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Two stories...

Transsexual Love Knows No Borders - Eric is crushed when his girlfriend of several years breaks up with him. Additionally finding another eligible woman in his town is very hard, so he becomes a bit of a hermit. When an old friend, Chris, gets in touch with him out of the blue, he eagerly agrees to a meeting. However Chris has become Christine, so is love far away?

Finding True Love - a transsexual searches for love.

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    "Is your name Jeff?" Amber asked. 

    Man I thought, she can tell that I really am a boy. I thought I passed pretty well tonight.

    "Yes it is." I said.

    "I thought so," Amber said.

    "What gave me away?" I asked. "the way you walk, the way you talk. How long have you been dressing as a girl?" Amber asked.

    "Off and on for about five years now. My goal is to become a real girl. That is why I moved here, to start living the life I was meant to live," I said.

    "That is so cool! How long have you been on hormones? Amber asked.

    "SAdly I haven't started yet," I said as tears came down my eyes. 

    "I think I can help you." Amber said.

    "Really?" I asked.

    "Yes I work for a doctor. I am in medical school. Here is his name," Amber said. She gave me the card of a Dr. Ryan. I just couldn't wait to call him.