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This is a science fiction yarn about the relatively near future, when science has accidentally created a new sub-species of human via a special device. It could turn any man or woman into an over-sexed female, a Beta, but it doesn't stop there. Those new beings once pregnant, could pass that fetus onto a male which would also alter that person to becoming a Gamma, half man and half woman. Poor Bill, he just found out he was pregnant!

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    "Damn it, Cindy, I am a...

    "A what? Do you have any idea what a GAmma is? You were a man once. No longer. Get that through your head. In the old days, there were men and there were women and officially, one was either one of the other."

    "And that's no longer true?"

    "Billy Jo, you are not male nor are you female. You are a GAmma. End of story. Come on, let's finish this tour so I can go to my room and soak these poor feet."