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Mags Inc Novelettes Paper Copies

In addition to Reluctant Press, Mags Inc publishes its own line of novelettes regarding stories of transformation, crossdressing, sissy maids and transsexuals from the romantic to the mysterious. Many of them are sexy some are innocent, all are entertaining.

Products 321-336 of 536
Derailed by Jeri Ellen mags, inc, novelettes, crossdressing, transgender, transsexual, transvestite, feminine, domination, story, stories, fiction
Price: $10.00
Availability: In Stock
Mags Inc Item #: M408 -

    Louis Carley is an unassuming young man who is not interested in a blue collar job like his father. He becomes a promising journalism student and gets noticed by local media outlets for his reporting skills. He is given a summer internship in England by a tabloid on the condition that he discretely investigate the disappearance of a number of men associated with Laura Wentworth, a very successful British financier.Just before leaving England for home, he is abducted, blackmailed and...

    Vivian by Bebe Talons mags, inc, novelettes, crossdressing, transgender, transsexual, transvestite, feminine, domination, story, stories, fiction
    Price: $10.00
    Availability: In Stock
    Mags Inc Item #: M407 -

      Vivian blanched, but did as he had been ordered. Well he knew the penalty for refusal, a sound smack-bottom on the bare and then be forced to sit on the man's lap anyway! Grandmother had twice subjected him to such an ordeal in Vivian's memory and he did not wish a third exposure. His rouged lips creased in a forced smile, Vivian slipped into the man's lap and draped an arm around the man's neck. As he had known would happen, His Lordship's one hand began to caress the tops of his thighs while...

      Inside & Out - A Woman by Eleanor Darby Wright mags, inc, novelettes, crossdressing, transgender, transsexual, transvestite, feminine, domination, story, stories, fiction
      Price: $9.00
      Availability: In Stock
      Mags Inc Item #: M405 -

        One look at the stunned expression on Paul's face, inches from mine, removed all doubt that I'd presumed too much, as a girl, or overreached myself. He was as stunned as I was. Yet the desire for me, (for me !), was clear on his face, just as I had imagined that it would be some day. Our next kiss was even more rapturous than the first and drew him across the sofa right on top of me. Every nerve was on fire as my body became engaged in the chaotic tumult of my longing for him. My ears roared....

        Inside & Out - A Woman part 2 by Eleanor Darby Wright mags, inc, novelettes, crossdressing, transgender, transsexual, transvestite, feminine, domination, story, stories, fiction
        Price: $9.00
        Availability: In Stock
        Mags Inc Item #: M406 -

          Paul took out a little box that instinctively I knew was an engagement ring. "No, Paul!" I gasped again, trying to gain control of my wavering emotions. "I'm not marrying you! You know I'm not a woman. You must have seen that in the hospital!" Paul got up, his face a mask, his angular chin jutting forward. He came towards the desk. I tried to shrink back into my chair, my hands gripping the silk of my dress tightly, though what defence that would have been, I've no idea. ...

          Inside & Out - A Woman parts 1 & 2 by Eleanor Darby Wright mags, inc, novelettes, crossdressing, transgender, transsexual, transvestite, feminine, domination, story, stories, fiction
          Price: $17.00
          Availability: In Stock
          Mags Inc Item #: M405-M406 -

            Both Inside Out - A Woman books for only $18.00!

            Feminized at the Office #1 by Patricia Michelle mags, inc, novelettes, crossdressing, transgender, transsexual, transvestite, feminine, domination, story, stories, fiction
            Price: $10.00
            Availability: In Stock
            Mags Inc Item #: M402 -

              High flying stock broker gets in deep financial trouble, so he hires a woman specialist to turn the company around. She, however, has her own plans.She says she can bring in 4 women clients each with 10 million in with her if he signs a contract which puts her totally in charge. Which he eagerly does. Too late he discovers the 4 women hate men and the only way to bring them is to turn him into a her.To accomplish this he�s sent to The Conover Institute that specializes in totally feminizing...

              Feminized at the Office #2 by Patricia Michelle mags, inc, novelettes, crossdressing, transgender, transsexual, transvestite, feminine, domination, story, stories, fiction
              Price: $10.00
              Availability: In Stock
              Mags Inc Item #: M403 -

                The newly christened Cherri, failing to meet her goals, is demoted to junior broker, then failing at that it�s decided she�s best suited to be the maid.She's sent back to The Conover Institute and trained as a maid with duties that include servicing men in various ways. Returned to the office, she becomes the full time maid of the women in charge.Salvation presents itself when two of the other employees decide to form their own company and offer her the position of company receptionist and...

                Feminized at the Office Parts 1 and 2 by Patricia Michelle mags, inc, novelettes, crossdressing, transgender, transsexual, transvestite, feminine, domination, story, stories, fiction
                Price: $18.00
                Availability: In Stock
                Mags Inc Item #: M402-M403 -

                  Both Feminized at the Office books for $18.00!

