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Reluctant Press Novelette Cover

Absent-minded teen that he is, Terry had procrastinated on housing for the upcoming college semester. At this late date, the best they can do is refer him to Janet, a student who has a spare room in her off-campus apartment. Terry is reluctant to have a male roommate but the desperate boy promises he will do all the chores and anything else Janet requires to get the room. Under those terms, Janet agrees.

Terry soon discovers, however, that Janet would still prefer to live with another woman, even if she has to transform Terry into one. Not wanting to go back on his word to do whatever it took to stay in the apartment, Terry reluctantly agrees to some mild feminization. Terry is very much anjoying his new clothing and look. Janet really loves Terry becoming Beverly. Eventually, Janet decides that it is time for the world to see her bewitching new roomie.

Price: $8.00

    Item #: RP1228e
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    Crossdressing, Forced Feminization, Female Domination, Adult Sexual Situations