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Thomas Blankenship, the heir to an iron mill fortune during civil war times has two burning desires. The first is to fight for the Union and the second is to become a woman, and he comes up with a plan. As Lucinda he attaches himself to a Union company and helps assist the men in many life saving ways, even ultimately finding a way to act as a spy against the Confederates.

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    On a cold winter's day in December, Mrs. Pember called Lucinda into her office.

    "The last prisoner exchange is happening this afternoon. You need to get to Rocketts landing by 4:00 to board the boat. It will take you back north to Washington D.C. and you will be able to rejoin the Union Army afterwards. I could have let you go in any of the exchanges, as Colonel Taylor instructed, but you were such a valuable nurse that I was selfish and wanted to keep you as long as I could. I rationalized it by knowing that you were also helping those prisoners on Belle Isle. I will miss you, Lucinda Fairchild, or whatever you name really is. Please see me after the war. From what I hear after another battle like Fredricksburg, the North will soon give in and give us our independence."