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Mags Inc Novelettes is our other line of stories, written by some of the best authors in the genre. They are selected and edited by the same staff as Reluctant Press and so carry the same quality.

Products 769-780 of 1087
MARLAS MOODS eBook by Mardee Louise Prynne mags, inc, novelettes, crossdressing, transgender, transsexual, transvestite, feminine, domination
Price: $8.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: M358e -

    Read the sexy story of two closeted crossdressers as their lives intertwine.Eddie avoided showing as much as a hint of his femme persona except when he visited his sister. Even then it as never in public places but only at cocktail parties given by Leah for he close circle of friends...Marl was what the few friends he had growing up called him. It suited both Marlon and Marla; Marl was a safely androgynous name that didn't shout femme. Marla was equivocally a name reserved for females and as...

    LOOK THROUGH ANY WINDOW Part 1 eBook by Carollyn Faith Olson mags, inc, novelettes, crossdressing, transgender, transsexual, transvestite, feminine, domination
    Price: $8.00
    Availability: In Stock
    Item #: M356e -

      Danny MItchell was a shy, reserved teenager growing up in upstate New York. If it weren't for sports, at which he excelled high school would have been a bore.When a new family, the Robinson's moved in next door, Danny hoped to make friends with their son, Taylor, and have someone with whom he could share his boyish pursuits. But who is that girl he sees in the window across from his own bedroom?He slowly discovers the truth about Taylor and their relationship develops way beyond those "boyish...

      LOOK THROUGH ANY WINDOW Part 1 by Carollyn Faith Olson mags, inc, novelettes, crossdressing, transgender, transsexual, transvestite, feminine, domination, story, stories, fiction
      Price: $10.00
      Availability: In Stock
      Item #: M356 -

        Danny walked into the next room and came face-to-face with Robin. Their eyes met ad they goth smiled.Robin gave him a hug and whispered "thank you" in his ear. Robin stood about three inches shorter tan Danny since she was wearing black flats, but in heels they woul be equal in hight."You look fantastic," Danny stated, as he scanned Robin from head to toe. Her blonde hair almost reached her blouse collar and was flipped at the ends, and her blue eyes radiated with a light brushing of eyeliner,...

        LOOK THROUGH ANY WINDOW Part 2 by Carollyn Faith Olson mags, inc, novelettes, crossdressing, transgender, transsexual, transvestite, feminine, domination, story, stories, fiction
        Price: $10.00
        Availability: In Stock
        Item #: M357 -

          Danny watched Robin's every step towards him as if an angel was walking his way. He gave her father a hug and pat on the back before accepting Robin's hand. The ceremony lasted 30 minutes and included a sentimental sermonette by Pastor Espee combining God's love and loyalty to the church with Danny and Robin's love for one another. A big, gushy kiss followed the wedding vows and cheers filled the church when Pastor Espee introduced Mr. and Mrs. Danny Mitchell. ...

          LOOK THROUGH ANY WINDOW #1 and #2 by Carollyn Faith Olson mags, inc, novelettes, crossdressing, transgender, transsexual, transvestite, feminine, domination, story, stories, fiction
          Price: $18.00
          Availability: In Stock
          Item #: M356-M357 -

            Purchase both of the books in this series for a discounted price!

            LOOK THROUGH ANY WINDOW Part 2 eBook by Carollyn Faith Olson mags, inc, novelettes, crossdressing, transgender, transsexual, transvestite, feminine, domination
            Price: $8.00
            Availability: In Stock
            Item #: M357e -

              Danny watched Robin's every step towards him as if an angel was walking his way. He gave her father a hug and pat on the back before accepting Robin's hand. The ceremony lasted 30 minutes and included a sentimental sermonette by Pastor Espee combining God's love and loyalty to the church with Danny and Robin's love for one another.A big, gushy kiss followed the wedding vows and cheers filled the church when Pastor Espee introduced Mr. and Mrs. Danny Mitchell.

