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Mags Inc Private Label of Collected Short Stories  Volume 3 by Various Authors mags inc, Reluctant press, crossdressing stories, transgender stories, transsexual stories, transvestite stories, female domination, Vikki Everett
Price: $9.00
Availability: In Stock
Mags Inc Item #: M162 -

    Dating Game by Stella Satin, in which a small man signs up for a program that is supposed to improve his chances of getting a date. The technique is nothing he ever could have imagined. Stacy�s Room by Rosie, a young man goes to visit his girlfriend, but in order to stay in her apartment, her roommate enforces more and more stringent rules of the dress code kind. Invasion of Privacy by Maureen Glasgow, two women break into a mansion owned by a rich man and proceed to introduce him to...

    April Book #1 by Michelle Scott mags inc, Reluctant press, crossdressing stories, transgender stories, transsexual stories, transvestite stories, female domination, Michelle Scott
    Price: $9.00
    Availability: In Stock
    Mags Inc Item #: M177 -

      Back in his condo, Kevin went into his study, and pulled out a box he hadn't opened since he married Wendi. It was filled with magazines, Transformation, Dragazine, Girl Talk, Tapestry and Crossroads. He began thumbing through them, but after a short time felt uncomfortable. Something was wrong. Then he remembered. He'd bought the magazines for Kim, and it had been Kim who had read them, seeking information about how she could become real.Kevin put the magazines back in their box and then got...

      April Book #2 by Michelle Scott mags inc, Reluctant press, crossdressing stories, transgender stories, transsexual stories, transvestite stories, female domination, Michelle Scott
      Price: $9.00
      Availability: In Stock
      Mags Inc Item #: M178 -

        Friday, after the meeting with April at her desk, Peter returned to his office trying to hide an erection. He'd been successful in keeping April from noticing, but Elizabeth saw him and giggled.She gave the man a minute to collect himself, went to his office and closed the door."Peter, I couldn't help but observe that you find April attractive." Sitting at his desk, the man laughed and threw up his hands, "God, Beth, I'm going nuts.""I know; she's developed into quite the love bunny. But I...

        April Book #3 by Michelle Scott mags inc, Reluctant press, crossdressing stories, transgender stories, transsexual stories, transvestite stories, female domination, Michelle Scott
        Price: $9.00
        Availability: In Stock
        Mags Inc Item #: M179 -

          Duke took her hand. Three minutes later they were in Duke's suite on the seventeenth floor. As the door clicked shut, the man turned to April and pulled her into his arms. The blind came willingly and when their pips met it was like the kiss from weeks before had never stopped. Her arms moved up encircling his neck and she arose on tiptoes, pressing her lips and chest to his.Duke's hands caressed the rounded tip of her rear. He relished the kiss and found the idea that she was part male and...

          April Book #4 by Michelle Scott mags inc, Reluctant press, crossdressing stories, transgender stories, transsexual stories, transvestite stories, female domination, Michelle Scott
          Price: $9.00
          Availability: In Stock
          Mags Inc Item #: M180 -

            Later, after Beth had parked, walking down the sidewalk, April was uneasy as she heeled on a leash and let Beth guide her into a hole in the wall bar. The sign over the door was a sitting black cart, it was grinning. April followed Elizabeth in and stood, at heel position, while the older woman paid the cover. The woman at the door was dressed in tight black leather, vest and pants, and it appeared nothing else. She had short gray hair that betrayed her age and contrasted with her dark red...

            April All Four Parts by Michelle Scott mags inc, Reluctant press, crossdressing stories, transgender stories, transsexual stories, transvestite stories, female domination, Michelle Scott
            Price: $30.00
            Availability: In Stock
            Mags Inc Item #: M177-188 -

              Purchase all four April Books for only $30.00 and save!CrossdressingTransgenderHormones

              Weekend Captives by Sandor Shaw mags inc, novelettes, crossdressing stories, transgender, transsexual, transvestite stories, female domination, Sandor Shaw
              Price: $10.00
              Availability: In Stock
              Mags Inc Item #: M199 -

                Back in the stall Brian struggled momentarily with his bonds but the chains were strong; he had picked them out himself. He could barely move an inch in either direction and there was no escape. He tested the strength of the chains over and over again but to no avail as the minutes passed on.Suddenly he heard footsteps outside the stall door and froze. Someone was standing there reading the sign that Martha had hung. He heard a chuckle and then the door opened. "Oh this is kinky," a...

                Practical Lee a Woman by January Snowdon mags inc, novelettes, crossdressing stories, transgender, transsexual, transvestite stories, female domination, Max Swyft
                Price: $10.00
                Availability: In Stock
                Mags Inc Item #: M195 -

                  In any event, I had a feeling that your male cute looks would easily be transformed into a woman's. I was right, so that was the easy part. Clothes came next, another easy fix. My being a big girl, we're about the same size. The hard part was really your acceptance!"Lee then said, "Y,know, Anne, if anyone else had suggested this, I would have said, 'Hell no!' and kicked like mad. But it was you, my closest friend, next to Troy. And since I'll be working where everybody'll know... I could have...

