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Her TV - The Transvestite "heroine's" sexuality and/or romantic involvement is exclusively with genetic women (i.e., those born with all female parts). Sometimes there is some surgical enhancement for the main character in these stories, such as breast implants, but ultimately our main character keeps his male parts and at least some of his/her male identity.

New Woman - These stories involve an actual change of sex, either by surgery or by some other method, such as magical transformation or "new science." Sexual involvement may be with either men or women ...Sometimes both!

Adult TV - The crossdresser has some sexual or romantic involvement with a man, without having a sex change operation. We know this can be a difficult issue for some, which is why we created this category.

Young Adult - The story centers around a person under the age of 18. If you've fantasized about being raised as a girl, or being transformed into a little girl, this is the category for you. Stories in this category cannot have explicit sexual content for legal reasons, but they can still be quite exciting.

Spectrum - Two or more short stories from different classifications. "Spectrum" books are ideal for those who like variety and who also prefer the short story format.

Products 1261-1272 of 2222
597 MAID FOR LIFE by Norman Way mags, inc, reluctant, press, transgender, crossdressing, transvestite, feminine, domination, crossdress, story, fiction
Price: $9.00
Availability: In Stock
Item #: RP597 -

    That evening after I showered, I sat down and opened the book she had given me. The title was "A Maid's Guide to Serving Techniques". The book was divided into four sections. The first dealt with the various types of uniforms, how they were worn and cared for. The second section was about a maid's demeanor and proper conduct: the way a maid walks as well as how to execute a proper curtsy, to speak only when spoken to and to answer the maid's bell promptly. The third section was about setting...

    597 MAID FOR LIFE eBook by Norman Way mags, inc, reluctant, press, transgender, crossdressing, transvestite, feminine, domination, crossdress, story, fiction
    Price: $6.00
    Availability: In Stock
    Item #: RP597e -

      That evening after I showered, I sat down and opened the book she had given me. The title was "A Maid's Guide to Serving Techniques". The book was divided into four sections. The first dealt with the various types of uniforms, how they were worn and cared for. The second section was about a maid's demeanor and proper conduct: the way a maid walks as well as how to execute a proper curtsy, to speak only when spoken to and to answer the maid's bell promptly. The third section was about setting...

      596 THE TRANSGENDER MENACE eBook by Dee Dee Perri mags, inc, reluctant, press, transgender, crossdressing, transvestite, feminine, domination, crossdress, story, fiction
      Price: $6.00
      Availability: In Stock
      Item #: RP596e -

        "I'm not doing this just because asked me. I'm doing it for all of us.""Huh?""I can't speak personally for all the girls but..." She began to tear up and then she rushed over and put her arm tightly around me and kissed me on the cheek. "Thank you! Thank you!""For what?" I could hardly breath she was hugging me so tight and I could feel her tears soaking into my much abused suit coat. She said something more but the cloth muffled her voice. "What did you say?""Your invention.""Come again?"She...

        596 THE TRANSGENDER MENACE By Dee Dee Perri mags, inc, reluctant, press, transgender, crossdressing, transvestite, feminine, domination, crossdress, story, fiction
        Price: $10.00
        Availability: In Stock
        Item #: RP596 -

          "I'm not doing this just because asked me. I'm doing it for all of us." "Huh?" "I can't speak personally for all the girls but..." She began to tear up and then she rushed over and put her arm tightly around me and kissed me on the cheek. "Thank you! Thank you!" "For what?" I could hardly breath she was hugging me so tight and I could feel her tears soaking into my much abused suit coat. She said something more but the cloth muffled her voice. "What did you say?" "Your invention." "Come...

          595 THE PRINCESS By Philippa Peters mags, inc, reluctant, press, transgender, crossdressing, transvestite, feminine, domination, crossdress, story, fiction
          Price: $10.00
          Availability: In Stock
          Item #: RP595 -

            Gendrick stopped and turned me partly to face the cheering crowds. "Let's give them one more moment to savor," he said, putting his free hand about my waist and pulling me to him. He kissed my shocked lips and so I was caught with my mouth partly open. I went rigid as he kissed and kissed me and I could hear a huge roar of people shouting and laughing, laughing at me, I was sure. I don't know why I had closed my eyes but I had and when he let me go, I reeled, shivering with shame and fright....

