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We know how even ultraviolet light can change DNA structure, causing damage and skin cancer. If a ray can cause damage, then, why not other kinds of changes?

A young man of somewhat ambiguous sexual identity meets the science of transformation; a ray powerful enough to change DNA. But becoming a girl has some unexpected consequences.

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    "Ah - It's just speculation mind you. Nothing is certain at this time. The series of psychological tests we conducted this morning might be critical."


    "Yes." He looked at his watch. "In another hour you'll go through the whole battery again. If my hunch is right, your central nervous system will be... ah... feminized long before the somatic changes are completel How if we are done for the moment, Mr. Hornsblyth, I have to go."

    "Doc? A feminized brain? That really is science fiction right? I mean nobody really knows... I read that the differences between the brains of men and women are small and who knows if those tiny differences are even significant? I mean what about the nature-nurture thing huh, you know, environmental influences?"