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Two stories...

In Romance Noir: Greg finds out that being a girl is the ultimate disguise, necessitated when he is pursued by gangsters bent on ending his life. Being a girl, has its downside, though, as Greg finds out when men take a liking to the young woman he has become.

In Wish Come True: Danny Miller's greatest wish is to be feminized. Withe the help of his living mother, Danny realizes his dream, but not without difficulties along the way to womanhood.

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    From Romance Noir - I staggered back away from the mirror, sitting down hard as the backs of my legs come up against the bed.

    No!... surely the pretty young woman who stared back at me from the mirror couldn't really be me? I was of the other sex... wasn't I?

    I noticed how my hair looked longer, fuller, full of body and shine... I know that i isn't possible but my hair seemed to have grown almost a foot in just a few hours.

    From Wish Come True - Mom looked at me, her expression serious.

    "Oh Danny, why, love? If only you had told me before! After your Dad waked out on us... the bastard, I would have given anything to have you not grow up as male, I couldn't have coped if you had turned out to be like him sweetheart.. I just couldn't."