"I still need you Kenny," Klaus told me. "Care to sign another contract?"
"As what, an elf?" I asked.
"You were always an elf as Santa," he replied. "Instead of being 'head elf', how about being the second in command?"
"Head toy maker?" I asked curiously.
"No, thanks to the work of the hormones you are too feminine for that. I was thinking that if we remove your beard and put you into the right costume, you could make a passable Kyra. All we have to do is adjust the roles and you could still do just about everything you were going to do.":
"As a woman!? Ha! There is a lot more to being a woman than wearing the clothes. I wouldn't have a clue how to pull that off!"
"We have one month left before we need to begin the publicity shots. They are all stills; all you need for that is to look the part. We have resources at our disposal to get you ready for that. Then, we'd have four more months to teach you to play the roll for our live cameras. It's all a big show anyway, so having a man in the part of Kyra Claus isn't going to hurt us at all. Besides, there will be very few people who will know about it. So what do you say?"