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Mags Inc Novelettes Paper Copies

In addition to Reluctant Press, Mags Inc publishes its own line of novelettes regarding stories of transformation, crossdressing, sissy maids and transsexuals from the romantic to the mysterious. Many of them are sexy some are innocent, all are entertaining.

Products 273-288 of 536
Mags Inc Novelette Story Cover
Price: $10.00
Availability: In Stock
Mags Inc Item #: M468 -

    "We're going to fight for you tomorrow." "Fight for me?" Gene nodded, "Yep winner takes all." "You mean a fist fight?" Gene shook her head. "Naw, running Deer ain't that stupid! He's seen my use my firsts before. Nope we'll use knives. I got my trusty ol' Arkansas Toothpick, so I ain't a bit worried. Wa'l, not too much," she amended hastily. "Heavens! What if he wins?" "then he gets you. At any rate, I'll be dead so I won't be able to heop you!" "You mean he intends to kill you?" Gene nodded....

    Mags Inc Novelette Story Cover
    Price: $10.00
    Availability: In Stock
    Mags Inc Item #: M467 -

      "You were drunk! You attacked me! You wanted a good night kiss and more! You tried to put your hand under my pajama top! You wanted sex! Don't you remember? I had to physically knock you out!"Ryan rubbed his jaw. "No wonder my jaw is swollen. I couldn't figure why." He didn't mention his swollen groin and testicles."I'm so pissed off at you! I have already talked to Tobin about what happened! You are now on the company shit list! What you did to me is unacceptable! He wants both of us to fly...

      Mags Inc Novelette Story Cover
      Price: $10.00
      Availability: In Stock
      Mags Inc Item #: M466 -

        I didn't have to think and feel that I was a girl, a real girl, when I became Tiffany, Leanne or Carolyn, when I was at the Mill Works. Perhaps it was because I was so new to dressing completely as a girl. I mean, girl's clothing was so enervating when I put on pretty underwear, never mind all the things I did to my legs and hair, and my 'breasts' and 'clit', to resemble a girl.Being Millie, the first girl I 'blended in' as, full-time, I didn't even think about trying to be real. From the...

        Mags Inc Novelette Story Cover
        Price: $10.00
        Availability: In Stock
        Mags Inc Item #: M465 -

          It was definitely Marian, but a drastically changed Marian! He was wearing a beautiful fairy princess satin gown complete with a magic wand clutched in his painted fingernails and a twinkling tiara atop his blonde curls. His eyes were outlined in dark kohl, his cheeks were a pink from blusher, his lashes heavily mascara'd, lush, long and gorgeous! His lips had been carefully outlined with red pencil and filled in with a bright pink lipstick. From his obviously pierced lobes hung golden hoops...

          Mags Inc Novelette Story Cover
          Price: $10.00
          Availability: In Stock
          Mags Inc Item #: M464 -

            Diana said, "You're going to be one of us," signalling for me to shift my crossed, stockinged legs to one side. "Yes, the Exotic is always looking for new dancers and new staff, Leanne. You'll fit in, after the girls and me have worked on you for a while. You'll need a new name, though. How about Tiffany Yes, Tiffany Scott, with that strawberry blonde hair you have. "Think about it, darling, think about it a lot! Tiffany Scott, exotic dancer, will have all kinds of questions to ask about the...

            Mags Inc Novelette Story Cover
            Price: $10.00
            Availability: In Stock
            Mags Inc Item #: M463 -

              "Oh stop it Paulie. You love wearing panties for me... now don't you? And don't you dare embarrass me in front of my favorite lingerie salesgirl." And what was I to say, but, "Yes dear, I love making you happy."And Monique interrupted with, "And what dear?" So what else could I say but, "And I do like wearing your panties for you." And I turned beet red.Monique told me, "Yes, and I think you love wearing panties for yourself. And Marcy I hope can help fit you. You should have enough pairs for...

              Mags Inc Novelette Story Cover
              Price: $10.00
              Availability: In Stock
              Mags Inc Item #: M462 -

                "Anyway I began to watch you when you thought you were unobserved and the more I saw, the more I was intrigued. The afternoon you and William were sitting, bare chested with your tiny swimsuits and bare footed, by the pool with a naked Beth Sprawled on her blanket where you could see every movement, I was struck by your smooth, feminine musculature and and skin."I thought you were quite beautiful and later, I spoke with Beth about it and she showed me your year book."So, I started watching you...

                Mags Inc Novelette Story Cover
                Price: $10.00
                Availability: In Stock
                Mags Inc Item #: M461 -

                  XV. Terri Puts in An Appearance Oh, Kevin, you really are such a nice guy! Okay, I am going to believe that you really were asleep and in some strange, zonked-out state when you made love to me so many times on our wedding night. Oh, I did, at the end, Kevin, feel like a woman. Oh, and I felt like a bride with her husband. Oh, and you were my husband, Kevin, and you had sex with your wife, me, Terri, so wonderfully. Yes, I've been dreaming of it again, ever since you became my roommate. ...

