themselves in his conscious personality. At that point, he should be easily manipulated in any manner you desire."