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Reluctant Press Novelette Cover

Aaron wakes up one morning to discover that his anatomy has become completely female. From head to toe, Aaron is now a total hottie. That would turn anyone's life upside-down, yes? It only gets stranger from there, however.

As Aaron/Erin is to find out, the women of his family has some amazing powers that he was previously unaware of. Turns out his sister Susie is the one who pulled the diabolical trick on him. Oh, the magical insanity doesn't end there, however. I said that magical abilities run on the female side of the family, didn't I? Well, while Erin the new girl is discovering that being a sexy young woman has its advantages, we are discovering that his mysterious Aunt Agnes also has some incredible powers of her own, which his mother implores her to use to help control her two warring offspring. Yes, things get VERY complicated in the Roberts household.

Price: $7.00

    Item #: RP1254e
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    • Forced Transformation
    • Female Domination
    • Adult Sexual Situations