                  Mags Inc Novelette Story Cover
                  Price: $10.00
                  Availability: In Stock
                  Mags Inc Item #: M459 -

                    "Am I your girl?" she asked in a whisper as we edged our way past the card tables towards the blackjack tables."You could be," I said, amazed again that such a feminine sparkling creature could be anything but female.I smiled down at Terry, she smiling back so sweetly, in such a girlie fashion, at me. She hung tightly on to my arm, just as any girl would have. She did look so like a woman. It wasn't just me. So I'd been fooled. I shouldn't be thinking anything was wrong with me just because I...

                    Mags Inc Novelette Story Cover
                    Price: $10.00
                    Availability: In Stock
                    Mags Inc Item #: M458 -

                      "See girls. He not only looks feminine but he acts just like a girl too. Don't you think he is just the most perfect little sissy boy you have ever seen?"The answer to Sharon's question was another round of laughter and giggles.In the course of the evening I sipped my wine in a lady like fashion while the girls gossiped and talked about many things. When the third bottle of wine was finished the girls got up to leave."Jennifer, before the ladies leave please show them how adept a sissy boy...

                      Mags Inc Novelette Story Cover
                      Price: $10.00
                      Availability: In Stock
                      Mags Inc Item #: M457 -

                        "Miss Helman... Maggie, before we go any further, there's something I have to discuss with you.""Lay it on me, little girl!" Maggie giggled. "Tell me there's a boyfriend in your life that will break my heart and I'll scratch your eyes out!" she threatened, giggling."This is serious, Maggie. Can you come over?""Right now?""Yes if it's convenient.""Be there in twenty minutes, baby girl. And in case you missed it earlier, I love you!" and the line went dead in Joy's hand Angry tears stung her...

                        Mags Inc Novelette Story Cover
                        Price: $10.00
                        Availability: In Stock
                        Mags Inc Item #: M456 -

                          "Where are we going tonight?""I kinda thought we'd stay home and watch telly," I answered dubiously."I watched the danged telly all week!" she objected. "There's this club I heard about from one of the locals that's devoted to the horsey set and I would like to see that! It has always interested me." she explained."What? Riding a horse?" I asked dubiously.She laughed. "No silly, of course not. It's not that kind of club.""Well what is it then?""It's people who pretend they're horses in harness...

                          Mags Inc Novelette Story Cover
                          Price: $10.00
                          Availability: In Stock
                          Mags Inc Item #: M455 -

                            "Here's your half," said Carlotta as we rode back at noon from our 'tryst' with Dan. "Burn it!" I said to her as the cabbie's eyes looked at me in the rear view mirror and made no attempt to disguise my voice. That was what probably drew his attention. "Now, now, darling," laughed Carlotta. "Don't be like that. I never got extra tips before like Dan was showering on you. I think we made fifteen hundred between the two of us for one night, and we had breakfast as well." "And Dan had desert," I...

                            Mags Inc Novelette Story Cover
                            Price: $10.00
                            Availability: In Stock
                            Mags Inc Item #: M454 -

                              "So you tried to get Christine to back off?" said Marisa."But I didn't scare her," wailed Shirley. "She loves it all, all the dresses and showing off her legs in tights and stockings. She sleeps in nighties as well, I know. Jeff talks about her all the time as if she's really his girlfriend.""She is," said Marissa.There was pain in the other woman's face. "So, now I wait it out," said Shirley. "If I can get Jeff to see her for what she really is. She's never going to be a woman after all. But...

                              Mags Inc Novelette Story Cover
                              Price: $10.00
                              Availability: In Stock
                              Mags Inc Item #: M453 -

                                He just couldn't imagine himself living as a man. Sooner or later this "conundrum" as one internet source described it, was going to get the better of him. He shuddered to think about what that would mean. No one knew what death was but was it really preferable to living this way?Being stuck in the wrong body was no way for him to spend the rest of his life, but on the other hand, he hadn't been able to find many options, however he knew he had to keep trying or he was going to go crazy. Three...

                                Mags Inc Novelette Story Cover
                                Price: $10.00
                                Availability: In Stock
                                Mags Inc Item #: M452 -

                                  The worst thing of all had been my breasts. I'd re-examined myself in the bathroom that night and again the following morning. It was quite clear that I had little mounds behind my nipple, real and fleshy.When I squeezed myself just lightly, the cleavage that I thought came from taping instantly appeared. I had a bra that pushed on me from the sides. When I put it on, I almost threw up as I looked at myself and all I saw in my mirror was a pretty, blonde girl, her hair in sleeping pigtails,...

                                  Mags Inc is the last of the publishers dealing with the subjects of crossdressing, forced feminization, transgender and more. We have been in existence for over 25 years and now own many of the older lines once published by the likes of Reluctant Press, Empathy Press and many others. If you like this fiction, this is the place to come.