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Mike Brown never thought of himself as anything other than a normal, heterosexual man. After all, he was married, wasn't he? Yet when confronted by an indecent proposal involving a little black dress and proposed by the fabulously wealthy Jack Merchant for which he would pay $200,00. What would he chose? His choice alters his life forever.

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    "Do you kiss like a woman or do you not?" Jack Merchant asked me, showing the whites of his teeth again.

    "Not," I said then as he kissed me. His hand was on the center of my bare back as he pulled me close to him and crushed my mouth with his. His other hand was about my waist. He almost choked the breath out of me as he hugged me'; my thighs and stockings came right against him. 

    It was a fierce kiss, one that seemed to impale him in my mouth and I'm sure that the was his intent. I could get away. I couldn't get free. I couldn't stop the feelings flooding through me making me weak at the knees. A man was kissing me as if I was a woman and he intended to. His lips moved and he gently swayed me as he seemed to be enjoying himself.