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Her TV - The Transvestite "heroine's" sexuality and/or romantic involvement is exclusively with genetic women (i.e., those born with all female parts). Sometimes there is some surgical enhancement for the main character in these stories, such as breast implants, but ultimately our main character keeps his male parts and at least some of his/her male identity.

New Woman - These stories involve an actual change of sex, either by surgery or by some other method, such as magical transformation or "new science." Sexual involvement may be with either men or women ...Sometimes both!

Adult TV - The crossdresser has some sexual or romantic involvement with a man, without having a sex change operation. We know this can be a difficult issue for some, which is why we created this category.

Young Adult - The story centers around a person under the age of 18. If you've fantasized about being raised as a girl, or being transformed into a little girl, this is the category for you. Stories in this category cannot have explicit sexual content for legal reasons, but they can still be quite exciting.

Spectrum - Two or more short stories from different classifications. "Spectrum" books are ideal for those who like variety and who also prefer the short story format.

Products 1393-1404 of 2222
Relucant Press Book Image
Price: $9.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: RP528 -

    "Nice to see you again, Mark. Are you ready for your debut?""What do you mean by that?""Why Mark, don't you remember? Last night you really hurt Vera's chances for a career and you volunteered to take her place tonight.""What? I can't go out there in front of the crowd. No one wants to her a a guy sing, especially an untrained bass who doesn't know the words."..."I'm glad you could make it, not that you had any choice. The drugs never fail and the spells have set you up for your debut as my...

    Relucant Press Book Image
    Price: $6.00
    Availability: In Stock
    Item #: RP528e -

      "Nice to see you again, Mark. Are you ready for your debut?""What do you mean by that?""Why Mark, don't you remember? Last night you really hurt Vera's chances for a career and you volunteered to take her place tonight.""What? I can't go out there in front of the crowd. No one wants to her a a guy sing, especially an untrained bass who doesn't know the words."..."I'm glad you could make it, not that you had any choice. The drugs never fail and the spells have set you up for your debut as my...

      Relucant Press Book Image
      Price: $10.00
      Availability: In Stock
      Item #: RP527 -

        When I woke, I found I was wearing one of Trudi's nightgowns. I didn't remember putting it on, but when I had to go to the bathroom, I automatically grabbed the matching robe and slipped my feet into the high heel slippers.In the daylight, the mirrors didn't hold the fear they had when I was trapped by them the previous night. I went to the bathroom, then looked at my reflection in the mirror. There was still some makeup on my face that I hadn't gotten off the night before, so I completed the...

        Relucant Press Book Image
        Price: $6.00
        Availability: In Stock
        Item #: RP527e -

          When I woke, I found I was wearing one of Trudi's nightgowns. I didn't remember putting it on, but when I had to go to the bathroom, I automatically grabbed the matching robe and slipped my feet into the high heel slippers.In the daylight, the mirrors didn't hold the fear they had when I was trapped by them the previous night. I went to the bathroom, then looked at my reflection in the mirror. There was still some makeup on my face that I hadn't gotten off the night before, so I completed the...

          Relucant Press Book Image
          Price: $10.00
          Availability: In Stock
          Item #: RP526 -

            I lay there and waited for her to continue to explain, but she just sat there looking at me; her expression calculating. Eventually she said, "Ms Weaver was due to undergo sex reassignment surgery in theater 1 and yourself a hernia operation in theater 3. It seems that there was some confusion with your notes and as such you were taken to the wrong theater.""No! Surely you don't mean to tell me that I have had a sex change operation?""I'm afraid, Mr. Ryan, that is exactly what has...

            Relucant Press Book Image
            Price: $6.00
            Availability: In Stock
            Item #: RP526e -

              I lay there and waited for her to continue to explain, but she just sat there looking at me; her expression calculating. Eventually she said, "Ms Weaver was due to undergo sex reassignment surgery in theater 1 and yourself a hernia operation in theater 3. It seems that there was some confusion with your notes and as such you were taken to the wrong theater.""No! Surely you don't mean to tell me that I have had a sex change operation?""I'm afraid, Mr. Ryan, that is exactly what has...

              Relucant Press Book Image
              Price: $9.00
              Availability: In Stock
              Item #: RP525 -

                On the way home, Trevor became more aggressive After pulling out of the parking lot, he placed his hand on Denise's knee. She didn't know what to do. She didn't want to offend him and place possible business in jeopardy. She didn't want to encourage him either. She sat quietly and left his hand there. He parked the car in the adjoining lot and opened the doof for her. He insisted on escorting her to the door.As Denise opened the door, TRevor practically forced his way in side. Before she knew...

                Relucant Press Book Image
                Price: $6.00
                Availability: In Stock
                Item #: RP525e -

                  On the way home, Trevor became more aggressive After pulling out of the parking lot, he placed his hand on Denise's knee. She didn't know what to do. She didn't want to offend him and place possible business in jeopardy. She didn't want to encourage him either. She sat quietly and left his hand there. He parked the car in the adjoining lot and opened the doof for her. He insisted on escorting her to the door.As Denise opened the door, TRevor practically forced his way in side. Before she knew...

                  Relucant Press Book Image
                  Price: $10.00
                  Availability: In Stock
                  Item #: RP524 -

                    At seven in the morning, Ruth lay in bed thinking, "I would imagine Stella has butterflies in her stomach," she thought. She ran her plans over in her mind. The future looked to be on course. Hadn't she forced her views on poor Stella and forced her into female clothes? Ruth shortly would be leaving to go to London on business. For Stella, or David, exams were soon to take place and after that would come his eighteenth birthday. Ella and her husband would be asked if David could join her...

                    Relucant Press Book Image
                    Price: $6.00
                    Availability: In Stock
                    Item #: RP524e -

                      At seven in the morning, Ruth lay in bed thinking, "I would imagine Stella has butterflies in her stomach," she thought. She ran her plans over in her mind. The future looked to be on course. Hadn't she forced her views on poor Stella and forced her into female clothes? Ruth shortly would be leaving to go to London on business. For Stella, or David, exams were soon to take place and after that would come his eighteenth birthday. Ella and her husband would be asked if David could join her...

                      Relucant Press Book Image
                      Price: $10.00
                      Availability: In Stock
                      Item #: RP523 -

                        Poor Peter! He really is a nice boy, but too obedient to a fault.I don't know how Judith does it. She seems to spot a minor feminine trait in a young man and, before he knows it, he's a she - at least in dress and behavior. I won't pretend that I like men, I don't. But he's a real sweetie and I feel a little sorry for him, being able to see what's in store, and soon! Judith doesn't mess around, once she sees that there is a weakness there, she goes for the jugular. Nice lady. Great boss, but...

                        Relucant Press Book Image
                        Price: $8.00
                        Availability: In Stock
                        Item #: RP523e -

                          Poor Peter! He really is a nice boy, but too obedient to a fault.I don't know how Judith does it. She seems to spot a minor feminine trait in a young man and, before he knows it, he's a she - at least in dress and behavior. I won't pretend that I like men, I don't. But he's a real sweetie and I feel a little sorry for him, being able to see what's in store, and soon! Judith doesn't mess around, once she sees that there is a weakness there, she goes for the jugular. Nice lady. Great boss, but...