                  Creme ou Cafe by Bebe Talons mags, inc, novelettes, crossdressing, transgender, transsexual, transvestite, feminine, domination, story, stories, fiction
                  Price: $10.00
                  Availability: In Stock
                  Mags Inc Item #: M400 -

                    Shyly, Mark raised his eyes and gazed at the rounded femininity seated before him. Her face showed her African heritage and he saw that she was the same black from head to toes, except between her toes and deep between her legs, she was pink! Her firm, proud breasts with their erect nipples stood upright and solid. Her slim waist flowed into lyre shaped hips that crept downward to her perfect thighs, calves and feet.Mark swallowed nervously as he stared at her worshipfully. He cleared his...

                    IMPERSONATOR by Gabrielle Johnson mags, inc, novelettes, crossdressing, transgender, transsexual, transvestite, feminine, domination, story, stories, fiction
                    Price: $10.00
                    Availability: In Stock
                    Mags Inc Item #: M398 -

                      Sanity intruded on my thoughts. What was I thinking? She was a drag queen, wasn't she? A drag queen was a guy. She was a guy, my little Barbara, the blonde cutie I'd rescued in the bar by accidentally breaking her g-string and touching her emerging privates. So it was a very bad idea to go and see if I could find her, see if I could get her to kiss me again and see if it still seemed the same as it had when I kissed the lovely bride in my arms, I recalled her wonderful girlie fragrance and the...

                      MORE TRICKS OF THE TRADE by Carollyn Faith Olson mags, inc, novelettes, crossdressing, transgender, transsexual, transvestite, feminine, domination, story, stories, fiction
                      Price: $10.00
                      review-star review-star review-star review-star review-star
                      Availability: In Stock
                      Mags Inc Item #: M397 -

                        A follow-up to the instructional book Tricks of the Trade M328. More Tricks gives further insight into makeup, dressing, passing and photography. If you are a crossdresser, a transgender person thinking about transition, or anything in between, you need this book.

                        REASSIGNED by Jerri Ellen mags, inc, novelettes, crossdressing, transgender, transsexual, transvestite, feminine, domination, story, stories, fiction
                        Price: $10.00
                        Availability: In Stock
                        Mags Inc Item #: M396 -

                          Jason Lambert spends the summer after high school graduation working undercover for a sheriff's department in a neighboring county where he helps them bust a major pot ring. Following his first year in criminal justice he is recruited by the FBI to work undercover as a feminized male dancer to help them catch a serial killer. He not only catches one, but a second one as well. However in his feminized state he has fallen in love with the woman she works for. Instead of going back to his former...

                          MASKS by Bebe Talons mags inc, crossdressing stories, transvestite stories, female domination stories, sissy maid stories
                          Price: $10.00
                          Availability: In Stock
                          Mags Inc Item #: M395 -

                            I glance into the mirror... god! I looked positively immoral and decadent and as sexy and as stunning as I have ever seen myself. My nipples stiffened and traced suggestive bumps in the lace when I moved! And I could just make out the shadow of my ersatz feminine sex at the juncture of my ivory thighs! "My good Goddeth, girl!" Lana breathed in awe. "You are fanabulouth!" "Yeah, not bad at all!" Lynda added. "Ok. Enough admiring the view. Thith gown still needth to be finithed. You!" Lana...

                            YOUR TURN TO BE THE WIFE by Gabrielle Johnson mags, inc, novelettes, crossdressing, transgender, transsexual, transvestite, feminine, domination, story, stories, fiction
                            Price: $10.00
                            Availability: In Stock
                            Mags Inc Item #: M394 -

                              It must have been an hour before we eft the Ladies' Room. The supper was over, the cleanup in full throttle, and wine being poured. Speeches were being given by voices that weren't female even though they came from the mouths of very pretty women. "I need to speak to my friends, the judges," Guy said as I clung to his arm, this being the only way to get properly out of the place. He kissed me. He was right about how the drugs made me feel. Oh I had to keep on doing that, kissing him, as I felt...

                              TRAPPED by Jeri Ellen mags, inc, novelettes, crossdressing, transgender, transsexual, transvestite, feminine, domination, story, stories, fiction
                              Price: $10.00
                              Availability: In Stock
                              Mags Inc Item #: M393 -

                                 Looking in the vanity mirror I wasn't surprised to see a very pretty girl looking back at me. I was proud of the woman I had become, certain any woman would be jealous of the way I looked. Holding my hands up in front of me I examined my long, glamorous pink fingernails before I picked up the tube of pink lipstick, removed the cover and turned up the base. Leaning forward I pushed the tube hard against my full lips and applied a generous coat of the bright pink makeup. The doorbell rang...

                                ENIGMATIC LADIES by Mardee Louise Prynne mags, inc, novelettes, crossdressing, transgender, transsexual, transvestite, feminine, domination, story, stories, fiction
                                Price: $10.00
                                Availability: In Stock
                                Mags Inc Item #: M390 -

                                  When successful businessman David Morris is contacted by an old friend, Gwen, he remembers how close they had been at one point. With an eye to reawakening their relationship, he agrees to look up her brother, Phil to help him get up to Cambridge on his way to visit her. When he sees Phil again after many years he sees that the once soft and effeminate boy has become even more so. Over time his relationship with the boy becomes more intimate as Phil becomes Philly and then Phillipa. ...

                                  Mags Inc is the last of the publishers dealing with the subjects of crossdressing, forced feminization, transgender and more. We have been in existence for over 25 years and now own many of the older lines once published by the likes of Reluctant Press, Empathy Press and many others. If you like this fiction, this is the place to come.