              CONSPIRACY THEORY eBook by Charlotte Johnson mags, inc, novelettes, crossdressing, transgender, transsexual, transvestite, feminine, domination
              Price: $8.00
              Availability: In Stock
              Item #: M354e -

                "Charlie", he began "Mum and Dad are still on me about who I will be taking to the wedding.""Well you will just have to go by yourself then, won't you?" I replied sleepily."But I don't want to, I want to go with you."What?" I asked incredulously, "so you are finally going to tell everyone about me?""No," he said more firmly, "that's not what I want at all. I want you to go as my girlfriend!"

                CONSPIRACY THEORY by Charlotte Johnson mags, inc, novelettes, crossdressing, transgender, transsexual, transvestite, feminine, domination, story, stories, fiction
                Price: $10.00
                Availability: In Stock
                Item #: M354 -

                  Adam was already sitting at the bar nursing a glass of lager as he chatted to the barman. Slowly, remembering every lesson that Mary had given to me, I walked towards him, my heels soundless on the plush carpet, my hips swaying in a most sultry way and watching as the barman nodded towards me indicating to Adam that I had arrived.Again I watched as Adam turned nervously towards me and the I grinned as his mouth feel open in abject surprise, shock flooding though his eyes as he jumped to his...

                  THE AVENGERS by Sarah Thorpe mags, inc, novelettes, crossdressing, transgender, transsexual, transvestite, feminine, domination, story, stories, fiction
                  Price: $10.00
                  Availability: In Stock
                  Item #: M352 -

                    He was scared and had no way of getting out of this situation. He was so nervous that he actually wet himself. Alicia started the execution by washing Robert clean. There had to be no trace of saliva anywhere in the room. This meant that she also had to wash the glasses used diring the meal. There couldn't be anything left that could point to Alicia. Then Alicia took out a large sharp knife and said: "I do this for the numerous women and girls you have destroyed in your miserable life. And to...

                    THE AVENGERS eBook by Sarah Thorpe mags, inc, novelettes, crossdressing, transgender, transsexual, transvestite, feminine, domination
                    Price: $8.00
                    Availability: In Stock
                    Item #: M352e -

                      He was scared and had no way of getting out of this situation. He was so nervous that he actually wet himself. Alicia started the execution by washing Robert clean. There had to be no trace of saliva anywhere in the room. This meant that she also had to wash the glasses used diring the meal. There couldn't be anything left that could point to Alicia. Then Alicia took out a large sharp knife and said: “I do this for the numerous women and girls you have destroyed in your miserable life. And to...

                      CHERYL, SWEET CHERYL eBook by Bebe Talons  mags, inc, novelettes, crossdressing, transgender, transsexual, transvestite, feminine, domination
                      Price: $8.00
                      Availability: In Stock
                      Item #: M351e -

                        I gazed at Cherleese's naked body approvingly for some moments, noting the budding breasts, the extremely narrow waist (just like Doreen's had been!) and the swell of feminine hips above beautiful legs and tiny, size six feet, the same as Doreen was. In fact, except for the one tiny detail, he was an almost exact duplicate of my late ex-wife!Right then and there, his future was sealed in stone! One way or another, he would become my Doreen's replacement in every way in my life! And I did mean...

                        CHERYL, SWEET CHERYL by Bebe Talons  mags, inc, novelettes, crossdressing, transgender, transsexual, transvestite, feminine, domination, story, stories, fiction
                        Price: $10.00
                        Availability: In Stock
                        Item #: M351 -

                          I gazed at Cherleese's naked body approvingly for some moments, noting the budding breasts, the extremely narrow waist (just like Doreen's had been!) and the swell of feminine hips above beautiful legs and tiny, size six feet, the same as Doreen was. In fact, except for the one tiny detail, he was an almost exact duplicate of my late ex-wife! Right then and there, his future was sealed in stone! One way or another, he would become my Doreen's replacement in every way in my life! And I did mean...