                  The Switch by Sarah Thorpe mags inc, novelettes, crossdressing stories, transgender, transsexual, transvestite stories, female domination, Sarah Thorpe
                  Price: $10.00
                  Availability: In Stock
                  Mags Inc Item #: M194 -

                    The make-up artists went to work right away. All the way they explained what they did and why. Slowly the faces turned from male to female and vice versa. Our friends watched in amazement what was going on. Brett watched the man being made up into a woman. He paid close attention to what was going on and asked lots of questions. Finally only the wig remained. It was placed on the man's head and tightened. It was brown and reached down to the man's shoulders. It was combed out and the man was...

                    Bully for You! by Laurie Selkirk mags inc, novelettes, crossdressing stories, transgender, transsexual, transvestite stories, female domination, Tiffany Mellis
                    Price: $10.00
                    Availability: In Stock
                    Mags Inc Item #: M192 -

                      The more he noticed, he began to feel inwardly slightly intimidated. He was not afraid for her, yet he was almost in awe of her. Chris's day-to-day demeanor had not changed, but he began to feel somewhat submissive to her. Dana was not dominated, but automatically he self-sublimated himself to this new Chris. He gradually comforted himself, not being an envious or competitive man, to be her counterpart; a true complement. Plainly put, without precisely stating so to himself, Dana felt...

                      A Very Special Job by Sarah Thorpe mags inc, novelettes, crossdressing stories, transgender, transsexual, transvestite stories, female domination, Sarah Thorpe
                      Price: $10.00
                      Availability: In Stock
                      Mags Inc Item #: M191 -

                        Next morning Harald came down to breakfast dressed in a skirt and a blouse. On his feet he had a pair of flats. His face was made up for daytime and he wore his blonde medium length wig. Both mother and sister liked what they say. "What do you call yourself as a girl?" his sister asked. "I call myself Hanna.""That's not a proper name for a Norwegian girl." his mother said, amongst us your name will be Hanne. That's the proper Norwegian version of that name."Harald understood that his mother...

                        The Quest Part 1 by Genevieve Just mags inc, novelettes, crossdressing stories, transgender, transsexual, transvestite stories, female domination, Genevieve Just
                        Price: $10.00
                        Availability: In Stock
                        Mags Inc Item #: M188 -

                          At precisely 9, I entered the unlocked door of the room that Samantha had indicated to me earlier. It was dimly lit, only by several large candles that burned on metal chalices in the corners. A large black leather padded horse, similar to one used by gymnasts sat in the center of the room. It stood about 36" high and rested on chrome metal legs. There were two metal eye-bolts at the top of the horse protruding through the leather at the ends and several more trimming the legs - one every...

                          The Quest Part 2 by Genevieve Just mags inc, novelettes, crossdressing stories, transgender, transsexual, transvestite stories, female domination, Genevieve Just
                          Price: $10.00
                          Availability: In Stock
                          Mags Inc Item #: M189 -

                            From the moment Jim had driven away from Samantha's house, I couldn't stop thinking about him... I was finally starting to think that maybe I was meant to be a woman all along. The feelings that were overwhelming me now, had just been buried under so many men's suits and business tie's that I had forced myself to wear far too long.

                            The Quest Part 3 by Genevieve Just mags inc, novelettes, crossdressing stories, transgender, transsexual, transvestite stories, female domination, Genevieve Just
                            Price: $10.00
                            Availability: In Stock
                            Mags Inc Item #: M190 -

                              "Your skin is already softening young lady. It doesn't take long at this dosage! Do you feel warm at all?"I shook my head yes as best I could."It's just the effect of the hormones compounded with the heat of the laser that removed your body hair. It'll pass," he added. Then he pulled up my nightgown and tugged down my nylon panties. "These will begin shrinking rather rapidly after today. If you have trouble urinating we will have to install a catheter, but they are not much fun. But I think...

                              The Quest Parts 1,2,3 by Genevieve Just mags inc, novelettes, crossdressing stories, transgender, transsexual, transvestite stories, female domination, Genevieve Just
                              Price: $27.00
                              Availability: In Stock
                              Mags Inc Item #: M188-190 -

                                A Family Affair by Sarah Thorpe mags inc, novelettes, crossdressing stories, transgender, transsexual, transvestite stories, female domination, Sarah Thorpe
                                Price: $10.00
                                Availability: In Stock
                                Mags Inc Item #: M186 -

                                  They arrived at the shop just as it opened on a Saturday morning. BEa took her son straight to the young girl department and started to look around. She soon found something she liked and that might look good on Larry. She took the garments and dragged Larry into a fitting room to try them on. They were all a perfect fit. When Larry was asked to give a comment , he just mumbled something unintelligible. Bea decided to buy them all. "This will be a good start on your feminine wardrobe," she...