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When Sgt. Shawn Elliot and his team raid a warehouse one cold night, he had no idea his whole life was going to be changed in an instant. Wounded by a shotgun blast, doctors race against time to save his life. When he awakens a week later, he is given an unenviable choice: living out the rest of his life as an asexual, sexless anomaly, or undergo sex reassignment surgery and begin a totally new life as a woman. What path will Shawn choose? Could he continue as a police officer and what kind of treatment will he face in this hyper-masculine environment?

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    "I'm reporting for duty, sir. Captain Lewis said that..."

    "I don't know what Captain Lewis told you, but we have a full roster here at the 41st." Captain Sharp told her.

    "I don't understand." Shauna said, incredulously. The captain took a drag on his cigarette and eyed Shauna closely.

    "What were you expecting to do here, Miss Elliot?" he asked.

    "I don't know. I was hoping to get posted to Robbery or Narcotics..."

    Captain Sharp chuckled amusingly.

    "As I said, Miss Elliott, I have no positions at this time. I may have a patrol position opening p in a month or two. Right now, what I need is a secretary. If you help me outwith this, maybe in a couple of months when I get my regular secretary back, I can see what I can do for you."

    "I see." Shauna said weakly. Her hands were beginning to shake. So what's it going to be Miss Elliott? Can you help me out?"