            595 THE PRINCESS eBook by Philippa Peters mags, inc, reluctant, press, transgender, crossdressing, transvestite, feminine, domination, crossdress, story, fiction
            Price: $6.00
            Availability: In Stock
            Item #: RP595e -

              Gendrick stopped and turned me partly to face the cheering crowds. "Let's give them one more moment to savor," he said, putting his free hand about my waist and pulling me to him. He kissed my shocked lips and so I was caught with my mouth partly open. I went rigid as he kissed and kissed me and I could hear a huge roar of people shouting and laughing, laughing at me, I was sure. I don't know why I had closed my eyes but I had and when he let me go, I reeled, shivering with shame and fright....

              594.PHOTOGRAPHERS DELIGHT eBook by E. B. Stevenson mags, inc, reluctant, press, transgender, crossdressing, transvestite, feminine, domination, crossdress, story, fiction
              Price: $6.00
              Availability: In Stock
              Item #: RP594e -

                "Do you hope to marry a man someday?" I asked her. "I've dreamed of finding a husband since I first put on an article of feminine clothing. Even while I was growing p, I had dreamed of being a beautiful, blushing bride. Now that I'm living my dream of being a woman, I feel that I am one step closer to that dream coming true," she replied. "I've dreamed of marrying a beautiful woman since I was a young boy. However, I was never able to meet her back in Missouri. Even though I considered it at...

                594.PHOTOGRAPHERS DELIGHT By E. B. Stevenson mags, inc, reluctant, press, transgender, crossdressing, transvestite, feminine, domination, crossdress, story, fiction
                Price: $9.00
                Availability: In Stock
                Item #: RP594 -

                  "Do you hope to marry a man someday?" I asked her. "I've dreamed of finding a husband since I first put on an article of feminine clothing. Even while I was growing p, I had dreamed of being a beautiful, blushing bride. Now that I'm living my dream of being a woman, I feel that I am one step closer to that dream coming true," she replied. "I've dreamed of marrying a beautiful woman since I was a young boy. However, I was never able to meet her back in Missouri. Even though I considered it at...

                  593 N.Y.P.D. TRANNY By  Jennifer Lauren mags, inc, reluctant, press, transgender, crossdressing, transvestite, feminine, domination, crossdress, story, fiction
                  Price: $10.00
                  Availability: In Stock
                  Item #: RP593 -

                    "I'm reporting for duty, sir. Captain Lewis said that..." "I don't know what Captain Lewis told you, but we have a full roster here at the 41st." Captain Sharp told her. "I don't understand." Shauna said, incredulously. The captain took a drag on his cigarette and eyed Shauna closely. "What were you expecting to do here, Miss Elliot?" he asked. "I don't know. I was hoping to get posted to Robbery or Narcotics..." Captain Sharp chuckled amusingly. "As I said, Miss Elliott, I have no positions...

                    593 N.Y.P.D. TRANNY eBook by  Jennifer Lauren mags, inc, reluctant, press, transgender, crossdressing, transvestite, feminine, domination, crossdress, story, fiction
                    Price: $6.00
                    Availability: In Stock
                    Item #: RP593e -

                      "I'm reporting for duty, sir. Captain Lewis said that..." "I don't know what Captain Lewis told you, but we have a full roster here at the 41st." Captain Sharp told her. "I don't understand." Shauna said, incredulously. The captain took a drag on his cigarette and eyed Shauna closely. "What were you expecting to do here, Miss Elliot?" he asked. "I don't know. I was hoping to get posted to Robbery or Narcotics..." Captain Sharp chuckled amusingly. "As I said, Miss Elliott, I have no positions...

                      592 TV COMPETITION eBook by  Monica James mags, inc, reluctant, press, transgender, crossdressing, transvestite, feminine, domination, crossdress, story, fiction
                      Price: $6.00
                      Availability: In Stock
                      Item #: RP592e -

                        A delightful and erotic journey back to the New Orleans we remember from growing up, complete with jazz and shemales of all kinds. Our heroine is an up and coming jazz artist who appears as the Dis-n-Dat Kid, but the lovely transvestites of Buck 'n' Al's bring her brand new adventures and romance of a different kind. Adventure and sexy encounters abound!

                        592 TV COMPETITION By  Monica James mags, inc, reluctant, press, transgender, crossdressing, transvestite, feminine, domination, crossdress, story, fiction
                        Price: $10.00
                        Availability: In Stock
                        Item #: RP592 -

                          A delightful and erotic journey back to the New Orleans we remember from growing up, complete with jazz and shemales of all kinds. Our heroine is an up and coming jazz artist who appears as the Dis-n-Dat Kid, but the lovely transvestites of Buck 'n' Al's bring her brand new adventures and romance of a different kind. Adventure and sexy encounters abound!