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When a female co-worker disappears, an up-and-coming male vending machine salesman takes over her home, bank account and life. Slowly he finds himself becoming her. Soon he is Trudy and discovers his true self in the process.

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    When I woke, I found I was wearing one of Trudi's nightgowns. I didn't remember putting it on, but when I had to go to the bathroom, I automatically grabbed the matching robe and slipped my feet into the high heel slippers.

    In the daylight, the mirrors didn't hold the fear they had when I was trapped by them the previous night. I went to the bathroom, then looked at my reflection in the mirror. There was still some makeup on my face that I hadn't gotten off the night before, so I completed the process and went downstairs for breakfast.

    For some reason I didn't find it at all odd that I was wearing a nightgown and robe to breakfast , with the heels of the slippers clacking on the wood floors. I also didn't find it odd that I could navigate while wearing heels, especially going down steps.

    It was only after I had finished dressing - putting on the women's slacks, socks, flats, and menswear styled top that I noticed what I had been doing. I started shaking. "What's going on?" I said, my voice cracking. I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths. When I was able to look at myself in the mirror, I decided that I could still pass as a fairly straight guy.