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E.B. Stevenson brings us three stories of emerging womanhood: In Discovering Stephanie, Stephanie comes out to her family. The Emergence of Christy, details the transformation of Christy; she has a supportive boss who becomes her boyfriend. In The Arrival of Angela, Amber has a hard time adjusting to the fact that her brother, Andy, is becoming her sister, Angie. But others are more than supportive...

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    E.B. Stevenson brings us three stories of emerging womanhood: In Discovering Stephanie,  Stephanie comes out to her family. The Emergence of Christy, details the transformation of Christy; she has a supportive boss who becomes her boyfriend. In The Arrival of Angela, Amber has a hard time adjusting to the fact that her brother, Andy, is becoming her sister, Angie. But others are more than supportive...